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Author Topic: [Faction] Mashtori Bounty Hunters  (Read 2040 times)

Mathra Hiede

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[Faction] Mashtori Bounty Hunters
« on: 07 Sep 2010, 22:56 »

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Imperial Navy Faction Report – Mashtori Bounty Hunters: Preliminary Assessment and Information
Open File Y/N: Y

Section A) General Description and Information
The Mashtori are an elite group of Bounty Hunter/Mercenaries that reside primarily in the Khanid Kingdom, they maintain strong ties with the Royal Khanid Navy and the Khanid Royalty and this is where most of their public contracts are sourced from. There are sparse few records of contracts being accepted from any other source excepting extreme circumstances.

Very little exact and confirmed details of this organisation are known to the wider community.
The general public are largely unaware of their existence, this assists their ability to move freely throughout most of known space without major hindrance or difficulty.
Intelligence surmises that this is perhaps a result of their efficiency that most other professional paramilitary organisations can only dream of. These reports are difficult to confirm and could be inaccurate due to, as aforementioned, confirmed and known details are incredibly scarce, even for Imperial Intelligence databanks.
Part of what is known, is their publically available coat of arms, as registered in the official libraries of the Khanid Kingdom. The Old Amarrish translates in a number of ways however it is generally accepted to mean ‘Courage, Bravery, Faith’ with the subtext being ‘Honour Mashtori’ but with the various translations, there has never been any concrete consensus on its true meaning, that is reserved for the Mashtori themselves.
Their emblem is scarcely displayed on active ships and assets, being saved only for specific times, usually their sporadic displays of public force.

Their most public appearances are generally when, in times of war the Royal Khanid Navy calls in the services of these highly specialised soldiers and elite combatants to lead sections of the fleet, this arrangement leads us to believe that their connections and ties to the inner workings of the Kingdom are still (refer to history for detail) exceptionally strong.

Section B) Formation and History
The history of the ‘order’ is just as shady, old intelligence reports point towards the original formation being before the secession of the Kingdom from the Empire; furthermore it is hypothesised that in fact they may have been personally responsible for critical portions of the Ex-Heir Garkeh Khanid’s strategic successes during the critical moments of the theft of the large majority of the standing Imperial fleets, their confirmed involvements are almost intangible – all that is confirmed that the strategic effectiveness of Khanid’s fleets was ‘apparently’ dramatically increased during this time.
Since then, confirmed sightings have been rare and varied, during the various civil revolts inside the Kingdom, targets of high interest have been silently terminated and while no one has ever claimed responsibility for these actions, Khanid II continues to claim it is God’s divine will keeping him alive so he can finish his work, Imperial intelligence highlights Mashtori connections to these events are exceptionally likely.
Sightings and old reports indicate they usually operate in the area before these targets seem to simply either disappear or stop becoming a problem.
Perhaps the most interesting report is that of an Imperial Intelligence agent that was operating in the Kingdom during the time of the “Dakos Rebellion”.
The report, although incomplete, details how the funds redirected from certain sources were used to hire mercenaries, it was during this time a previously unknown group approached Dakos and where hired for select low-key missions, after a time the group, along with a couple of select other groups rose to prominence for their ability to shift conflicts in Dakos’ favour, it was these few weeks that had the Rebel Kingdom on edge and teetering on the edge of defeat and allowed the Empire regained the few fringe colonies, then as the general history records dictate, Dakos was assassinated by persons unknown.
It was mentioned in the report that these elite mercenaries suddenly disappeared after this event, some months later though, a report from the same agent noted that a previously unknown group was suddenly afforded a massive change of fortune and were granted elite status’ that allowed access to the highest levels of the Kingdom. It should be noted that it is unusual for Garkeh Khanid to provide trust to the Elite of the Kingdom, his legendary mistrust of his own family being the most well known example.
It is not until approximately one standard year these events after a group with previously unseen IF codes were assisting the Royal Khanid Navy’s ships in select conflicts.
At the time they didn’t register under general Imperial Navy records, however collaborated with reports and salvage from these wrecks, put with the details on the select few dog tags retrieved from the various engagements led to their identification as the “Mashtori”.
Subsequent intelligence efforts directed at the Khanid Kingdoms records found a listing inside the Official Libraries of Khanid Prime, relating the coat of arms of the Mashtori (as seen at the beginning of this document)
Since their public acknowledgement and “announcement” they have continued their somewhat shady and sporadic presence within the Kingdom, rarely moving outside of its borders to pursue certain unknown agenda’s.

Section C) Current Status
Currently the Mashtori continue to operate in the Kingdom and since the birth of the Capsuleer age have seen minor increased growth, their ranks have remained relatively small in comparison with other more notable paramilitary organisations but their status as one of the Kingdoms elite has helped them keep their prominence from slipping, this along with the means by which they conduct themselves suggests that initial analysis may be inaccurate, and that the Mashtori might well be much larger and well-funded that previously thought.

Most notably seen outside the Kingdom itself is Trinity’s Vanguard [TR-VA] – a CONCORD Registered Capsuleer Corporation claiming to be a sanctioned extension of the Mashtori, to draw a parallel it is much like the Praetorians [PIE] to the Amarr Empire. By affiliating with Capsuleers, there is access to their unique abilities.
That is unrestrained and almost uncontrollable destruction, limited only by the powers in CONCORD [for analysis of the CONCORD/DED on Capsuleers see report {error-access denied}] and as such expands the Mashtori's influence into much larger regions of space in a much more public and tangible form.

Section D) Tactical Assessment
DED Threat Assessment: Deadly
Imperial Navy Threat Assessment: {error-access denied}

Imperial Navy Tactical Assessment:
Previous encounters with the Mashtori have proved that their skill as combat leaders and sound tacticians, Imperial Navy officers are to refer to tactical material {error-access denied} for details on dealing with this in a hostile situation.
However, as the Kingdom and the Empire now maintain friendly standings and alignment all Mashtori assets are to be considered neutral/friendly and maintain caution around them.
Officially, the TR-VA Branch of the Mashtori maintains exceptional standings with the Empire through inferred standings.

Section E) Known Associates
– Real Name Unkown
– Currently Capsuleer CEO of TR-VA

“Math’ra Hiede”
- Lord Holder of Kihtaled II – Vanyanis Region [See Kihtaled II -]
- Ket’Ach to the Mashtori – [Title Unkown]

Report Completed 06.07.112YC
Report Updated 12.06.118YC
Signed: Imperial Navy Intelligence Officer ******
Co-signed: Admiral L. Sarum
« Last Edit: 12 Jun 2016, 01:15 by Mathra Hiede »

Innocence prooves nothing - Solen Sean