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Author Topic: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)  (Read 6928 times)

Cmdr Baxter

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Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« on: 25 Sep 2012, 01:11 »

I'd like to thank "Team Sansha!" for finally, finally, achieving that moment we've dreaded for so long. Merging Twilight and Eve Online. Everyone opposed to Nation can now be secure in our masculinity while we revel in the disclosure that you apparently have a "sparkle implant." This will, of course, give us the strength to fight on I'm sure. But because I can't possibly do this justice in any other way, I present the edited transcript of this shocking revelation.

[06:32:41] Cmdr Baxter > Actually this is to any Nation folks. Your little Akai Juugatsu thing .... did you mean to borrow the name from a Twilight-ish fanfic, or was that just accidental?
[06:32:55] Gottii > lol
[06:32:56] Gottii > what
[06:32:57] Gottii > ?
[06:33:31] Vivian Xadi > Oh damn, you're right.
[06:33:44] Ghost Hunter > eh
[06:33:53] Cmdr Baxter > Exhibit #1:
[06:34:04] Cmdr Baxter > Exhibit #2:
[06:35:24] Ghost Hunter > !
[06:35:26] Cmdr Baxter > Someone on your side of the house getting more comfortable with themselves?
[06:35:38] Gottii > This is likely the Printers doing
[06:36:32] Drake Arson > Ghost, you dun ****ed up.
[06:38:34] Cmdr Baxter > This is epic. Does Sansha also sparkle?
[06:38:55] Vivian Xadi > Only Sansha's enemies can sparkle like that.
[06:39:03] Drake Arson > /emote quits Sansha
[06:39:05] Gottii > Ghost so sparkles
[06:39:18] Gottii We always thought Ghost was from True Blood, but now we know
[06:39:40] Gottii > Can I play a werewolf who wears jorts?
[06:39:53] Degen Sankriga > You can play a NyanWolf.
[06:39:54] Cmdr Baxter > Just to think: everyone who googles "Akai Juugatsu" is going to find that as search result #2 on the entire internet.
[06:40:00] Alikan Telikosi > ....
[06:40:23] Gottii > If we click it enough, it will be number 1!
[06:40:30] Alikan Telikosi > /emote scrolls up to check ...then commences puryfying OOC with napalm...
[06:41:52] Cmdr Baxter > Gotti, I like how you think. ^5.
[skip a bit]
[06:50:00] Gottii > Her hair was down and reached her lower back. The red tint to it made it look like deep flowing red silk. Her pale skin contrasted with her dark hair, and with the piercings that atoned her eyebrow and lip. Her green-brown eyes stuck out like two....
[06:50:08] Gottii > glittering jewels that were recently polished.
[06:50:29] Gottii In Sansha's defense, who wouldnt want to kill this guy?
[06:51:11] Gottii > or at least capture him alive and torture him slowly
[06:51:32] Saede Riordan > really? I didn't read that fanfiction, though I was surpised it was the only thing that came up
[06:51:41] Ghost Hunter > ROFL
[06:52:24] Saede Riordan > GG Ghost, GG
« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2012, 01:23 by Cmdr Baxter »

Ghost Hunter

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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #1 on: 25 Sep 2012, 01:23 »

Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Lithium Flower

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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #2 on: 25 Sep 2012, 01:27 »

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

And besides that:
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Sansha Nation is the largest human trafficking organization that came to my mind first  :D


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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #3 on: 25 Sep 2012, 01:29 »

"This man was formerly a member of the Blood Raider Covenant."

"His last known appearance was a Pure Gallentean male of young adult physical age. He is known to use medical technology to extend his life, as well as appear to be in physically prime condition."


Maybe Ghost Hunter just reads a lot of twilight slash-fiction when he's off doing things for Kuvakei?

Ghost Hunter

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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #4 on: 25 Sep 2012, 01:32 »

When I was crafting it and it was all done and ready to go, I was looking at it and thinking, "There is something wrong with this". There normally is, it's usually a spelling error.

No, it's the whole damn character. This trains going down and I'm at the front woo woo

"This man was formerly a member of the Blood Raider Covenant."

"His last known appearance was a Pure Gallentean male of young adult physical age. He is known to use medical technology to extend his life, as well as appear to be in physically prime condition."


Maybe Ghost Hunter just reads a lot of twilight slash-fiction when he's off doing things for Kuvakei?

[ 2012.09.25 06:56:19 ] Ghost Hunter > there's areason the covenant wants him too
 [ 2012.09.25 06:56:23 ] Ghost Hunter > he's a sparkler obviously
 [ 2012.09.25 06:56:57 ] Saede Riordan > and on that note, going to bed.
 [ 2012.09.25 06:57:05 ] Gottii > Ghost, thank you for this.
 [ 2012.09.25 06:57:06 ] Degen Sankriga > I feel the puns overtaking me
 [ 2012.09.25 06:57:09 ] Gottii > You made my night
 [ 2012.09.25 06:57:10 ] Degen Sankriga > Good night.
 [ 2012.09.25 06:57:18 ] Ghost Hunter > lol
 [ 2012.09.25 06:57:23 ] Ghost Hunter > mission accomplished
 [ 2012.09.25 06:57:52 ] Cmdr Baxter > So happy I googled this.....
 [ 2012.09.25 06:57:54 ] Gottii > And a hearty thanks for Baxter for finding this.
 [ 2012.09.25 06:57:57 ] Gottii > Yes, that.
 [ 2012.09.25 06:58:41 ] Cmdr Baxter > I'm sure there will be much laughter in the Accord tomorrow. I made sure to send out the highlights.....
 [ 2012.09.25 07:00:18 ] Gottii > This deserves its own Backstage thread tbh
 [ 2012.09.25 07:00:41 ] Cmdr Baxter > Definitely.
 [ 2012.09.25 07:00:51 ] Gottii > "this man is wanted for crimes against literature and the Blood Covenant"
 [ 2012.09.25 07:00:53 ] Gottii > lmao
 [ 2012.09.25 07:01:55 ] Ghost Hunter > inb4 some NPC i generated gets galactic hatred
 [ 2012.09.25 07:02:03 ] Ghost Hunter > serps kick him out for sparkling
 [ 2012.09.25 07:02:52 ] Gottii > Ghost, do you watch me while i case fireflies, while wearing pants so tight they fit like a glove?
 [ 2012.09.25 07:03:03 ] Gottii > chase*
 [ 2012.09.25 07:03:34 ] Degen Sankriga > The Printer does, Nyannii.
 [ 2012.09.25 07:04:13 ] Ghost Hunter > suddenly the ominous nature of him as a charracter has to fight to stay serious in my head now
 [ 2012.09.25 07:04:39 ] Degen Sankriga > Bark like a Spider, Ghost.
 [ 2012.09.25 07:05:00 ] Gottii > Oh, hes omnious alright.
 [ 2012.09.25 07:05:10 ] Ghost Hunter > yeah like a solar panel at night
 [ 2012.09.25 07:05:16 ] Gottii > Just...not in the way you probably imagined.
 [ 2012.09.25 07:05:41 ] Ghost Hunter > this iswhere i go play league of legends for the night
 [ 2012.09.25 07:05:46 ] Ghost Hunter > wake up and get glittery fanart of him tomorrow
 [ 2012.09.25 07:05:53 ] Alikan Telikosi > lol
 [ 2012.09.25 07:05:54 ] Ghost Hunter > fuck why did I make him gallentean
 [ 2012.09.25 07:05:56 ] Ghost Hunter > it only makes it worse
 [ 2012.09.25 07:06:03 ] Alikan Telikosi > lmaop
 [ 2012.09.25 07:06:05 ] Degen Sankriga > Sparkle sparkle!
 [ 2012.09.25 07:06:11 ] Cmdr Baxter > ROFL
 [ 2012.09.25 07:06:28 ] Ghost Hunter > I specifically made him a young adult, physically fit in his prime, gallentean
 [ 2012.09.25 07:06:31 ] Ghost Hunter > did the hive mind troll me
 [ 2012.09.25 07:06:33 ] Ghost Hunter > dropbear did this

Headfirst save me plzkthx
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #5 on: 25 Sep 2012, 01:40 »

Headfirst save me plzkthx

You should totally have the reason he escaped was to save his girlfriend from a group of well muscled Gallentean body-modders who have augmented themselves as a pack of furry wolves.

I'd totes read that slash-fiction adventure about Akai Juugatsu... oh, oh, and you should have the story narrated by the girlfriend in question so we can feel all her innermost thoughts and desires.

Ghost Hunter

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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #6 on: 25 Sep 2012, 01:51 »

Headfirst save me plzkthx

You should totally have the reason he escaped was to save his girlfriend from a group of well muscled Gallentean body-modders who have augmented themselves as a pack of furry wolves.

I'd totes read that slash-fiction adventure about Akai Juugatsu... oh, oh, and you should have the story narrated by the girlfriend in question so we can feel all her innermost thoughts and desires.

I'll just, body mod quasi-retcon him into becoming in an Amarrian or something.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #7 on: 25 Sep 2012, 01:55 »

My sides literally hurt from laughing...
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Nmaro Makari

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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #8 on: 25 Sep 2012, 03:01 »

TS-F deserve their own tophats and twirly moustaches on NeX special offer.
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Natalcya Katla

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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #9 on: 25 Sep 2012, 03:39 »

[06:39:18] Gottii We always thought Ghost was from True Blood, but now we know

Win.  :lol:

As far as TSF top hats go, I'm working on it already. >_>
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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #10 on: 25 Sep 2012, 08:26 »



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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #11 on: 25 Sep 2012, 08:28 »


"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Tiberious Thessalonia

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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #12 on: 25 Sep 2012, 08:35 »

[06:39:18] Gottii We always thought Ghost was from True Blood, but now we know

Win.  :lol:

As far as TSF top hats go, I'm working on it already. >_>

Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!

Saede Riordan

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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #13 on: 25 Sep 2012, 08:36 »

The best part is, I had Fraxi plaster his name across 20 systems in Placid, so there are probably a lot of people who now know about his name
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Re: Team Sansha! (Now with 100% Moar Sparkle)
« Reply #14 on: 25 Sep 2012, 11:22 »

The only reason I am not screaming with laughter right now is because I'd get fired.  Nice one. 
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