DUST 514 RP Discussion and Resources > DUST 514 Character Development

[Character] Kador Ouryon

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Kador Ouryon:
I also had to shorten the story itself basically to weed out all of the current stuff [as the given plot ends when Kador became an immortal] also cut some personal content, and the plot relevant information about the Ouryon Family including the family tree itself.

Once I've done some editing to make it more readable I might have to put it into a readable format to finalise it.

Lyn Farel:
Marriage is fundamental, as it would be expected from such a society. There is an extensive bit on that in the Amarr epic arc.

Well, at least for Holders. For commoners, that's probably a lot more diverse and less codified.

Denak Kalamari:
Lovely work as always. It's always a pleasure to read more of Kador!


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