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That being a cruel slaver is actually a fitting description for Angel Cartel members as well?

Author Topic: [Event] Remembrance Ceremony Battle of Mehkios  (Read 788 times)

Lunarisse Aspenstar

  • Guest
[Event] Remembrance Ceremony Battle of Mehkios
« on: 26 Apr 2015, 17:00 »

Originally posted on IGS by Benedicta Secheh.  Repeated here:

On June 10th, I will be holding a Ceremony of Remembrance and Prayer on the anniversary of the Battle of Mekhios. [[The time will be announced later with an update in this placeholder]]

In that battle, Blessed Jamyl, the soon to become Empress Jamyl I, returned to save her People through a Divine Miracle and dealt the blow, through the Miracle of the Abbadon, that ultimately turned the tide of battle and ended in the defeat of the Elder invasion.

Despite the ultimate victory of the Amarr, multiple worlds were ravaged with extensive destruction and injury to persons, environment, and infrastructure and billions perished and were injured in the treacherous invasion by the Minmater "Elders" in contravention of existing treaties and understandings with the 4 great powers and Concord. Concord itself was unlawfully assaulted in order to facilitate the treachery. It is my intention at that Ceremony to remember those who we have lost and the lessons the Amarr have learned from this event.

All faithful and loyal members of the Empire and Kingdom and treasured Allies are invited to this Ceremony. Last year's was well-attended and I look forward to seeing old and new faces.

Please message me or Lunarisse Aspenstar for an invitation and/or for requests to speak. The location will be provided at that time.

I'll not sally forth to battle the small-minded brigade of furriers that will no doubt scurry forth to post on the IGS after I post this. I have better things to with my time, like reflect, and pray.

Amarr Victor.

(Source: )


Lunarisse Aspenstar

  • Guest
Re: [Event] Remembrance Ceremony Battle of Mehkios
« Reply #1 on: 29 May 2015, 15:36 »

Not sure if this will go on as scheduled as we ended up having a funeral, interment of the body, and remembrance ceremony for Arkon Sarain about two weeks ago on extremely short notice (after checking with him oocly through utari).  Frankly there's only so many religious type ceremony rp I can, or want to, run in a short period of time and I worry about burn out both for me and the attendees.

As for why Luna felt so determined to make sure this happened for Arkon,  this excerpt from the evelopedia makes pretty clear why:

"The Amarr treat corpses with a high amount of care and dignity, as long as the person was a member of the Amarr religion during life. Even the poorest segments of society are afforded some sort of burial, while those rich and powerful enough are given massive mausoleums. The tombs of Emperors are massive, ornate affairs. The bones of saints, emperors, and other influential members of the Amarr can become relics after their deaths. "


it was very well attended and had in space and channel components  (Thank God no one ganked Luna's prorate in Huola, that would have been embarrassing to lose the body!). 

Some of the logs here: (funeral, including an awesome speech by Aldy) (burial)

« Last Edit: 29 May 2015, 15:53 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »