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EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources => EVE Character Development => Topic started by: Victoria Stecker on 18 May 2011, 10:05

Title: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 18 May 2011, 10:05
UPDATE: I still don't play EVE. And that probably won't change any time soon, courtesy of real life (married, working, winning EVE by playing other games, etc).

HOWEVER: Victoria is being revived as a character in a Numenera campaign. I may or may not be absolutely in love with the rules set and the character creation. This may, in fact, lead to the updating of the blog that has laid dormant for a couple years with the new Vicky's story and shenanigans. Should be good times.


[spoiler]Just updating this to say that I'm out of the game, probably will be for a long while. Spent too much money trying to have fun, decided to quit that and find some games that I can enjoy without bashing my skull against the wall quite as often or spending as much money.

I'll still be around here, lurking a bit (I find it's harder to be as interested in the discussions of a game I'm no longer playing, which makes me sad because the community here is awesome). Maybe someday someone will tell me why eve is awesome again, or I'll have the disposable income to play and not mind, or some such. In the meantime, I'm off to the greener pastures of MWO and PS2 and FTL and TL2 where I can have fun without enduring great frustration or a subscription fee.

UPDATE after an extended absence.  I’ve been away from EVE for the last few months (RL reasons) so Vicky’s been a bit dormant. I’m back… maybe. Looking for something to do. So, if you think your corp would benefit from a dose Stecker, let me know. Particularly looking at Amarrian corps (maybe KotMC again :D ) but really flexible.

This is a really hard character to write for because of how little info is available publicly – and more because the people that have gotten to know her seem to have had more fun doing so when they didn’t know OOC what they were getting into, and finding out IC.

So this is more of  what’s public knowledge or readily available to people who look. If you have an IC reason for doing further digging, let me know, there’s plenty more to share in the name of fun.  Because that’s really what this character is – a ton of fun. My hope is that anyone who interacts with her enjoys doing so OOC, even if they might not IC 

Name: Victoria Stecker
Race/Bloodline: Amarrian/Ni-Kunni.
DOB: Capsuleer record states June 17, YC88. No public record exists of this individual prior to her entry to capsuleer training.
Homeworld: Listed as the Amarr homeworld, Athra.

Physical description: 5’9” ( 175cm ), with a dancer’s build – not thin like a ballerina, but with strong, muscular legs. Upper body perhaps a little more muscular than average, but nothing outrageous. Appears to weight approximately 130 lbs. Bright red hair, fair skin, yellow-green eyes.

Personality profile: Highly volatile. Violent mood swings, frequently accompanied by violent behavior. [OOC note: If I’m not certain how Vicky would react to something unusual, I role a die. So it her response seems random, that’s because it probably was. Examples include trying to kill Degen when he kissed her and setting Nicolette on fire for sitting on her lap.]  (OOC note: lack of discipline out of pod not representative of behavior in fleets. Vicky’s good at following FC orders.)

Political views: Either apathetic or in flux – has gone back and forth on the slavery issue, flying with Satanists, Angels, U’K, and Amarr militia over the course of her carreer.

Family background, info readily available to anyone who looks: The Stecker name belongs to a family of minor and generally unknown Ni-Kunni holders in the Domain region. The only instance of the name Victoria is the oldest daughter of a family on Athra that perished in a house fire in YC105. Victoria is included among the victims of said fire.

Hmm… what else… Oh right. Victoria (and I by extension) has a well-deserved reputation for being a troll, earned when I was new to EVE and RP (coming up on two years ago). The character has evolved a great deal since then and I’m trying to lose that reputation as best I can – though if you’re a hardline amarrian, you might not believe that.

Anyhow, if your character has an IC reason for looking for more info, let me know. Referencing any of this information IC will let Vicky know you’ve been checking up on her and she’ll be… unhappy with that. Last time someone did that, they came to Vicky with questions about something they shouldn’t have known, and got broken bones rather than answers.

Would love any questions or comments, I’m still ironing out all the details myself.


Info is IC, but is not readily available. I think I'll stick to the format of the post I put up a while ago, a sort of police report. So it's information that might be available to you IC if your character had a reason to dig for it.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Saede Riordan on 18 May 2011, 12:36
Vicky is also a huge teddybear and you should ignore any signs to the contrary and give her hugs and kisses whenever you see her.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Esna Pitoojee on 18 May 2011, 13:26
Confirming Viccy is quite awesome.

Also, if you ever try to hit on her, make sure she isn't drinking anything first.  :P
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Casiella on 18 May 2011, 13:35
Funny, I heard you just need to buy her a drink first...
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 18 May 2011, 14:30
Funny, I heard you just need to buy her a drink first...

Depends on the drink and how terrible your pick-up line is.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Casiella on 18 May 2011, 14:39
"How do you feel about the Cartel? Because you look like an Angel to me..."
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Ciarente on 19 May 2011, 01:40
"How do you feel about the Cartel? Because you look like an Angel to me..."

Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 19 May 2011, 07:00

This. Though there's some irony there given that Vicky flew with Risen Angels briefly. By which I mean that she was in Risen Angels and only undocked once.

A line like that might leave you wearing whatever vicky was drinking, which might be a pitcher of ice water or a bottle of rocket fuel.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 29 Aug 2011, 12:44
Added link to the blog, might suddenly be motivated to update it.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Malcolm Khross on 29 Aug 2011, 12:48


Must confirm that I thoroughly enjoy Vicky as a character! I've always loved the RP with her and hope that continues!

*Checks out blog*
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 28 Mar 2012, 11:19
Updated as I seem to be returning from a long break from EVE.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Chell Charon on 28 Mar 2012, 11:54
Welcome back. I've missed Stecker  ;)
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Syagrius on 28 Mar 2012, 16:41
Vickie!   :oops:
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 08 Oct 2012, 09:16
Shameless bump. Character still exists and I can always be contacted here.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Saede Riordan on 08 Oct 2012, 13:46
♥ Welcome back
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 09 Oct 2012, 14:11
?? I'm not back. At least not in EVE. Still just lurking about backstage.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Saede Riordan on 09 Oct 2012, 16:03
Aww, so the spoilertext in your character profile isn't up to date?
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Syagrius on 09 Oct 2012, 20:19
Vickie! Come back.  :cube:
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 13 Oct 2012, 11:37
Aww, so the spoilertext in your character profile isn't up to date?

nah, that's the old text. I didn't feel like deleting it, as it's still somewhat accurate regarding the character, and the character isn't dead... but all of my accounts are unsubbed atm. Odds of this changing any time soon are slim.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 01 Oct 2013, 11:10
Bump. Vicky is coming back to life as a character in a Numenera campaign. Blog will hopefully be updated with new stories and antics and lols.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Steffanie Saissore on 02 Oct 2013, 16:33
Numenera...that the new Monte Cook RPG?

If it is, I'd like to hear what it's like cause the little I looked into, it looked very interesting.
Title: Re: [Character] Victoria Stecker
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 02 Oct 2013, 19:50
Numenera...that the new Monte Cook RPG?

If it is, I'd like to hear what it's like cause the little I looked into, it looked very interesting.

Yeah, that's the one. The system is very simple compared to most that I'm familiar with, with a deliberate focus on flexibility and storytelling rather than rules or balance. The basics of the system are:

Every task has a difficulty between 0 and 10. Every difficulty has a target number three times higher (so a difficulty 1 task has a target number of 3, etc). Roll a d20 when attempting a task - if you hit or exceed the target number you are successful.

aaaaand that's basically it. Covers everything from combat to cooking. Skills adjust the difficulty up or down, stat pools can be used to apply effort and improve odds of success. There's other stuff that adds some complexity to it, but literally everything is distilled down to the GM deciding how difficult a task is, the player rolling a d20 to determine success.

So this isn't a system made for complex and balanced tactical combat. It's all about making sure the story is interesting and keeping the rules from getting in the way.