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That all Blood Raider commanders receive substantial theological training as well? (The Burning Life, p. 56)

Author Topic: Let's make some PF! (sorta) - The fate of the Heavenbounds  (Read 2603 times)


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I was passed this prerogative from CCP Dropbear, which then made my imagination open up to the possibilities of what exactly happened. So instead of going ahead with writing whatever, I think I'd increase the level of player interaction or whatever, since that was the original intention of Heavenbound02. I'd like to hear some ideas that you might have, so I can steal incorporate them into a piece of fiction.

Firstly, willingly walking onto the dropship with no foul play (this notion is being circled around). Other than the fact I think it's completely daft It would not happen simply because it is not something Rhea would be found doing. Some points to take into account before suggesting...starting with basic stuff...

- Rhea was engaged to Seriphyn earlier this year, around 8 months after the birth of their son, Jaidon Heavenbound in July 111. She has been friends with Seriphyn since moving to Gallente Prime to start at the same secondary school.

- Rhea is/was a capsuleer, who took a hiatus from space life to settle down on Vevelonel in Solitude, taking Jaidon with her to raise him. This is her birth world, but her status as a capsuleer is unknown, for she used surgically added skin patches to hide this.

- This would make Jaidon VERY capsule-affinitive in later life; not only are both his parents capsuleers, but Seriphyn's mother too. Though he "perished" at 10 months old.

- The behaviour of Slave Heavenbound02 is that of a teenage girl...since Rhea was 24 at time of death, and Jaidon was almost one, it would appear as if the age was "averaged" to something like 14.

Now the stuff that needs to be creatively addressed is how Slave Heavenbound02 is "ethnically" Jin-Mei, though "composed of" the psyche of an adult ethnic Gallente and an infant Gallente/Deteis/ Dropbear said there is a LOT of scope for what happened here, and this is exactly why I wanted to get your opinions...the one "truth" I would like to keep (Cause I think its cool) is the "averaged age".

But yeah, chip in on what you think Slave Heavenbound02 exactly is...maybe Rhea and Jaidon are just mangled corpses and its an element of psychological warfare deployed by Nation! But that's just one possibility.

In terms of the invasion itself, it was violently resisted like on Intaki IV. Makes for a more exciting story as a mother tries to protect her baby etc. Also, "It's so cold" is uttered by Heavenbound very often, which plays to this a little...or something.

Suggest away!

Ghost Hunter

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I remain uncertain if how the abduction process happened should be handled by us or by CCP.

There are a lot of multiple different paths. CCP could have the Nation employing some freaky mind control, wide spread propaganda, utilizing slave troops on the ground, etc...

If they decide to go a little of everything, then perhaps your idea on what happened on the planet has merit.

If they don't and their model is something different, :contradictions:

thoughts on this?
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
We Form Moderation
For Nation


  • Demigod
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It sounds like it varies from planet to planet.

At any rate, for this, by Dropbear's comments on "tell it however you want to", I'm sure we can do just that...

Ghost Hunter

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Shit, maybe I should have told Tama01 about that prototype generator I had on my Widow before it blew up next to her Wyvern.


Oh well.

Sounds good then Seriphyn.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
We Form Moderation
For Nation

Arvo Katsuya

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Seri, I sent you something else in a PM too. To aid in my rationalization of what they did this character of yours. Keeping an open mind, here is my take on it:

Baby son, and wife... yes, and Heavenbound has claimed before having 'two thoughts' (as said during one of the sightings) while only acting like a child for the most part.

The wife is protecting the baby with her body, while the baby is protecting the wife with its innocence. The wife's persona has never emerged, so I would assume there is something that involving Seriphyn's own actions would make that part 'hide' in the shadows of its mind.

Hence technically, it becomes a 'daughter' by physical form.



  • Guest]Now the stuff that needs to be creatively addressed is how Slave Heavenbound02 is "ethnically" Jin-Mei, though "composed of" the psyche of an adult ethnic Gallente and an infant Gallente/Deteis/ Dropbear said there is a LOT of scope for what happened here, and this is exactly why I wanted to get your opinions...the one "truth" I would like to keep (Cause I think its cool) is the "averaged age".

This seems fairly straightforward.   Assuming:

*  The Sansha are mashing individuals together to create useful units
*  The Sansha are sorting unit parts by location (that is, Jaidon and Rhea were in the same location, so they were integrated)

So, how did Heavenbound02 turn out to be more Jin-Mei than Jaidon?  Perhaps one or more other individuals were integrated with Jaidon and Rhea?   So, what was Rhea up to when the Sansha appeared?  Was she perhaps taking Jaidon out for a walk in his stroller, and she'd just stopped to coo over a pair of Jin-Mei twin girls?


* The Sansha are mashing individuals together to create useful units
* The Sansha are sorting unit parts by most efficient use (that is, Jaidon and Rhea were separated and integrated with other individuals to create the most optimal units that could be assembled).

Then maybe it's possible that Jaidon's mashed up with a teenage Jin-Mei girl who isn't related to Seriphyn at all -- but who has a strong memory of her father, and that's being filtered through what little Jaidon remembers of his.


  • Wetgraver
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That possibility above. We know in EVE that at the higher levels of technology your body has relatively little to do with the mind, being little more then a container. The mind of Heavenbound should I think, be the focus, rather then the body it is in.

Now the Sansha (as I understand it) have a kind of hive-mindish thing among their slaves. Or at least intercommunication between them in the mind past what is normally done. Since people are being taken (forcibly) they are reasonably being taken as slaves. Now, not everyone retrieved can possibly be suited for implantantion (children, sickly, etc). Following the hive-mind kind of thing, I'd think they would want to take any data possible from their minds to insure they are preserved in the nations future before disposing of the unsuitable body. In this way, someone who's physical body might not be suitable could still have their minds (possibly mixed with others) put into a more suitable form.

But this is probably removed, since I am working off a smaller amount of experience with the matter. The inner core of the "modern" sansha are a matter of interest to me though as is anything that delves into the workings of the human mind. I know little enough about Seri's backstory, though I was there when the initial Heavenbound thing came about. And she is kinda creepy.

Random Lost Soul

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Perhaps I've been moving too fast. Perhaps I've not explained enough for you yet. You don't really understand where we are, what made it possible, or even what a capsuleer is. You certainly won't appreciate what happens next until you grasp a few basics, and you're far from that.

1. Download infomorph.
2. Analyze it.
3. Choose beneficial traits.
4. Choose proper receptacle.
5. Clone necessary brain tissue, use implants to bridge the gaps.
6. Put it in a pod, give it proper clones to jump to.

The key here is to find two individuals with DNA that is compatible, as (according to PF) DNA does play a role in Capsule compatibility.  Parent and child is an interesting choice, especially given the X chromosome similarities (mitochondrial DNA and all that).

So, the question is merely this;

Imagine, I tell her, that you are outside of your capsule, and what you need to do there isn't all that complex. Maybe you need to meet someone, or want to get something to eat at a real restaurant, maybe sleep in a real bed.

Let's take this from the other angle.  What do you really need to be a Capsuleer?  What do you need to be part of Nation?

What is the difference between a Slave and a Citizen?

For a situation like this, or at least some of them, I tell her, you don't really need your childhood memories, or your knowledge of how to pilot Jump Freighters. And the more situational your needs are, the more you can narrow it down, the less you need to bring along.

Perhaps, just perhaps, the answer has been staring you in the face all this time.  Perhaps looking at things from a slightly different perspective might shed some light on this.

Would you like to hear a ghost story?

Random Lost Soul

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So, let's take the above example.  Let's take the "violent resistance" mention and run with it.  What if the two individuals involved in the merging were injured?  Brain damage, let's say.  Both are dying, but different parts of the brains of the two individuals are damaged.  Individually, they would not make a proper individual.  They would be a drain on resources.  Their genetic similarities would make it easier to amalgamate the constituent neural networks, and make a more functional unit.

We know portable brain scan technology exists in EVE.  Why wouldn't the Nation invasion forces be using this technology?  We know that you can download a personality into a computer in EVE.  Why wouldn't Nation take advantage of this?

More importantly, if they can reduce the human mind, in all it's infinite glory, down to nothing more than a neural network model, how hard would it be to simply change the model?

Would the Precious Tableau still be there, or would it be irrevocably altered?


It's a tableau. They all stand there; him, her, and that damn kid. She's smiling, so beautifully, and so is he, and so is the kid, who keeps his mouth shut, who doesn't wake up at the slightest bit of noise and is happy and alive.
Take this as the possible "flip side" to the above.
Daddy, is that you?  It's so cold in here, but I can hear everyone...

Ghost Hunter

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One wonders what the point of showing with such an inappropriate name is when the content of the message narrows you down to only a handful?

How demurely charming.

Still, you do raise a good point. Perhaps to my discredit I now realize something that has quite possibly been in use by the Sansha throughout this entire thing.

Ah the event team will probably laugh at me if such is the case
« Last Edit: 24 Oct 2010, 19:27 by Ghost Hunter »
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
We Form Moderation
For Nation

Random Lost Soul

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One wonders what the point of showing with such an inappropriate name is when the content of the message narrows you down to only a handful?
Exactly the point.  Does a name really mean anything if the "essence" is there?  For that matter, what is a memory if the creative spirit survives?  Do you need the body if the mind lives on?

Also, I'm technically not in EVE anymore.  My old character is dead.  Kind of in limbo, a "lost soul" if you will.  I'm kind of random too, so I thought it fit.  But enough derailing.
"How can we help you?"
"You can help us by leaving."
I think you underestimate exactly how kind Nation really is, and how terrifying the implications of that are.  Shades of grey, in my EVE?  Yes please!
Still, you do raise a good point. Perhaps to my discredit I now realize something that has quite possibly been in use by the Sansha throughout this entire thing.
I'd wager it's been used in far more places than you realize, for far more interesting ends. ;)