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That ship crews only perform cleanup, maintenance, and lower-order operations on ships? (The Burning Life p 31)

Author Topic: Not at all a epic story  (Read 740 times)

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Not at all a epic story
« on: 10 Jun 2016, 23:37 »

As soon as Jamert opened the door the refreshing stench of dryweed welcomes him . The scent drags the tired Fedmart employee into the dark room as the door slides closed behind him. lifting him out of his shoes and dragging him closer to a bright light at the other side of this room. As he comes closer he passes by a couch with a a young Vherokior frozen like a statue with a extravagantly made Water pipe clutched in his right hand. The Vherokior eyes are glued to this bright light, Jamert collapses into a nearby armchair and let his exhaustion wash over his body. the light starts to fade into a picture, A man and a woman sitting down behind a sleek modern desk. Then int he bottom right there is the words "The Scope".

Between the two and the holo-screen is a small glass table covered in magazines. Some about Midnclash circuits and some about suggestive content. The Vherokior then moves his head to face Jamert before returning it towards the Holo-screen "How was work bro?" he then extends the water pipe towards him to which Jarmert reaches over for. Before Jamert leans back into his chair with the water pipe in his hands he grabs a small lighter off the glass table "Same old bro..."

The Vherokior's name was "Junlin", Jarmert's friend for life. While the two nowhere near blood related, they consider each other brothers. Grown up together at a early age, the two developed a unbreakable bond as the two had each others back for the longest. Helping each other cheat on tests in middle school, being there for each other when their girlfriend broke up with them, getting beat up together and far more that only strengths their friendship. They wanted to put their bond to the ultimate test and move out of their parent's homes and rent a apartment  out for both of them so they can depend on each other in the adult world.

The Scope currently had on its two stars, Lina Ambre. They had them about the recent events in NULL security space and the recent independent status the network has received Ten minutes pass of complete silence before Junlin speaks up with a bizarre and sudden question "Dude..Would you bang Lina Ambre?". Jamert is caught off guard by this questions and begins running it though his brain to process a honest response. He ponders deeply on this question "Would he bang Lina Ambre?", Yes? No? Maybe? He looks towards the screen to examine the projection of the woman in question and can't bring himself to say "for sure" as he finds her hair to be a turn off. He responds to his good friend with a confident "...Ehhh" and shrug. Junlin looks at his good buddy with a puzzled look, he then leans forward pushes further with the question "So..if Lina Ambre came up to you and wanted the D you would be hesitant?". Jarmert stumbles to start his sentence, he knows what his trying to do "..Yeah i guess i would then..". Junlin continues to give Jarmert a strange look before speaking again "See..I'm curious as to why you have a bit of hesitation...Lina Ambre is the finest news anchor they EVER had on the air.." "Shes the ONLY anchor you ever seen on the air.." Jarmert counters with, referring too the fact that the only reason Junlin ever started watching the news was because he found out about Lina Ambre.

The Vherokior knows he has been defeated and collapses back onto the count. Picking up the remote for the holo-screen he puts in a random number, wanting to get off Scope news to get off this subject that he started. The two take a unexpected trip to the past as the random channel that put in takes them to a re-run of a game show of their childhood. Both Junlin and Jarmert light up with interest when they recognize the stage.  It was a family game show simply called "Family Brawl", here two families would perform both trivia questions and physical games for cash prizes. It was a pretty simple concept but what set it apart from the clones was the host, "Horton Bevlore". This man was a Intaki with charisma, a smile that was worth one billion kredits and a heart more golden than the Golden Fleet. This man will come out and get the crowd on their feet every episode with some spectacular entrance. it started with him running down fleets of stairs and giving high fives to the audience as he makes his way to the stage and then he started upping his game with bigger introductions to keep the fans interested.

The two wait for the camera to pan in to the host to see if its Horton and once he finally comes into frame as he arrives to the stage via a zip line. The two erupt in excitement to see their idol again, but it dies down a bit once they find out they get the "Mid sixties Horton". As he got older he started to get a bit slower with his speech, was not at sharp as he use to be but still managed to put on a few memorable episodes. The fact that hes clearly trying his hardest to give it his all and still doing interesting entrances is evidence of his love for his job and the love for entertaining the masses that tune in. "Wait dude, is this the episode with that Quafe chugging challenge?" A question that he puts out there, questioning both himself and Junlin to see if they can figure out what episode this was. Junline scratches the bottom of his chin before speaking "No.? No, this is the episode was the one with the Raining hot sauce challenge..". Each episode had its own unique challenge which was a challenge for the creative team to come up with new fresh ideas to keeep the audience invested in seeing the next episode, some flopped and others became fan favorites and would return in other episodes.

But one Physical challenges sticks out in both of their minds more than any other. It was a simple idea but the outcome of it changed the show forever and sent it spiraling downward into crenelation. A few years back they had a Amarrian holder family on the show, the youngest son was a fan also of the show and got his parents to use their connections to secure them a spot in a episode for his birthday. The Parents didn't really know much about the show, only going on to make their little pride and joy happy. They even brought along Kameira bodyguards, either paranoid about being attacked or just trying to show off. Clearly the patriarch of the family was not having a good time during this episode as he was used in plenty of Harton's banter, he took it as being made fun of infront of millions. The huge bang of this episode comes from the final physical challenge, "My Dad Can beat your Dad" Challenge. A small boxing ring was brought up and both the skinny frail looking Amarrian patriarch and the buff construction worker Civire are put in it and equipped with goofy and harmless "boxing" gloves. The Civire begins to unloads onto the Holder who has trouble defending himself and one of the Kameira bodyguards begins to fear that his master is being harmed and rushes to the rescue, violently with real, un dampened punches.

Harton, begin the brave legend he is, jumps in to attempt to get the Kameira off the other guest and stop him from killing the guy. However he forgets about the additional bodyguard who also jumps in and delivers a blow to Harton for placing his hands on his comrade. It does not take long for the live feed to be cut and for the next 10 minutes, nothing but commercials played before the next timeslot was given its turn. But the drama does not end there as the fans discover a darkside to their idol  with a backstage video being leaked of a batter Harton spouting scandalous statements about the Amarr race. Harton was quickly fired for this and replaced with a Khanid who's name has faded into irrelevance due to him being such a flop as the new host. The episode that changed the series is nowhere to be found, wiped from existence, you had to have seen it live.

The two watch the nostalgic game show for six minutes before Jarmert becomes alarmed after looking at a nearby clock "Dude!" he says towards his broski "Its 04:52!". Junline squints at his pal for a moment before he realizes what that means and become equally as alarmed. Junlin quickly tries to grab the remote and change the channel, the holo-screen's projection changes from a bright and colorful game show to a dark a dreary scene of a young woman clinging onto a handsome Deties man under the unrelenting rain. The two viewers are literally on the edge of their seats, a bit late to the show but they know exactly who theses characters are are fearing whats about to happen. "Dude, is this gonna happen?!" Junlin says, frantically looking over to Jarmert and back tot he screen, not wanting to miss anymore of this gripping story. The couple begin expression their feelings for one another, how much they mean to each other and how they want to let go of one another. The anticipation is killing the two odd fans as the watch with their fullest attention. Then the Deties moves his face closer to the young woman who his lost in his beautiful blue eyes. "Don't..hes the one that killed your father!" Jarmert  quietly exclaims, which is quickly followed by Junlin shushing him. Before the lips of the two meet a voice alerts them telling them to "Hold it right there!", the couple dart their  attention towards the camera and the credits begin to roll.

The minds of the two friends are blown into outer space at this ending. "T-T-That had to be him! Its Bolvian! It has to be!" Jarmert begins to excitedly tell Junlin who is quick to counter his theory "No way dude..He died on that Mining barge along with Muras' Dad..Nobody survived that." Muras is the name of that young woman in the drama they just watched, the man with her was Alti a undercover Guristas agent trying to swindle away a rich Caldari family's wealth by marrying their daughter...but he had both her father and uncle in the way preventing that..Bolvian being the uncle." We never saw Bolvian's body though!" Jarmert says, getting more aggressive in this debate becuase he knows EXACTLY what Bolvian sounded like and that one line sounded exactly like him. Before it could turn more into a shouting match a nearby neighbor int heir apartment complex starts banging on the wall and telling them to "Shut the fuck up already"

They go silent after that but after a minute,  Junlin stands up and stretches for a brief moment "Well i gotta get up early in the morning, don't stay up too late man." The Vherokior moves and makes his way to one of the Apartment's rooms and leaves Jarmert alone in the now quiet living room. Jarmert takes one more quick hit of the water pipe before flicking back to "Family brawl" and spending the rest of the night thinking back on the real good times.
