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PRIMEVAL: An ARK Playthrough

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Day 2.

I got up feeling cold, tired, and hungry. I did at least have some meat left over from yesterday. Mmm, cold meat. Wish I had some bread. A sandwich would be awesome. How many days has it been back in California, I wonder? Time is strange here, or the days are, at least.

Anyway, I managed to gather enough plant fibers and to kill and skin a giant frog for its hide to make a set of basic clothing. Nothing really practical or protective, but enough for modesty. What I wouldn't give for a Target, or even a Walmart. Blue Jeans seem like a luxury right now.

I've also decided to move. I don't like being so close to the giant obelisk, and this hut sucks. Also, I wanted to see what else is around the island. So I spent the morning building a raft. I used fallen logs and a couple I managed to fell for the raft, and set up a crude mast and tiller. On the mast I stretched some frog hide as a sail. Have I mentioned, dear diary, that frog hide is very stretchy? It is.

On a completely unrelated note, giant frog tastes weird.

Anyhoo, once built...
...the raft proved rather seaworthy. Well, of course, rivers and seas here are very calm. It took a little work to move it downstream, but the wind cooperated and the tiller worked just fine. I sailed north a bit, and then back south-east, away from the obelisk. There were a lot of good views, too:

I've been mapping out the coast of the island, and I've found a spot I think I can make a little more permanent, with a more protected location and fewer of the local wildlife. I hope. I plan to set up on this beach:

Good luck to me!


Day 2.

Well, I'm back at the site. I say "back", because I got teleported again. Or something. What happened was that I encountered another one of those small, hostile dinosaurs and it spit something at me. Whatever it was, it hurt, and even though I killed the bastard, I started feeling light-headed, like I was going to black out. And then I was back at my hut. Minus my equipment.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm some sort of specimen or something, to be kept in a particular location. Well, nuts to that. I spent the rest of the day building another raft and assembling some tools, and sailed it back south. My original raft was still there.

So now I have two rafts. Yay, I guess.

Day 3.

I spent most of today exploring up the river. Wasted trip, really. The further up you go, the more the river turns into a giant swamp. It's infested by giant snakes (hostile), large ant-like bugs (hostile, though not much of a threat), and giant dragonflies (yes, those are also hostile). Oh, and giant frogs. And it's hot and humid, which sucks.

Anyway, no blackouts or teleportations today.

I did spot one of these:

It was hunting in the river. I didn't get too close, because, well, it looks like that dinosaur from Jurassic Park 3.

I really gotta get to building my house.

Day 4.

Well, I solved the mystery behind the "teleportations". I'm pretty disturbed by it all.

I was working on my new hut, which is on top of a hill, and returning to the river for some water, when I tripped and fell. I heard a crack, and then woke up at my hut, again. I didn't want to build yet another raft, so I started trying to make my way along the coast. I was swimming through a river when I saw something coming for me. I tried to get away, and then I got bit, and then I was waking up by my rafts.

I was pretty disoriented by that point, and I started to head for where I was building my hut, when I stumbled over this:

It was my body.

It's pretty upsetting to find yourself staring at your own dead body, it turns out. But it looks like every time I "teleported", I'd actually died. In this case, I guess she - I, I mean - broke my neck when I tripped.

I don't know what to think of this. I mean, I think I'm the same person. I'm pretty sure I am. And I guess that's what the implant in my arm is for: to transmit my mind to a new body, if I had to guess. None of the animals I've killed had one.

Like I wrote above, I'm pretty upset about this. I don't really like the idea of having died, or of dying. On the other hand, it's kinda freeing. I can risk things more, since I'll come back. Heck, I could probably do things that I know will kill me, just because I know I won't stay dead.

Of course, there's the philosophical question of whether this new me is really me, but I think so. We change all the atoms in our body every 7 years or so, right? So I'm just doing it faster, I guess. I hope.

Man, this is a little too much to think about at the moment. This is all too weird. I'm going to sleep now. On my raft.

Day 5.

Spent the entire day working on the new house, with one exception. I finally tried investigating one of the smaller obelisks:

When I approached it, it shattered into shards that quickly disintegrated, but inside it was a ton of building supplies.

Building supplies.

I've been running away from obelisks full of building supplies apparently designed to help me out.


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