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That the Blood Raiders are a sect of the Sani Sabik who spend their lives in space hunting down and harvesting non-believers for their blood? Read more here!

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Author Topic: Glimpses  (Read 4105 times)


  • Queen of Chocolate
  • Egger
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« on: 17 Nov 2014, 11:23 »

Maybe this will drive me to start writing again....

He was coming.
She turned and ran, she didn't even think about it. Not really. She knew what would happen, what always happens. The door pulled her up short, she
scrabbled at it, fear making her clumsy. She'd broken it yes, but was that a reason? Of course it was, it was always the reason, or something similar. She pulled the door open but it had taken too long, he'd caught her.
She was pulled away from the door, the portal slammed closed as she lost her balance. She cried out, his hand already striking her even as her she fell to the floor, curling up instinctively.
Words filled her ears, their sounds meaningless.
"Why did many times have I told you?" On and on, justifications for her punishment shouted In her direction, each statement punctuated by the meaty slap of hand on flesh, again and again.
He loved her, she was sure of this, but why did it then feel wrong. Obviously she'd upset him but did she really deserve this?
She flinched away from each blow, her small frame rocking under the slaps, bruises beginning to crowd her pale skin.
She knew it would be different later, that she'd be welcome in his arms again. Hugged and told how precious she was but for now there was just the pain and her attempts to blank it out, to endure it.
A last slap struck her side, tears in her eyes as he turned to walk away. No comfort offered, tears unshed in case she angered him more, she raised her head, forcing herself to unfold from her ball as she watched her father walk away.
« Last Edit: 18 Nov 2014, 17:23 by Halcyon »


  • Egger
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #1 on: 17 Nov 2014, 11:30 »

I love reading about Characters pasts. What motivates them, what makes them who they are. +1 :) Good read!


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #2 on: 18 Nov 2014, 12:07 »

She dropped out of warp, her sensors sweeping the void. Nothing registered, no life, no signatures. She approached the beacon, alert for threats, wallowing through space. She couldn't get used to the battleship, the enormous construction clumsy to inhabit.
Drones appeared around her, the threat too immediate to wonder how they'd remained concealed until now. The rogues targeted her, threat  signatures flashing across her overview. She locked down the smallest, her turrets tracking them, lasers stabbing through the void. The drones vanished, obliterated by pulses of scintillant energy.
Return fire overloaded her shields, dropping them one by one. A constant stream of shots stitched across her armour, scoring holes in the plate. As she activated her repair mechanisms, her instructors voice filled her mind. "When engaging in combat, especially when unsupported, you have two options. You can take the punishment or you can deal it out."
A small smile quirked across her lips deep within the womb of the ship.
She'd take the punishment. She was good at that.
« Last Edit: 18 Nov 2014, 17:18 by Halcyon »


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #3 on: 18 Nov 2014, 16:04 »

She sat in the bar, seemingly careless of her surroundings, her gaze switching between the glass in her hand and a faraway spot behind the bar. Her Crimson dress clung to her figure, accentuating her voluptuous curves. They'd all been watching her for a good thirty minutes when he approached, trying to look casual, sidling up to her and mouthing something pleasant. She didn't turn her head, didn't acknowledge him, simply continued to search the bottom of her glass. He spoke again, his brow furrowing as she ignored him, swirling her glass idly.
Finally he reached out, placing his hand on hers.
She resisted the urge to flinch, buried it with a force of will and slowly moved her hand away, turning to look up at him with her pale grey eyes.
"No. I don't think so" she said simply with a shake of her head.
He reached out again and she frowned, causing him to pause a moment. More words spilled from his lips, accusing and wheedling, uncomplimentary
With a quiet sigh she reached up, dragging the great mass of her red hair to one side, revealing the plugs. The marks of her demi-godhood.
He recoiled, a look of fear slowly giving way to anger, he moved forwards and then paused. She could see him calculating, doing the maths in his head. A capsuleer. Alone and vulnerable.
Or was she. His head flicked around, searching the bar as he slowly backed away, not breaking his gaze until he turned and ran for the door.
She let her hair fall with a sigh.
That was cruel...she thought to herself.
But her smile was a little wider and her drink tasted a little sweeter.
« Last Edit: 18 Nov 2014, 17:16 by Halcyon »


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #4 on: 19 Nov 2014, 12:32 »

Her cloak shrouded her, distorting vision, blanking her signal.
Her prey floated beneath her, a barrage of missiles lifting from the battlecruiser to slam into a nearby sleeper drone. Superlative shielding absorbed the return fire, the armour beneath untouched.
Her mouth twisted in distaste as she observed the Caldari hulls angular brutality, the sacrifice of form for function offending her sensibilities. It was the second time she'd located him, her probes spooking the pilot and his companion, forcing her to wait for his caution to dull and hunting him down the old fashioned way. It hadn't taken long.
She concentrated, thoughts becoming words as she signalled to the fleet commander.
Found him
Is he aware of you? The reply was brusque but not unfriendly, she knew he appreciated her work. She'd gotten him home safely after all.
Hasn't a clue...he's fighting the locals
Confirmed, approach to fifteen. We'll jump and drop on your mark
She transmitted her assent, her engines flaring under their blanket of concealment as she stalked towards the enemy ship.


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #5 on: 20 Nov 2014, 11:20 »

She'd been out too long and she fumbled it.
Her ship floated at the edge of the bubble, her cloak torn away. For long
moment she hung there, watching the frigates on her overview before turning
to flee. They gave chase, locking her down even as her afterburner flared to
life, propelling her from the bubble. As she emerged she locked her warp drive
on a nearby planet, precious seconds slipping by as it cycled up.
Her warp cancelled, scramblers locking down the drive, slowing her for far too long as she forced her afterburner to fire again. Lasers ripped at her ship, stripping away shield and armour in moments, eating into to the hull. She braced herself, focusing on the planet once more, slamming herself into warp as her pod ripped free of the wreckage.
As she dropped out of warp she considered her options, bad and worse beforekicking her warp drive into action again, heading deeper into null.


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #6 on: 21 Nov 2014, 11:26 »

The pod was wrenched out of warp. A silent snarl crossed her face as she found herself on the edge of another bubble. Her sensors swept the void. Nothing. She floated, exposed and vulnerable, thinking fast.
Aligning with the furthest most planet she cycled up her warp drive, catapulting herself through space, landing and scanning, sweeping with her sensors before returning to the gate.
Once again, wrenched from the warp, once again desperately scanning for enemies. Nothing, no one. She forced herself to think. She couldn't go back. Her pursuers had abandoned the chase but there was no safety in null sec.
Low sec lay ahead, a hundred painstaking kilometres away.
Determined, desperate she slammed her will against the warp drive, spinning it up without coordinates.
The pod shuddered, lurching out of the plane of the system, the short jump throwing her off grid before dropping out of warp.
Silent words slipped through her mind, prayers she hadn't uttered in years as she focused on the gate, forcing herself into warp once more.
She landed on the gate.


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #7 on: 26 Nov 2014, 12:25 »

Wine hazed her thoughts, a pleasant numbness to all sensation. The weight of confessions hung upon the air, the burden lifted temporarily from her shoulders. A small smile crept across her face, slightly rueful. For once, she didn't feel vulnerable, afraid, hunted.
She felt safe.
She pressed in closer to the embrace, head rested on shoulder. Her arm slipped around the slender waist of her companion, snuggling into her tighter.
"Thank you "


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #8 on: 26 Nov 2014, 12:32 »

She stood in the centre of her new room, looking around. The walls were almost bare, a single hanging covering one wall, scripture embroidered upon it. She tugged at her ill fitting shift, her eyes still moving as if searching for something familiar. The bare floor, the simple pallet with a bleached blanket, a small closet, nothing personal, nothing familiar. She lasted a few more moments, her bewilderment at her new situation cushioning her before the reality finally broke through.
She crumpled, her face screwing up, her arms wrapping around her as she sank to the floor, folding in upon herself. Sobs wracked her body, the tears flowing easily down her cheeks, soaking the cloth over her knees as each lack filtered through her bewildered mind.
Her mother, her sister, even him, her father, no longer a part of her life. No more waking in her own bed, spending time with her pets.
Just day after day surrounded by strangers. Day after day of discipline.
Day after day at her new school.


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #9 on: 02 Dec 2014, 15:18 »

As she walked the buildings became run down, dilapidated. The neighbourhood became more menacing, people scowling at her, a mix of
races standing on corners and loitering in doorways. She glanced again at the note, pulling her coat around her tighter, eyes flicking back and forth constantly.
Her mind focussed on her destination, trying to ignore the catcalls, tugging her hood up to obscure her heritage. A lock of blonde hair escaped the confinement, flying loose as she hurried along.
Her father hated people like the man she was trying to find. The death of honest business, he called them, her face flushed with anger. She was far beyond concern for her fathers approval, however, and a forger was the next step in her plan.
She arrived at the address, a hulking male of mixed material heritage blocking her path. He sneered down at her, patting her for weapons,  cupping her in predictable places before stepping out of the way.
She went inside


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #10 on: 02 Dec 2014, 15:18 »

It was the only way to describe the space. Easily the largest room within the school, golden statues adorned the walls, martyrs and saints gazing sternly down on the congregation. Golden light suffused the room, reflecting in glittering highlights from the decorations. She knelt before the altar, her eyes red. Tears streaked her face and the dull throb of the cane still stung the backs of her thighs.
She bowed her head in abasement, muttering prayers by rote, a desperate edge to her voice that begged for to believed.
Finally, her voice a cracked whisper, they allowed her to stand.
"Let the glory of God fill you child. Let him guide your actions henceforth."
She looked at the floor, not daring to raise her gaze. Only emptiness filled her in this place of worship. She kept her head bowed in obeisance as she followed them out, her actions guided by her desire to escape.
« Last Edit: 02 Dec 2014, 17:42 by Halcyon »


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #11 on: 03 Dec 2014, 11:33 »

Her sister's cries echoed through the house.
"How could she do this?" He raged, pacing back and forth.
His grey hair was dishevelled, lined face set in an angry grimace with which she was far too familiar.
She sat quietly, listening to a rant that had become quite familiar in the last few months.
He paced back and forth, back and forth, his fists clenched and his face red.
"She's ruined herself," he complained. "Ruined my plans..."
She shook her head, perhaps unwisely but he seemed distracted still.
The cries ended, replaced by a babies wail. He turned to face her, an intent look in his eyes, lined face set, determined.
She shook her head, she couldn't help herself.
"One daughter is as good as another, it can as easily be you. We'll have to
wait another two years but he'll accept you..."
He seemed confident now, almost smiling until he actually saw what she was doing, noticed her pressing back into the sofa, shaking her head.
His rage returned and he advanced on her again, eyes wild.
"You will, you will do as I say, I am your Father!" He shouted, his hand raising.
She tried to run.
Too late.


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #12 on: 04 Dec 2014, 12:21 »

He leaned back in his chair, long slender fingers against his cheek. He seemed to be Ni-Kunni. Mostly. He watched her in silence, her discomfort growing.
"Well.." He said, voice a lazy drawl, "I can do as you need but, can ya pay my costs?"
" I have money, I can get you money..." She said her voice sounding childish and small by comparison.
"I know that, I know who y'are girly. Y'try an' find me I find ya first, but a life focussed on money just ain't fun."
He watched her and she squirmed under his gaze.
"Take off ya coat, girlie, show us what ya got."
She froze up, considered refusing, discarded the idea. She'd come too far.
She shed the coat, struggling out of it, hair tangling over her face. She was allowed real dresses now, no longer a child's shift. Untailored of course, the material stretched over her burgeoning bosom, tight over her hips.
She stood facing down, the sound of his slow inhale loud enough to fill the silence.
"Very nice girly, very nice" he got up, slowly approaching her, tilting her head up to look at him.
"I won't force ya, not my thing, but I'll show ya my work and y'can decide if it's worth the price..."


  • Guest
Re: Glimpses
« Reply #13 on: 04 Dec 2014, 15:01 »

Hope you don't mind me dropping into your thread, but I just want to say how much I'm enjoying these shorts.
I have a chronically bad attention span when it comes to reading, so these tidbits are ideal for me  :)
Please keep them coming!


  • Queen of Chocolate
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Re: Glimpses
« Reply #14 on: 05 Dec 2014, 12:33 »

A knock on the door, the lightest of taps. She crawled out of bed, nightgown rubbing against the welts on her thighs. She winced, fresh tears in her red-rimmed eyes as she padded to the door pulling it open.
The girl stood on the other side, little more than impression in the darkness.
Tousled short hair, spare long limbs. They stood, watching each other for a moment, the girl seeming ready to take flight.
She stepped back, to one side, leaving the way clear.
The girl followed, slipping into the room, the door closing behind her.
There were no words, voices meant discovery, but the girls arms closed around her, pulling her in, head resting on shoulder. She drew a shuddering breath, tears flowing once more as they clung to one another in the darkness.
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