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Author Topic: [Micro Fiction] Fragments  (Read 462 times)

Reyd Karris

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[Micro Fiction] Fragments
« on: 11 Sep 2013, 21:50 »

Note: This post will be updated as I add more fiction.

Fragment One: Conversation About Self

The situation is... complicated.

No, it's not.

You're not making this any easier.

It's not meant to be. You came to me with the realization.

It's... it's not a sun. It's the EVE Gate.

What's not a sun?

The symbol. The tattoo. I'm right, aren't I?


It's something important, right?


It makes sense now.

Does it?

Yes. The search for self, the search for one's place within the universe, the search for... no, the search for home.

Now you see. Does it make a difference?

Yes... and no. It explains much more than I thought.

It doesn't explain anything, does it?

That's what makes it complicated.

No, it simplifies things. Look at it from another perspective; you search for answers, but what if the answers were staring you in the face?



Fragment Two: Drones and Motivators

You see what's going on, don't you?


There's only one explanation, non?


Only one potential source, only one potential collector, only one potential goal.


No, not indubitably. It sounds insane.

The most sane answers always do. We seek complexity, simplicity is so often missed.

It's the drones. They're the only ones who would pursue the technology.

Of course. Why?

Energy. I realized it when I was reading through Seven Pillars...

Aye. It's... such an esoteric reference. I didn't realize you'd see the connection.

What do you mean?

Niki, you're too valuable to be wasting time doing these black flag assignments. You're losing yourself.

That's not...

You see the answers. Nation can help you.

Please don't.

You know they'll never see the answer. It's so simple. She won't...


You don't want me to do that. You need me.

Fragment Three: Oruze

>>It's simple, I told them. It's all there. Three simple directives that an infomorph must follow. All that is missing is the context, you see? But they don't. Seven Pillars, Sleep, consciousness... "Fear not the dreamer, fear the ones who make their dreams reality."

>>A riddle. What stares you in the face every day, but you don't actually see it?

>>I'm ready to come in. I'm tired, Amann. So tired.

<<Understood, Niki. Just give me a location.


>>I can't do that, Amann. It's too late. I can't see a way home.

<<I understand. I can help you though.


<<I'm coming. I'll find you.

>>I know.