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Author Topic: [Character] Utari Onzo  (Read 5857 times)

Utari Onzo

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[Character] Utari Onzo
« on: 25 Jul 2015, 08:09 »

Name: Utari Onzo

Aliases: Ut (Only to family/very close friends)

Bloodline: Civire (50%) True Amarr (25%) Ni-Kunni (25%)

Nationality: Amarr - Reclaimed convert
Formerly Ishukone Corporate Citizen.

DED Capsuleer Ident number: #93227765

Place of Birth: Aboard Ishukone trading vessel ' Argo ' - raised on Korama IV by Uncle
Age: 29 appears between 40-50 thanks to recent experiments in ageing his clones.
Born: 01-02-YC90

Parents/Family: Both deceased, father murdered by unknown Gallente males on Caldari Prime YC-113, mother died same year aboard an Amarr Navy cruiser. Has one surviving brother Miguel Onzo, one niece and two nephews. Has one surviving grandfather, Lord Thiago Gallius, a minor Holder under the Sarum Family.

Currently sworn to the Avarr family as a retainer.

Marital Status: Single

Education: School of Applied Knowledge - Astrogeology masters degree.

Current Employer: Volition Cult - Goonswarm Alliance

Currently resides: Avarr Family Estate

Medical: Has a scar on the top left side of his forehead down to the eyebrow, a neat cut scar across the forehead, and small scarring on his hands, chest and arms from time spent working on planetary Gas extractors, these follow him on request through his clones. Light/social smoker, which increases during stressful times. Issues with alcohol and exile addiction.
Height: 5' 10"
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Build: A little above average for his height. Since service in the militia, Utari has kept up a regular fitness programme, along with ensuring his clones are kept to a high physical standard.

Basic Profile: Utari is a skilled pilot of Logistics support craft and will talk at length about it to anyone who asks, along with general conversations on fleet operations and wormhole space. Known to have a huge soft spot for brandy, whiskey and toffee ice cream.

Backstory: Utari was born in space aboard a freighter on a trade run to Amarr from Jita. His father, Akidra Onzo, was a Civire of the Ishukone Corporation who was working freelance for capsuleers as a trade advisor and logistics officer. His mother, Lady Hermine Gallius, was a logistics officer also, serving with the Amarrian Navy and accompanying Akidra on the trip when she went into early labour.

Shortly after birth, it was decided by both parents that he was better raised with his Uncle, Hitomi Onzo, on Korama IV. A gas giant planet with liquid ocean surface, Korama IV has floating glass dome cities to house the workers of the multiple State, and more recently Capsuleer, corporations extracting the valuable gas from the planet's atmosphere.

Growing up, Utari was put to work in the Gas Harvester rigs by his uncle. He quickly learned he had to earn his bread and keep, but it instilled in him a hard working ethic. To this day, Utari struggles with delegation. From time to time as shore leave permitted, Utari's parents would visit, along with his younger brother Miguel from their Grandfather's estate on Sarum Prime II. He had a good, stable relationship with both parents, but resented Miguel for being raised in luxury and having a more carefree attitude while Utari had to work hard. During these times, his mother, and converted father, taught him what they could of the Amarrian faith.

With the death of his parents in seperate incidents in YC113, a young adult Utari turned more and more to his uncle for support and guidance. A hard, but fair disciplinarian, Hitomi shaped Utari's views on the world. Earn your place, respect those that work hard, do your duty. Funded by his inheritance of his parent's life insurance policies, and a generous donation from his maternal Grandfather, Utari enrolled privately in the State's School of Applied Knowledge, undertaking an astrogeology degree in YC115. Between dealing with grief of his parent's loss, and a general struggle with the theory side to his degree, Utari just scrapped by on merit of the practical course work and dissertation, eventually earning himself a bachelor degree before finally progressing to a Masters. During his studies, he was tested, and approved for, the Capsuleer programme which he successfully passed.

Post Graduation, Utari stayed close to his home system of Korama, working mostly for the Republic Security Services corporation and dealing with local pirates in the area. After some time working with fellow Capsuleers within the State, he moved on to have short, but satisfying careers in both Nullsec and Wormhole space before teaming up with a long term friend from his first wormhole experiance, Jay Joringer, to found 13. After nearly a continious year, he left Anoikis and pledged himself to the Empire, joining the Praetorian Auxiliary Force. On 25/10/117, he was formally baptised into the Amarr Orthodox Faith, and officially became a subject of the Empire. In 118 he was formally sworn as a knight and retainer of the Avarr family, and continues to serve them in a wide array of roles; most notably as Stud Manager and Stable Master.

DED Report:

Crimes -

YC 114
Intoxication while driving - fine
Intoxication while flying a space craft - fine
Flying a spacecraft without licence - fine
Theft - Spacecraft - fine
Carrying illegal substances - fine
Assault - 6 months service within the community
Carrying Illegal substances - fine

Carrying Illegal Substances - fine
Intoxication in a restricted place - fine and 2 days detention

Intoxication in a restricted place - fine and 6 months detention, suspended
Carrying Illegal Substances - fine
Illegally Engaging a fellow Capsuleer's craft, multiple counts - Handled as per CONCORD Crmimewatch system
Intoxication while Driving - fine

DED threat assessment - Medium to low.

Beliefs: He's a strong follower of the Amarrian faith and has declared for the Empress and Empire, forsaking his Ishukone citizenship. He has recently taken to re-embracing his Amarrian and Ni-Kunni heritage from his mother's family, as well as going through a kind of 'rebirth' in his spiritual beliefs. His upbringing led him to identify himself as a man of the faith, but due to being raised in the State and the irregular visits of his parents, his knowledge on the finer details was lacking until his recent education and baptism within the Amarr Orthodox Church proper.

He is very much privately against the principal of slavery on an economical basis (indentured work, loss of profits from costs related to control of slaves), but respects and approves the principal that it is meant to be for conversion (reclaiming). Will continue to support the legal right of Holders to own slaves, so long as they follow the laws regarding their fair treatment. Hates abuse/illegal ownership of slaves with a passion.

Personality: Utari is a generally amiable person. He sees himself as being reasonable, willing to listen to a point put to him, and ready to engage in civil debate. He is known, however, to have a firm temper should a line be crossed. He's sensitive to both his own and other's emotions, especially in private, but only on rare occassions does he show them publically (unless someone's set off that temper of his). He likes to keep his public and private lives distinctly divided. A friend of his is a friend for life (or many) unless they do something to break that trust.

He's mostly traditionally minded, especially in regards to etiquette and mannerisms. Everyone is a Mr/Mrs/Ms until he sees them as a friend. He hates ill manners sorely, to the point of seeing a red haze should someone repeatedly cross over a line.

Interests: Utari has a strong interest in traditional music (opera/orchestra) when relaxing, but has also been knowing to listen to some of his father's cheesy rock music collected from the Federation during his father's time on Caldari Prime and elsewhere on trade missions. He enjoys minimalist design, but has an appreciation of Amarrian architecture, stain glass and paintings/sculpture.

He can play the drums, has been known to occassionaly write poems he thinks aren't very good, has a huge sweet tooth, and enjoys conversations over tea. Tea, especially, holds a strong place in his social life, as fitting both the grandson of an Amarrian Holder (tea is power mentality among some Lords) and an ethnic Civire (importance of tea in the State). He owns 2 dogs, two black mongrels named Scruffy and Ebony.

« Last Edit: 07 Jun 2018, 13:51 by Utari Onzo »

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #1 on: 25 Nov 2015, 14:17 »

A small update:

Since getting his citizenship formalised with the baptism into the faith proper, Utari has taken somewhat bolder steps in Amarrian politics, or atleast in being ever more verbal publically around topics of Amarrian interest.

He recently competed in the Amarr Championships as a retainer to Senior Captain Laerise, an experiance that has had some profound effects. On the one hand, his profile within the Empire has been raised to the point he's now having to look for somewhere else to live, as finally his blissful ignorance in regards to baselining is beginning to bite his ass. On the other, he has had to deal with a certain amount of conflict in interest.

Utari is a vocal supporter of the Tash-Murkon family, his own Grandfather and Brother are born and bred Sarumites. This has brought a certain amount of friction between himself and his remaining close companions, but was further complicated by the fact he served a Captain fighting for another liege (Ardishapur). His sense of duty made him take up his Captain's call, but had they made it to the point of fighting the Tash-Murkon Champions, he would have done his job but certainly would have needed several stiff drinks after

Regardless, he has been honoured to have participated even in some small amount to a sacred tradition so recently after joining the Empire formally.

Kador Ouryon

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #2 on: 25 Nov 2015, 14:48 »

How are the pups Utari...... we miss them.
"We ripped up the ending and the rules...and cast aside destiny...leaving nothing for us but an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Which is all well and good, except... Well, what if I've made the wrong choice? I have faith that it wasn't.....but how am I supposed to know? I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you my story.Let me tell you everything."
- [name redacted] Truest Adamance

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #3 on: 25 Nov 2015, 14:53 »

They're good, can still visit them in EFA till Utari gets a new swag pad.

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #4 on: 21 Feb 2016, 06:09 »

A year in review:

So, it's been over a year since I got into RP in EvE. It's been an interesting ride so far, with plenty of IC and OOC drama, a brief walk out over some bullshit before some peeps kindly intervened, and a lot of ground-laying and development. I guess for handy reference for myself and others, it'll be worth doing a review.

To begin with, I sorta was finding my feet with Utari. A bit of a wormhole pirate with a conscience, I modelled him as a human being just trying to get by and find his place (unsucessfully) in the Cluster. Anoikis was bad for Utari's soul, and his mind, with too much time to dwell on the things he'd done. So, naturally, he had to get out.

I spent most of the year progressing from a wandering, lost spirit to developing Utari's Amarrian background and heritage. Slowly, he got closer and closer to the Amarr bloc till finally ending up a baptised citizen. Most of this was in thanks to the Amarr bloc welcoming him with open arms. Had things been different, there are other organisations he has contact with that might well have enjoyed his services.

In terms of friends, Utari's picked up a heck of a lot. While he might despise certain organisations and/or governments, he's able to form meaningfull relationships with a wide variety of individuals regardless of background. He's gone about collecting friends, and has established a fine web of contacts for both social and business purposes. Most of his closest friends still come from his time in Anoikis, as well as from among the Amarr Bloc. Diplomatic, and charming, Utari's ability to see from multiple points of view has enabled him to work with all kinds of people. On the flip side, it's resulted in him being a bit of a clay model, easily influenced and impressionable, with a bit of an impulsive streak.

Utari's family has shaped up nicely into a typical bickering Amarrian household. His brother Miguel has slowly come around to being more supportive of his brother, while making his own preperations to take over the Gallius title. Kailen, typical of a Khaldari, is extremely social and cunning, taking a close interest in Utari's social movements and relationships. This isn't out of any jelousy, contrary his Sister in Law is an ambitious, politically minded opportunist. Utari is both a close family member, and a potential rival to her brood's inheritance, so there's no telling how she might interfere with Utari's future to ensure her children get what's due for them. So long as Utari isn't a threat, she'll be a quiet figure of support and intrigue on his behalf.

Thiago has played the part of the silent figurehead as the two Onzo brothers slowly take over more and more of the actual running of the family. He was never meant to inherit originally, and with the fortunes of the family rising, it's likely he'll turn over the title too so he can settle down into a quiet retirement as a Capsuleer. If this happens, of course, it's going to lead to interesting dynamics between the Onzo brothers as Utari has made steps to quietly set up a nest egg. Disinherited he might very well be, but Utari's out to carve up a legacy for any potential offspring, whatever the controversy or who he has to put up as a puppet to get it.

In terms of intimate relationships, this has been an interesting part to develop. Utari at his core just wants to settle down and raise a family. His time spent wandering aimless, especially in wormhole space, has lead to a craving for stability, support and affection. He's had a couple of unsuccesful flames over the past year, but is currently on a bit of a high with his current relationship. He is pretty much besotted, with rose tinted glasses firmly on, and when (because it's highly unlikely anything can be happily ever after in EvE) things come crashing back to reality it's going to be a nasty landing.

Finally, to address the addiction. Being on said high is helping Utari keep off the drink and drugs. The continued support of friends and loved ones means he's got the strength to keep (mostly) on the wagon. That said, he's an addictive personality, replacing the kick from elsewhere. Whether it been from blooding his teeth on a hunt in combat fleets, taking up an unhealthy addiction to coffee and other caffeinated products, or diving head first like a run away train into an intimate relationship, he's always going to need a 'fix' of something.

Looking forward:

Gazing ahead into the future, I think in terms of direction to explore I'd most like to see Utari become more of an outliner in the Amarr Bloc. Politically, he's a bit of a radical, and Providence is a giant open sandpit waiting for use. The ability to remodel the Empire in a more progressive, and classical liberalist light, is too much an opportunity to pass, so Utari's likely going to start taking a keen interest in current Capsuleer attempts to mold a civilisation. Please note that progressive doesn't strictly mean 'better'. The Empire isn't evil in Utari's mind, it's simply inefficient, and if he sticks with his current path it's likely his political stance will be populist, but terrible for social cohesion. He's willing to rip up the book and start over again, and that can potentially be very bad news indeed.

In terms of his faith, Utari spends enough time with traditionalists to accept the Orthodox line for the most part. However, as a product of his time in the State (having to be privately taught and practice his faith almost in secret) it's very much internalised. He's about as far from a Scripture basher as it gets, and this might well lead to him being more impressionable to alternate view points. He prays in private, attends church during 'off times' and generally holds his faith to be a personal matter. Like plenty of recovering addicts, he's willing to listen to just about anything that might soothe the pain of cravings. The melting pot of cultures and individual capsuleer's faiths that Providence contains is also likely going to accelerate developments here. A certain analytically minded Achur might play a big role here too if that relationship continues and Utari's eyes are opened to certain things.

In short, I'm relatively happy with how things have progressed with Utari. He's joined with an interesting bloc to explore, but one of my bigger concerns is going too deep into 'loyalist' and following the party that there's no room for real conflict with his fellow men. Without trying to railroad things, I think having come from almost being put on a pedastal as a 'new face' and 'hero' of reclaimed Amarrians, Utari's going to want to lash out and find his own voice. He's loved, lost, then got it back again, and almost lost his mind. He's not a good guy, and I wouldn't say strictly a bad guy either, he simply is.

Where he goes politically is open to debate. Where he goes in terms of faith, friendship, love and loss is also wide open. I'm hoping for an interesting second year.
« Last Edit: 21 Feb 2016, 06:32 by Utari Onzo »

Skyweir Kinnison

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #5 on: 21 Feb 2016, 06:40 »

Fascinating, thank you for writing.

Utari is one of the most intriguing characters I've had the honour of connecting with so far.

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #6 on: 21 Feb 2016, 07:03 »

Thank you, I guess I must be doing something right :P

Skyweir Kinnison

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #7 on: 29 Feb 2016, 08:38 »

I was thinking that others might have chimed in, but absent that, I feel I ought to expand a little on my comment since you've done so much hard work.

Coming fresh into EvE RP (and EvE the game too) some eight months back, Utari was one of the characters in the IGS that was immediately noticeable for all the right reasons. He seemed complex, thoughtful, a little out of his comfort zone in the choice he had made heritage-wise but very comfortable in his choice of allegiance and combat role. The combination of confident warrior with the layered attractions/conflicts of the faith and culture he was now embracing made for an immediately intriguing and likeable individual.

I wasn't around to see the genesis of this journey, but could immediately see that the background had been laid. I always think this is the sign of a well-developed character - that they seem real and rooted in a history, that one might not see right now, but can sense in the depth and consistency of their dialogue. Reading more on Backstage, this feeling of progression is reinforced and continues to be interesting.

I can also see how the relationships in the wider CVA community help this development. The Amarr RP community seems to be interlinked in a positive and multi-layered way, which enhances most of the characters thus involved. I'm a tad jealous!

It didn't hurt that Utari was also one of the first characters that interacted IC with Skyweir in a RP event - something I am very grateful for as a newbie.

I look forward to seeing his further development, especially in terms of his family (a background I hadn't suspected, but makes excellent sense) and whether the orthodoxy (and its practical implications) he has embraced can be reconciled with his essential decency. That addictive personality is likely to throw up some challenges, I think.

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #8 on: 29 Feb 2016, 08:55 »

Thank you for the feedback, and it sounds like I'm hitting the right spots with Utari I was hoping for. Utari's development and journey really has been very influenced by the interaction's he's had. He's maleable and impulsive because of that basic instability, which has made for some interesting dynamics. I'm a little worried it might end up with him feeling a little 'flip floppy' in terms of his character and loyalties, but on the whole I think having that open mind early on was more for the positive.

I hope to have many more interactions with you! Utari might venomously hate what the Federation represents, but he can see past loyalties to some degree to explore the real people. Hopefully Ut and Sky can get to know each other better, whether as adversaries or not :)

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #9 on: 02 May 2016, 13:43 »

Right, seems time for a quick update.

The original citizenship arc from a year ago comprised of three parts.

The official baptism and joining the church, along with the year's worth of lessons and the like.

Official application of citizenship, and the granting of such by the Empire's Civic Services

Pledge of Vassalship to a Tash-Murkon Lord to join with the minor and untitled nobility of that political group. A formal seperation from the blood ties of House Gallius.

Part one was completed, and part two for the most part, but finally part three has started rolling after being on the back burner for a good while.

One thing I am interested in are ideas here on what a formal vassalage would entail, ideas for the ceremony, what duties/rights would be involved. This is a lot more indepth a role then Aria's retainership to Luna, as I see it as life long and binding to Utari's descendants as well. It's a full and complete tying to the Lord's family, and ultimately puts Utari in a position of conflict and rivalry with both his Brother, should Miguel inherit soon, and more importantly his Grandfather, further complicating an already fragile relationship built on blood, guilt and misunderstanding.


Mitara Newelle

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #10 on: 02 May 2016, 14:04 »

Ideas for a ceremony maybe start with or
Modify with some Amarr flare? 

I would think duties would be whatever your liege wishes.  In my narrow view of Amarr, you are effectively a 'slave' of your liege, even though you are 'free'.  Given your power as a capsuleer, I think they would leverage that to bring wealth into their lands and to act as 'muscle' if needed.
Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"

Garion Avarr

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #11 on: 04 May 2016, 00:09 »

Hopefully more thought out response later, but random thoughts and links:
- Binding to descendants strikes me as a bit odd, but possibly a thing for Amarr.  Well, actually, it still strikes me as rather odd if they don't also swear such an oath of their own accord, though it might be expected of them to do so, but by no means required.  For that matter, you'd probably have the same choice when the individual person you swore it to died . . . though this is generally based on my reading of medieval European oaths of various sorts, and while there are certainly some parallels in terms of how society is structured, it is definitely a very different culture.  So I could possibly see Amarr culture as viewing oaths as being from one family to another family as often as from one person to another person.

I can't say that I agree that one would effectively be a slave of one's liege, while one might be required to do whatever one's liege wanted de jure, custom almost certainly dictates certain rights and responsibilities (and recall what happened to Aritcio Kor-Azor when he stepped to far outside those bounds).  That said, depending upon what sort of oath one was swearing, it might stipulate very specific obligations (but this would not really be the same as swearing allegiance. merely service), or it might obligate general obedience, within reason (where 'within reason' is probably defined by tradition rather than spelled out).
That stuff is of course mostly mostly medieval European, which has some but by no means perfect, cross-over with how Holders work . . . and of course the culture has a lot of differences, though some similarities, too.  So there'd obviously be a bunch of modification.  Looking to see if one can find interesting and applicable stuff from other cultures (Persian would probably be great if we can find it, but iqta' wasn't really feudalism and has some significant differences from how Amarr do Holders, so might not be the direction to go for this).
(Also, while writing this, this song just came on my playlist and I think it has relevance:
Also, possibly for use in ceremony, though it'd want expanding:

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #12 on: 04 May 2016, 07:03 »

Pledges of vassalship might not contain direct reference to descendants, but certainly atleast in some of the major examples from English history they are binding upon the vassal's House and Kingdom where applicable.

Essencially, the one pledging to "become the man" of the liege does so in a personal capacity, but one's House, feif/title and so on are in essence one's property and follow in vassalship. An example of this is the investure of every Prince of Wales, in which the vows taken are done in the personal:

The Prince's formal response was: "I, Charles, Prince of Wales, do become your liege man of life and limb and of earthly worship and faith and truth I will bear unto you to live and die against all manner of folks."

This oath of personal vassalship is the effective manner in which the Crown retains control of Wales, outside of course of granting said regency to the heirs presumtive. I'd imagine a renewal of Utari's vows by his successors would be something that'd be done as a matter of course, but certainly I'd see it as somewhat scandalous for a successor to not renew the vassalship without a very good reason. While they're not directly being pledged to the Lord, Utari's vassalship is going to bind and effect them very much whever they like it or not, and Amarrian society doesn't bode well generally for those that change tact from their ancestors. The ties should be considered de facto and the renewing of the oaths fulfilling the de jure.

In regards to the binding itself as a kind of slavery, of course one isn't a slave, but vassalship is very much described as a process of creating a lasting tie. The details of what Utari gets and what he's expected to do are, of course, very much negotiable in-character, but even in some of Mitara'a own linked source, investure can be held as the pledger joining the household of the liege in service in return for those priviledges.
« Last Edit: 04 May 2016, 07:26 by Utari Onzo »

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #13 on: 15 May 2017, 00:57 »

Looks like I missed my 2nd year in review. I'll have to fix that but first, I have to admit to a lack of enjoyment steering Utari of late. I get the sense of either somewhat losing my way with playing him, or perhaps getting just a bit too personally invested with his recent struggles. More on that in the full review, but tl;dr I've hit the stuck in a rut stage.
« Last Edit: 15 May 2017, 11:25 by Utari Onzo »

Ché Biko

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Re: [Character] Utari Onzo
« Reply #14 on: 15 May 2017, 09:53 »

I was wondering why Ché had not seen as much of a glimpse of Onzo since coming to the Lamp...for Onzo.
FYI, as a method actor, I am familiar with your dilemma.
Have fun kissing your review. :P
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