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That small colony hangars cannot have comprehensive hangar security systems due to the need to scramble forces quickly? (The Burning Life p. 78)

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Author Topic: [Character] Aria Jenneth  (Read 16586 times)

Aria Jenneth

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[Character] Aria Jenneth
« on: 10 Jul 2010, 01:05 »

CONCORD DED Public Capsuleer Datasheet
Name: Aria Sujui Jenneth
DED Callsign: Aria Jenneth
Unofficial Callsign: "Vesper"
Blood Type: O+
Age: chronologically, 34 standard years; physically, 26 standard years
Height: 1.48 meters (4'10")
Weight: 36.7 kg. (81 lbs.)
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: black
Political Alignment: Unaligned (with history of Caldari Patriot support)
Date of Birth:  11.6.82
Place of Birth: Sukuuvestaa Launch Complex 351, Achura
Employment History: Wiyrkomi Honor Guard; Kumiho's Smile; Synenose Accord; Ghost Festival; Omerta Syndicate; APEX Unlimited

Status: under investigation
DED Charges: clonejacking / unauthorized activation (not filed)
> possible unauthorized, damaged clone or botched clonejack with apparent extensive loss of memory and identity.

DED Threat Assessment: low
Notes: Though potentially extremely dangerous if she returns to old habits, Aria Jenneth presently exhibits no significant piratical tendencies and has apparently embarked on a career as a journalist and travel writer.

Personality Assessment: humble, especially compared to her past self, compassionate, and intensely inquisitive. This is either a complete reset of the original's personal experiences or the nicest clonejacker ever. Nevertheless, she is potentially deadly due to extensive capsuleer combat capabilities, deeply-ingrained moral relativism, and a demonstrated willingness to take life. She has no firm loyalties, but is subject to the influence of those around her. If her "writing career" lands her in pirate company, Threat level should be raised appropriately.

Physical Assessment: the recent Aria Jenneth has discontinued high-level maintenance of her clones. She maintains an exercise regimen consisting solely of long, meandering walks, and has not continued her practice of martial arts or gymnastics. Consequently, she has lost muscle mass. Unless armed with a firearm or piloting a warship, she should not be considered physically dangerous.
*varies according to clone

[The following information would be easily uncovered by anyone caring enough to go looking, found either in public records or relatively unsecured databases]

Aria Jenneth was born on Saisio III towards the end of Year 82 to an Achur homemaker named Yumiko Sujui and a Civire immigrant and Sukuuvestaa spaceport hand, Sarth Jenneth. Yumiko's record indicates two name changes: the excision of her family name about the time of her marriage to Sarth in Year 81 and its restoration in Year 91. Yumiko officially lost the "Jenneth" family name at that time, though Aria's surname was never changed. The address records indicate a block of poor tenements that no longer exist.

Most of Sarth Jenneth's employment records have been redacted, though the date of termination from his job, the 21st of March, Year 90, coincides with Yumiko's death that same evening. Official records list "domestic violence" as the cause.

It appears that Aria's grandfather, Latro Sujui, took custody of her April 23, Year 91; her status up to that point is listed as "corporate ward." The Sujui clan apparently runs a large and well-funded temple complex dedicated to the Shuijing sect of the Achura faith, a monkish sect whose core tenets are the illusory nature of the universe and the wholehearted search for and embrace of truth over illusion. Aria does not appear to have remained there for more than a few months at a time, having instead attended a succession of expensive girls' boarding schools. She does not appear to have attended any of those for longer than a few months, either. The reason for this is obscure; her academic marks and ranking in a monk's physical training are both in the top 2%.

Sarth Jenneth was executed under Sukuuvestaa-Saisio corporate law on the 8th of July, Year 101. His daughter entered the State War Academy in August of that same year, still bearing his name.

As a pilot, Aria's most notable accomplishment to date has had nothing to do with piloting. Her philosophical bent and literally religious dedication to "truth" as she sees it led her to inquire deeply into the nature of the capsuleer. She has published her musings on the IGS as the "Children of Naught" collection of writings.

The reasons for Aria's past service to the Angel Cartel are somewhat unclear. She and her friend (one of perhaps three people she addresses as "suuolo") Kyoko Sakoda left Omerta Syndicate to found Ghost Festival as an "experimental" corporation in the Cartel's service, but, aside from Omerta Syndicate's brief association with the Cartel just prior to their departure, Aria seems to have had little or no obvious contact with the Cartel prior to this time. She has described the Cartel as "appropriate to" her nature, hinting at a sympathy for the Cartel's efficient ruthlessness, but again, it's not clear what sort of loyalty this sympathy gave rise to.

Likewise unclear are her reasons for murdering her grandfather and benefactor, Latro Sujui, whom she apparently killed on the 28th of October, Year 110, during a visit home at the end of a brief service with the State Protectorate. The circumstances of the old monk's death in a sparring match seem to lend themselves to interpretation as an accident, yet Aria always insisted that it was murder. The existence of an outstanding (and probably unenforceable against a capsuleer) arrest warrant on Saisio III suggests that the Peace and Order Unit agrees with her interpretation.

[Further information to be added later, though certain requirements will be necessary for it to be useable as IC knowledge. This will be listed ahead of the spoiler bar, so that those who do not wish to know what their character would not will have fair warning.]

School record excerpts.
[spoiler=motivation to pry and Sukuuvestaa 3.0, Caldari State 9.0, or Hacking 3]Jenneth, Aria: Predictable trouble fitting in, emotional problems. Academically solid. Kind, but careless of others' feelings. Highly competitive, but seems unsatisfied with just winning. Strong need to demonstrate ability.


Frankly, I think she hates it here and is trying to get herself expelled.


Intendant, I apologize for disturbing you with this again, but I want to stress my concerns about Ms. Jenneth. Today I once again failed to catch her harming Ms. Onida, much like last week, and the week before that. It has gotten to the point where if I hear one of my girls scream, I know two things: first, that Ms. Jenneth has done something, and second, that I will never learn what.


... has come a long way in proving herself to her peers, and it's been weeks since I've heard anyone hiss the word "halfbreed," but she doesn't seem to do well at making friends. I can see her trying to open up, but it's like she can't string twenty words together without a barb. There's a perversity to her that she can't seem to suppress even when it makes her miserable.[/spoiler]

State War Academy evaluation excerpts
[spoiler=motivation + SWA 5.0, Caldari State 9.0, or Hacking 4]Jenneth-haani continues to integrate well with the capsule rig. She's demonstrated excellent perceptive ability and the sort of will we generally find only in the particularly driven "type A's," as well as strong mnemonic and analytical skills. She's a loner, however, even for an Achur, and keeps her teammates at a professional distance. Our main concern is a near-pathological obsession with intellectual and tactical superiority; Jenneth is rarely satisfied with tactical circumstances merely working in her favor, aiming instead for overwhelming advantage. As a result, her tactics are over-cautious and inflexible. She generally seeks to render herself "untouchable," sacrificing the "good" in search of the "perfect." This may be a problem if the need arises to pit the trainee against other capsuleers.

Jenneth personally comes across as harsh and cold-blooded. She seems to compartmentalize to a high degree, and will express sympathy to a comrade we are washing out while declaring that same individual "unfit" a few minutes earlier or later. She does not appear to have any very strong sense of honor. This may make it difficult for her to establish lasting bonds with her fellows.

Another concern: we do not believe that Jenneth-haani has recovered psychologically from her father's death, and have gone on-record saying that inducting her into the Academy at that time was unwise. What effect this is having we cannot be sure of, but it is likely fueling her more aberrant behaviors.


I've read the psychologists' reports, yes. Actually, based on those, what more do you want from a good covert ops pilot?[/spoiler]

The Shuijing Sect
[spoiler=Achura (automatic knowledge) or motive to research]The Shuijing, or "Crystal," sect is one of the largest of the Achura faith's seemingly endless supply. It may also be one of the oldest; its leaders claim a history reaching back into the misty depths of time. The accuracy of these claims is difficult to gauge, partly because one of the sect's core precepts (a common one among Achur sects, confusing the problem of effectively tracing sect history still further) is the active pursuit and embrace of new information. As a result, sect teachings conceptually incorporate everything from semiotic theory to neurochemistry to quantum entanglement.

The sect's core teachings focus on the fundamental unreality of the self and the ultimate unity of the universal totality. According to these teachings, the universe is, in truth, a single, seamless whole in which all things are inherently connected to the point where individual "things," including the practitioners themselves, are illusions of the mind. The Shuijing are therefore also one of the least spiritualistic of the Achur sects, treating stories of spirits, gods, and ancestors as metaphor-laden teaching tools, rather than any kind of literal truth. It is a common observation among practitioners that, even if the Creator or various other gods and demons did exist, they would merely be other parts of the Totality.

The sect thereby seems to split the difference between pantheism and atheism, treating the universe itself as its one model for divinity-- a divinity, however, that is less a divine judge and guide than a sort of spiritual landscape which it is the practitioner's duty to attempt to perceive and conform to the contours of.

It is from this latter concept that the sect derives its concept of morality: to act properly, a practitioner should attempt to obtain a feel for the flow of the universe by observing events in the context of her own social duties. That context can shift sharply, depending on the practitioner's social position and personal capabilities. Going beyond one's own position to attempt to modify the social order (at least without a sheaf of scientific evidence to show conformity to the universe's flow) is seen as deeply arrogant and offensive due to the disruption that such revolts cause. As a result, the sect's outlook is socially very conservative.

Shuijing monks are not required to be celibate (sex, in fact, is sometimes put forth as a method of meditation), and many temple compounds are run by family dynasties of monks. Despite their doctrinal disinterest in the material world, religion is a profitable line of work on Saisio, and many such families, especially the ones attached to famous and historically significant temples, have become quite wealthy. The wealth is rarely openly visible, but can be seen in the quality of education, hand-crafted possessions (limited in number but high in quality) and other services such families can afford. It is worth noting that monkish households in this and other Achur sects have produced a sizeable proportion of Achur capsuleers.

As with all Achur sects, the Shuijing monks train heavily in the martial arts. The sect characterizes the "soul" as being the totality of all that makes up a "person," including flesh, spirit (if such exists; present thought within the sect leadership is skeptical), interpersonal relationships, and even ecological impact. The punchline, of course, is that a person's "soul" is indistinguishable from that of the Totality itself, but that's a hard line on which to start a practitioner's studies, so the concept of a "soul" survives, if only as a teaching tool. The goal of physical training within the sect is therefore to break down the barrier between mind and body, to perfectly unite will to physical movement and thereby pierce the illusion that divides them-- and, ultimately, to extinguish the will itself, leaving only the pulse of the universe.

Naturally, this is a goal reached by very few. Whether the Shuijing masters (there are twenty-three, at present) are wise teachers (a true rarity, considering the sect's standards for wisdom) or frauds playing at enlightenment is apt to depend on whom you ask, but their influence within the sect, and perhaps the wider society, is undeniable.[/spoiler]

Zainou Biotech customer notes
[spoiler=motivation and Zainou Biotech 7.0 or Hacking 5]General specifications for care: High-fitness nutrient mix. Muscle toning to be maintained through nerve-twitch stimulation. Hair length to be maintained at 50 cm from nape of neck, forelock at 17 cm from peak of forehead. Clones to be maintained in identical condition insofar as is possible; scar and fault removal during inactivity okay.

Emergency clone: sigma grade. AA-certified cadavers or osteoplastic required for all aspects. Infertile.

Special notes: maintain with emergency clone 10 grams "Silla green" tea and Silla red stoneware pot and cup (traditional design; see attachment for image). Contact Sukuuvestaa subsidiaries for import and bill client as necessary. Prepare and leave with paperwork upon emergency clone activation.  Do not approach or speak with client post-cloning.

Addendum: client has placed one "special request," which was granted, and has been responsible directly or indirectly for two medical incidents requiring surgery.

Indulge as convenient or profitable.[/spoiler]

Caldari Navy internal report
[spoiler=motivation and Caldari Navy 9.0]
Investigator Omada Hagai
Office of Internal Security
Motsu VII-6 CNLS

Security Chief Urman Dovane
Office of Internal Security
Motsu VII-6 CNLS


You asked me to look into the unusual security forces gathered by Pod Captain Aria Jenneth and to determine whether they pose a threat to station security. I can report that they do not presently pose such a threat without extensive additional support.

Captain Jenneth's security personnel are organized in two closely-associated groups: physical body guards and a technical support team. The bodyguards are actually the smaller group, selected from among the ranks of former corporate military special forces. Pay is quintuple average for similarly-experienced capsuleer security, and hiring is conducted personally by Jenneth's personal assistant, a Deteis, Reina Davasi. Those hired are invariably experienced Caldari veterans with one or more specific citations in their records for patience, professionalism, and ruthlessness. Either Jenneth or Davasi appears to consider these qualifications mandatory. Their typical deployment is loose: zero to two obvious bodyguards, plus a further six to twelve scattered within twenty to fifty meters.

The technical team has a similarly elite background, mostly intelligence community techs and system analysts, all of them with combat support experience. Their equipment includes a broad array of scanners and surveillance devices, mostly home-grown Caldari work but a few I believe are Angel Cartel technology. Their focus is early detection and local environmental control, and they've erected a techie's playground of security devices in her holdings on-station. Elsewhere, they've penetrated our security grid, apparently with C&C's tacit approval, sufficiently to raise alarms, close blast doors, and trigger automated defenses.

All in all, Jenneth's security has the profile of a black ops team defensively deployed. This sort of force could pose a threat to station security if we did not know about them. The capsuleer's been very open with us about her security arrangements, and permits us to monitor them, although she can also monitor our activities in her immediate vicinity and around her holdings. Whoever it is she's afraid of, it's probably not the Caldari Navy.

About that: an initial inventory of Jenneth's activities and behavior suggested a paranoid recluse, but her preparations are too focused and her apparent contact with others is too frequent for her to fit that profile. She doesn't shun social contact with everyone, just with non-capsuleers. Her security arrangements, focused on scanning and situational control, also seem to suggest fear of determined individuals rather than an institutional enemy. Based on the public statements we have on file, it looks like Jenneth is uncomfortable with public perception of pod captains.

The bottom line, sir, is that it looks like her security arrangements are meant to detect and prevent attack by a determined member of the public. She could repurpose the teams here for assassination or sabotage, but not with us watching them; if there's trouble with her people, it'll probably be someone she's got on staff at another station, transferring in. It might be worth keeping an eye on the employment records of arriving passengers, but really I don't expect a problem. For a pirate, this one doesn't seem to have much problem with authority, and ours is the authority protecting her.

Omada Hagai
Caldari Navy Internal Security[/spoiler]

Zainou Biotech cloning log
[spoiler=personal receipt of copy, or motivation + Zainou Biotech 9.0 or State Protectorate 9.0]Eha II
State Protectorate Logistic Support
Medical Subdivision 2
Cloning bay 11

Start log
Time / date: 00:00:00 2/10/117
***initiating timed revival***
00:00:21 Retrieving archive – done
00:00:28 Verifying clone viability – done
00:00:42 Verifying neural viability – done
00:00:45 Verifying neural download connection – done
00:00:46 Verifying burner integrity – done
00:00:52 Accelerating clone metabolism - done
00:10:14 Downloading archive – 37%
00:10:15 Terminating download – FAILED
00:10:16 Terminating clone – FAILED
00:10:23 Legal division alerted.

***Automated shutdown unresponsive. Advise immediate manual termination***

00:10:35 Don’t touch that switch, lad. Not if you fancy your pretty brain-meats.
00:10:41 That’s right, just ease away.
00:10:58 Now: welcome the capsuleer back into the world, nice and simple. Just another client. Look at the revival notes, just like always. See? She likes tea. Order her some tea.
00:11:12 She’ll be disoriented. Help her out of the tube.
00:11:15 Don’t talk—just do it.
00:11:23 You don’t want this kind of trouble, and neither does your girly down in engineering, cephalon echo section.
00:11:41 Good man. Get her to the shower.
00:11:52 Just another confused egger. Follow the protocol.
00:11:58 Huh-uh. Do not say a fucking thing.
00:12:17 Good. When she’s settled, you can go ahead and send her this log. Don’t cut it short; the important bit’s yet to come. You get it ALL if you want to keep your parietal lobe next to your corpus callosum, you get me?
00:12:33 Clone activation successful. Have a nice day!
00:12:42 To: Aria Jenneth
00:12:42 From: old friends
00:12:42 Subject: Gotcha!
00:12:42 Dear Ms. Jenneth,
00:12:42 It’s so cute that you thought you could get outside our reach. Well, you might have been able to slip our net yourself, but we did manage to find those resource caches you had squirreled away. Quite a nice ISK value here.
00:12:42 Consider it all forfeit.
00:12:42 You fuck with us, we fuck with you. See you around.
End log[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: 23 Apr 2015, 08:25 by Aria Jenneth »


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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jul 2010, 01:57 »

School record excerpts. Prerequisites: motivation to pry and Sukuuvestaa 3.0, Caldari State 9.0, or Hacking 3
I like the way you went about this part... nice idea.  I might actually work on fleshing one of these out for Havo, now.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jul 2010, 09:47 »

That's such a cool idea.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jul 2010, 16:30 »

Aw. Thanks, you two.

I'll be adding more to this as I get time. There's nothing that brings out my creative impulse quite like having something else that I really ought to be doing.

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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #4 on: 10 Jul 2010, 19:17 »

There's nothing that brings out my creative impulse quite like having something else that I really ought to be doing.

ain't that the truth.
like, right now, I should go finish cleaning my kitchen, but I want to work on Nikita's backstory topic and do the thing with the spoiler tags now.
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Morwen Lagann

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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #5 on: 10 Jul 2010, 23:16 »

Definitely loving the idea for IC access control, Aria - will use this when I get around to putting up my own profile.

Also yes, you really should be studying for that exam at the end of the month. :P
Lagging Behind

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2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #6 on: 11 Jul 2010, 00:08 »

I can smell a trend coming on.

Also sheesh Aria you look so much like a Noh mask it's creepy `o`
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Aria Jenneth

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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #7 on: 11 Jul 2010, 00:12 »

Cramming is subject to a law of diminishing returns, Morwen. Try to keep it up for eight weeks and you'll have the all the knowledge retention of a brick within a few days. That being the case, I pace myself.

Well, actually, the program I'm in does the "pacing" for me. I've got a schedule to follow, and stick to it about as closely as I'm expected to.

The main danger for me in paying attention to Eve stuff is that I risk getting distracted, which can virtually ruin a day's work. There's something about puzzling through Angel Cartel culture that's just so much more attractive than civil procedure, IE, who in a lawsuit can try to do what in which order under what circumstances, you know?

Ember Vykos

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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #8 on: 13 Jul 2010, 23:26 »

Yeah. Going on record that the spoiler idea is pure awesome, and I`ll probably incorporate that into mine when I start updating it.

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon


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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #9 on: 18 Jul 2010, 09:48 »

Ah, Jenneth.  :lol:

We've shared some interesting times and arguments, that's for sure.

Always have loved the concept of the character, even if we don't get along IC.  :P

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #10 on: 28 Aug 2010, 16:26 »

New edit: Caldari Navy internal security has a few thoughts on their sometime guest.

I'll try to add these a little more often.


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Re: [character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #11 on: 29 Aug 2010, 18:50 »

I like the way you went about this part... nice idea.  I might actually work on fleshing one of these out for Havo, now.
While it is a great idea; it is not particularly difficult to gain access to these through other people/characters.

Oddly enough, a T2 research character (given the motivation) has access to all of those aside from the last one which is a CN report.  The CN report can be gotten from various sources.

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Re: [Character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #12 on: 29 Aug 2010, 18:54 »

Well, were it my background stuff, couched in this way, I would consider it as successful as it is possible to be if people's characters are interacting and trading favors to use their access to find this stuff out. Right?


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Re: [Character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #13 on: 29 Aug 2010, 21:39 »

... ya... but then is it really good interaction if one of my characters can turn to the other and say "Go get this?"

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Re: [Character] Aria Jenneth
« Reply #14 on: 29 Aug 2010, 21:40 »

I don't know that quite everyone happens to have those characters - even the research ones.
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