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That all Blood Raider commanders receive substantial theological training as well? (The Burning Life, p. 56)

Author Topic: [Character] Sakura Nihil  (Read 472 times)

Sakura Nihil

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[Character] Sakura Nihil
« on: 05 Mar 2013, 21:08 »

Thought I'd put her bio on this forum, because hey, why not?  Also, sorry to those whose format I grabbed as a basis (Morlag!), but I'm tired and didn't want to create my own from scratch.


Name: Nihil, Sakura Danielle
DED Callsign: Sakura Nihil
Race: Civire
Age: 27
Height: 173cm (5'8")
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Political Alignment: Anarchist
Occupation: Small-Gang Combat Specialist
Date of Birth: May 21st, YC85
Place of Birth: Nihil Homestead, Eifer VI
Employment History: Selective Pressure / Stimulus [Rote Kapelle] Tabula Rasa Systems [Star Fraction], Tharsis Security, Black Hole INC, Charles Nelson & Reilly
Security Status: -9.7

DED Threat Assessment: Very High
Notes: A veteran combat pilot with several wars under her belt and thousands of capsuleer ship kills, Sakura has a depth of knowledge concerning fleet tactics and ship capabilities that puts all but the most elite of the cluster to shame.  A skilled strategist and former regular fleet commander, her tactics tend to be cautious, waiting for an appropriate moment to initiate a fight to minimize losses among her team.  Examples of her tactics at work includes the Star Fraction tournament run several years ago, including the now-famous Thorax charge.  However, she seems to prefer working as a part of a fleet, solo engagements seem to be very rare in documented history.

Ideological Assessment: Formerly a Star Fraction freespace advocate, she has become largely disillusioned with the moment, instead advocating a more anarchist stance of "burn everything to the ground".  Targets of particular ire for her include pro-Nation, -Blooder, and -Amarrian groups, notably PIE and CVA, and she has repeatedly voiced her disapproval for Heth and his populist regime.  While she shows no outright loyalties to any group besides her own, she seems to have a fascination with the Jove Empire, likely for their advanced military and scientific capabilities.  Sakura has been a noted critic of the status quo in the Luminaire system, repeatedly stating that only stable long-term arrangement for the State and Fed is joint ownership of the system, a supranational alliance of the two powers, or one empire being conquered by another.

Personality Assessment: Sakura's attitude depends largely on the individual(s) she is interacting with.  Pleasant, polite, and intelligent conversation will normally elicit a friendly, if assertive response, while belligerent or propaganda-laded statements will often result in profanities being hurled at said individual.  As the oldest of her five sisters, she has apparently assumed the leadership role from an early age, and for individuals she is fond of, she will do her utmost to guard and care for them.  However, she is realistic and strategic in her outlook on life, advocating often harsh solutions to problems plaguing the cluster, discounting human life (especially baseliner) as by and large irrelevant.

Personal History: Firstborn daughter of ex-CalNav officers homesteading on Eifer VI.  Parents departed Caldari State after being honorably separated from the service for reasons unknown (speculated cause is due to likely fraternization while in the service).  Military service common in family history on both sides, especially on mother's side dating back to service within the GalNav prior the Caldari-Gallente War.  True last name unknown, ancestors changed family name to "Nihil" circa Caldari-Gallente War for reasons unknown (speculations include honoring an important fallen member, uncertainty whether using existing name was honorable after betrayal of Federal Navy, et cetera).  Homestead on Eifer VI faces difficult climate conditions, including sub-freezing temperatures the majority of the year and low atmospheric pressure, resembling an alpine climate, necessitating self-sufficient compound at unknown location on planet.

Physical Assessment: Fond of flightsuits and other militaristic outfits that convey her martial prowess, Sakura nonetheless has a tendency to try and show off her looks through elegant dresses or hairstyles.  Somewhat tall, with a toned and athletic body, she tends to dominate conversations (sometimes unintentionally).  Known to have a vain streak, she ensures her body is free of scars and most signs of cybernetics, with her only permanent distinguishing mark being a family tattoo on her cheek.

Known Images:


« Last Edit: 09 Mar 2013, 19:22 by Sakura Nihil »