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Author Topic: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar  (Read 8083 times)

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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[Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« on: 01 Apr 2014, 15:47 »

Pre-Capsuleer as a Paladin enforcer two years after the assumed death of her husband to Blood Raiders.  Ceremonial dress obviously, as not terrible practical or modern for actual work.

Honestly I've been afraid to post on here.  But some info about Luna is summarized at the following link if anyone is interested (both ooc from backstage posts and an IC summation of some public materials available on her).

As for how I RP her, I try to keep Luna in accord with this description of Amarr women in the wiki: "Amarr females tend to be class-conscious and formal in their dealings with others. Masters of subterfuge and machination, they forgive little and forget nothing. They are natural matriarchs who are fiercely protective of loved ones and obsessed with preserving the integrity of their family name. For the Amarr female, the family bond is sacred and unbreakable, persisting across generations. " 

She's the mother of four grown children who has trouble letting go and has challenges with one daughter who passed capsuleer testing and Luna is concerned about how she reflects on the family. 

She is very deferential in public to those of higher station or in the "service" and tends to be publicly circumspect with respect to IC conflicts even if behind the scenes she may be more aggressive in private.

She's not very deep theologically in terms of thought but is personally devout, "pay, pray and obey" but somewhat open to a range of interpretations of Amarr faith as long as not expressly proscribed by the Theology Council.

Other details are best left to RP, but I tried to make her more complicated than she might appear on the surface with a range of liberal/conservative views that make sense in terms of her overall character history.
« Last Edit: 02 Apr 2014, 12:20 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #1 on: 02 Apr 2014, 12:20 »

Updated to add some actual discussion/pictures.

Publius Valerius

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #2 on: 02 Apr 2014, 12:48 »

+1 Thumbs up. Really great work. I love the picture, as well as the forum. I think even some of the stuff should/could be here or in the official EVE forum/wiki. As I think you, Mithra and the others have some great/awesome** Ideas, which could be a really good base to toy around with further ideas.

** Awesome not in a California-style/LA-style. I mean really great. I think, or lets say I would love to pic up some Ideas... but only if it cool? Ehm... Who could I ask for permission? 

Lyn Farel

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #3 on: 02 Apr 2014, 13:43 »

Nice character. I am sorry that I was eventually unable to find the time to RP with you.  :ugh:

Well, i'm definitely not a fan of such pictures of Amarr, always showcasing them as some space medieval knights with medieval weapons, but anyhow, cheers !

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #4 on: 03 Apr 2014, 13:03 »

Nice character. I am sorry that I was eventually unable to find the time to RP with you.  :ugh:

Well, i'm definitely not a fan of such pictures of Amarr, always showcasing them as some space medieval knights with medieval weapons, but anyhow, cheers !

Oh I sort of agree Lynn which is why I viewed it as "ceremonial" like many modern militaries have their day to day uniforms and their ceremonials harkening back to earlier eras.  On a personal note, it was sort of way for me to tie my pen and paper D&D Luna, and WoW Luna to this one. 

If you ever come back, SFRIM probaby has an opening for a librarian to look after it's library ;)

Charles Cambridge Schmidt

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #5 on: 05 Apr 2014, 13:08 »

Ooh, looking forward to meet her, then. Really fantastic artwork, too. The forum is a nice touch; hope to see Luna around sometime soon.
Drones are pretty cool, I guess.

Lyn Farel

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #6 on: 05 Apr 2014, 13:50 »

Nice character. I am sorry that I was eventually unable to find the time to RP with you.  :ugh:

Well, i'm definitely not a fan of such pictures of Amarr, always showcasing them as some space medieval knights with medieval weapons, but anyhow, cheers !

Oh I sort of agree Lynn which is why I viewed it as "ceremonial" like many modern militaries have their day to day uniforms and their ceremonials harkening back to earlier eras.  On a personal note, it was sort of way for me to tie my pen and paper D&D Luna, and WoW Luna to this one. 

If you ever come back, SFRIM probaby has an opening for a librarian to look after it's library ;)


By the way if you are still interested to have me as a ghost in your corp for corp standings, just tell me :)

Silas Vitalia

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #7 on: 08 Apr 2014, 11:22 »

Quite lovely artwork! Very nice to see, and I've always enjoyed keeping tabs on Lunarisse's adventures

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #8 on: 21 Aug 2014, 22:37 »

Updated to add links to extracts from Luna's Photo Albums.  Her gardens were and are an important part of her life, both pre-capsuleer and after. ((and often a place for non-space rp with her)).



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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #9 on: 27 Aug 2014, 23:12 »

Is she nobility? She seems like a Holder for sure.

I think that the Khanid have 'Cyber Knights', so that suit of ceremonial armor might be appropriate for that. I suppose you could also say it was an ancestor, of whom the Amarrians would be most proud. I find it hard to imagine an Amarrian female wearing a suit of armor. Her husband perhaps.
Currently training Verbosity to level V.

Lyn Farel

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #10 on: 28 Aug 2014, 09:46 »

Yes the Amarr society is rather patriarcal when it comes to duty of both sexes, but it's less the case for titles, where you can both find male and female Holders, men of the cloth and such. Though females are still a minority from what I have seen.

Though when it comes to capsuleers, this point loses most relevence. They are capsuleers.

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #11 on: 28 Aug 2014, 15:10 »

Amarr males tend to be condescending towards those without faith, and possess an unflagging belief in their own superiority. Although a clear hindrance to conducting international business, it still affords them with fortitude and a great sense of purpose. Capable of bringing unwavering focus to bear on issues, they are outstanding planners, and their composure gives them the perseverance to see their plans to fruition.

Amarr females tend to be class-conscious and formal in their dealings with others. Masters of subterfuge and machination, they forgive little and forget nothing. They are natural matriarchs who are fiercely protective of loved ones and obsessed with preserving the integrity of their family name. For the Amarr female, the family bond is sacred and unbreakable, persisting across generations.

PF says nowhere that the Amarr are patriarchal. In fact - though there seem to be gender roles - these don't seem to conform to our traditional ones which we consider to be the ones of a 'patriarchal' society. Also, even in historical 'patriarchal' societies, there were times and again women that wore armor and used arms. That is the case for asian cultures like the Persians, the ancient Semites, Egyptians, Greeks - like the Spartans, where the women had to defend the city state when their men were at war campaigns - to the middle ages in which Jeanne D'Arc wasn't as special as later periods want to make us believe. In fact in the oldest known surviving fencing manual - from the 1320s - we can see a woman (St. Walpurga) fencing with sword and buckler. So even in a culture where the chivalric idea was that women are weak and need protection, it wasn't at all unthinkable for a women to learn the martial arts.

Historical societies that characterized women as 'natural matriarchs who are fiercely protective of loved ones' saw women oftentimes in military functions and even venerated goddesses of war, which were oftentimes fighting more fiercly and were more fearsome than most male counterparts, like Sekhmet, who only could be stopped by inventing beer and then having her drink it by trickery instead of the blood of the slain victims.

The Empress and a heir (Catiz) are female, which makes 2 out of the 6 (or 7,if we count Khanid) most powerful people in the Empire females. Neither Catiz nor Jamyl's background indicate that there was any opposition to their rise, because of gender roles.

I think if we find it hard to  imagine Amarr females in armor then it is because of our cultural bias.

Lyn Farel

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #12 on: 29 Aug 2014, 03:13 »

That's not what I meant, actually. I just see portrayed in the eve lore almost exclusively males with titles and also the old description on Amarr and Khanid  women that were often described as in charge of the household (which isn't derogatory, was more like it's a huge source of power and responsibilities). So, these were different roles for both sexes.

However as I said I have seen mention of equally (more or less) both sexes as Holders.

But, as I said, it's not black and white, and that's merely what PF often suggest, either through the cultural bias you speak of through CCP authors, or just something else.

Nicoletta Mithra

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #13 on: 29 Aug 2014, 04:01 »

I just see portrayed in the eve lore almost exclusively males with titles [...]

But, as I said, it's not black and white, and that's merely what PF often suggest, either through the cultural bias you speak of through CCP authors, or just something else.

That's a fair point. I think it's mainly because PF has mainly been written by males (or so I assume) for a primarily male audience, so that bias sneaked in through the backdoor. Also, I think it's a symptom of the patchwork PF of EVE, where every author works on his own little pet based on his own private idea of whatever faction, without there being binding outlines by which authors of PF are authoritatvely oriented in their writings.

Lyn Farel

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Re: [Character] Lunarisse Aspenstar
« Reply #14 on: 29 Aug 2014, 04:52 »

Or maybe they actually viewed it as a more latin and modern patriarchal society, where roles are distinct enough for both sexes with both their strenghts and responsibilities, but with an equal claim to Holdership titles ?

Well IRL i'm no fan of such models of society, but some are, and I can perfectly understand that CCP authors wanted it that way since it's a legitimate society model for sexes that has its roots IRL too.

Or maybe that's not what they wanted at all and that's totally different ? Or maybe it varies depending on the region you are in ?

Who knows what PF really is supposed to be ?
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