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Author Topic: Fourth District (Caldari RP)  (Read 11466 times)

Van Cleef

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Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« on: 06 Nov 2011, 13:19 »

The Fourth District is a RP-ish (Caldari Themed) Alliance centered in the Providence region. We support the State as a institution and are at odds with the current Heth regime.  That is why we are in Providence.  We are looking for PVPers or people who are interested and willing to learn/listen how to PVP, and industrialists to fill out the alliance roster. Ideally we would like corporations that have experience working in Small Gang Warfare as our focus is on small to medium sized PVP. We welcome FWers because it is something most FWers are experts in. Because we RP-ish centered we are looking for people who either have no problem with RP or would like to RP. We do have openings for industrialists, but a requirement for the alliance is that everyone fights. Even if your speciality is mining, you must still participate in defensive PVP operations when needed.

The Fourth will not be a large group by design, we are looking for 2 to 3 corporations, Your attitude as a group is essential. We don’t want rockstars and leeters. I don’t care if you have 50 of the super-ist high speed-ist ships all faction fitted, if you cannot get along with the people in the alliance – be a respectful quiet professional - you are not who we are looking for. The morale of the alliance and the atmosphere we have is more important than anything else.

That said, here is what we have to offer.

We have 0.0 sov space, it isn’t the best of the best, but if you are looking to get into 0.0 – which inevitably most FW corporations are, it can be a place to start. Providence operates under NRDS, which is similar to low security, but you will have access to 0.0 tactics and ship specialties.

We use teamspeak, it’s a requirement for Ops, but not everyday stuff. You can use it for everyday stuff if you want.

Registered killboards for you killboard fanatics.

Good FCs, good fleets, plenty of PVP action – but mostly smaller (10-30) man gangs. We aren’t really looking for blob warfare, there are plenty of other 0.0 groups where you can be drake number 112.
Good people willing to help out with questions.  We are also involved in Incursion fleets, although we try for alliance only unless your refered / trusted by someone in the alliance.

If your interested in RP, or have a group that likes to RP you can do it here. We don’t have a lot of influence in the RP world anymore, and by RP I mean that you know the general backstory of Eve (ie why the Caldari hate the Gallente and why the Minmatar hate the Amarr.) You can take or leave the RP, but you have to respect the people who DO actually RP and RP is a guiding force for the alliance.

What we cannot offer

Null sec politics. We aren’t and have no wish to be a major player in null sec politics. We will by default have some politics, but if you want to be in the planning for the next great invasion of (insert region), it won’t be with us.

Unrestricted PVP. We are NRDS, and a bit pirate hunting happy as well. We don’t pirate, we don’t scam, we don’t steal. If that is your bag, then you will not last long.

here is our website. Ask in channel 4THCOM for an alliance executive or send me a evemail if you interested in talking or want more information.


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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #1 on: 06 Nov 2011, 15:04 »

Good luck to you guys
"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"
― Isaac Asimov

Van Cleef

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #2 on: 06 Nov 2011, 17:19 »

Since we are NRDS, we can offer corporations opportunties to come out to 4th space, give it a try and see if you like it.  At the stations, with the proper standings, we have cloning facilities, manufacturing and research.  We have areas for mining, ratting, PVPing, etc.

This is a good opportunity for a Caldari Alliance, unlike any other before.


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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #3 on: 06 Nov 2011, 17:37 »

Your first post lacked a link to your alliance website.   :D

Since we are NRDS, we can offer corporations opportunties to come out to 4th space, give it a try and see if you like it.  At the stations, with the proper standings, we have cloning facilities, manufacturing and research.  We have areas for mining, ratting, PVPing, etc.

This is a good opportunity for a Caldari Alliance, unlike any other before.

Does this mean you are open to non-alliance corporations taking up residency in your space?

Is non-alliance member moon mining permitted?

... industrialists to fill out the alliance roster. ... We do have openings for industrialists, but a requirement for the alliance is that everyone fights. Even if your speciality is mining, you must still participate in defensive PVP operations when needed.

Will 4TH leadership also encourage its PvP specialist to participate in industrial projects?

For example, alliance members all training up to maintain a single planetary colony and export a low-end product to sell on the local market.

Or is the PvP specialist not expected to contribute to non-PvP activities?

Van Cleef

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #4 on: 06 Nov 2011, 22:33 »

Does this mean you are open to non-alliance corporations taking up residency in your space?

Long and short, yes.  The idea of residency is more tied to the NBSI idea of 0.0.  We don't have residents, we have "consumers".

Is non-alliance member moon mining permitted?

No, this is one thing that has to be managed by the alliance to offset sov costs. 

Will 4TH leadership also encourage its PvP specialist to participate in industrial projects?  For example, alliance members all training up to maintain a single planetary colony and export a low-end product to sell on the local market.  Or is the PvP specialist not expected to contribute to non-PvP activities?

Outside of defensive operations we do not force anyone to do anything - and we do that so we can survive.  We are not elitest, PVPers aren't knights and miners plebs.  If its best for the alliance I would expect the members to do what is best for the alliance.  As far as training *all* alliance members, I think that is unpractical.

Oh, and thanks for the heads up on the website, meant to add that.


John Revenent

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #5 on: 07 Nov 2011, 00:15 »

This is a good opportunity for a Caldari Alliance, unlike any other before.

Wish you guys luck. We would be all over it but ya know  :evil:

Hamish Grayson

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #6 on: 07 Nov 2011, 12:44 »

I know Ive removed myself from the loop, but TBH I still dont see why everything can't be worked out.   No reason to let third parties (Amarrian or Gallente) keep us from finally building a true Cladari bloc.   

Van Cleef

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #7 on: 07 Nov 2011, 13:11 »

Wish you guys luck. We would be all over it but ya know  :evil:

Yes sir, I do.  It is a very unfortunate situtation, but you never know what the future may hold.

Ladel Teravada

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #8 on: 18 Feb 2012, 06:41 »

Bit of a bump. Still looking for more pilots. Lately been flying 10-20 man gangs mostly apart from the major fights together with CVA where its been 150-200 man fleets.

 We are test-running a reimbursement scheme for gangs now and try to have 4-5 bigger roams a week at least =) Always interested in more FC's as well.  If you wonder how a roam of ours can look.

Demion Samenel

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #9 on: 25 Sep 2012, 22:50 »

Small information update is in order. The Fourth  District is growing slowly, myself and few others is pushing abit for more RP within the alliance, alot of ideas is on the board.

we are always looking for pilots to fill our corps or corps to join "The District"

Soon (tm) more information....

Demion Samenel, Commander
« Last Edit: 03 Oct 2012, 22:41 by Demion Samenel »


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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #10 on: 13 Oct 2012, 13:15 »

Ladel is very active FC on EU timezone and is very successful.

0000-0600 EVT Providence often has light hostile gangs* (<20 ships) roaming around that need killing.
Opportunity to help make a difference in Providence if you play during that time zone.

*Black Ops, T2 Frigate, occasional BC gang.

Demion Samenel

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #11 on: 15 Mar 2013, 15:29 »

I have created a 4TH District News feed that will bring out some information about the District. It will mainly be RP events and information from The District, but sometimes things might get abit of OOC aswell.

Hopefully this will add to our and others RP sense of The District.

We have aslo reach our 500 members, and will work the memberbase we have.

Abit more activity on the US TZ, but still on the low side.

Demion Samenel

Kyoko Sakoda

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #12 on: 15 Mar 2013, 16:09 »

I like these dudes, among many other dudes.

Demion Samenel

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #13 on: 16 Apr 2013, 14:29 »

Winner of our first Fourth District fiction competition have been posted here, enjoy  :D

Have tried to make our space more alive so I issued a writing competition that focused on our alliance the price was 500 mil ISK and a Cynabal.

Also updated our alliance with an CCP event channel to be more focus on those who are intrested in live events.

Fly safe!

Demion Samenel

Demion Samenel

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Re: Fourth District (Caldari RP)
« Reply #14 on: 16 Jun 2013, 18:12 »

Finally got an update of 4TH Districts backstory done.

We are constantly fine tuning both small gang warfare and larger coalition ops, emphasize on small gang warfare, but larger fleets do happen.

And of course one of our highlights during the years is the Alliance Tournament, which we always look forward to participate in.

The RP within the alliance is getting better and better but we still hold a light approach to it, but its highly encouraged.

Demion Samenel
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