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Author Topic: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman  (Read 4313 times)

Louella Dougans

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Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« on: 08 Sep 2014, 14:33 »

"For a thousand years, the Imperial Navy has been the ultimate guarantor of the continued existence of the Empire", boomed the voice of a Navy recruiting sergeant to a crowd in the market square.

Amongst the listeners was a young man, Ahmar Ataru, a Ni-kunni apprentice plumber, who paused in the midst of his errands for his master, to listen to the Navy sergeant's speech.

"The gold shield, and the mighty gold hammer, such is the Imperial Navy", the sergeant went on.

Ahmar stopped and listened intently, his errand slipping from his attention.

"And the Navy needs Righteous men and women, to crew the Golden Fleet", the sergeant continued. "How about you, boy? Think you're righteous enough?"
Ahmar froze as the sergeant pointed right at him. "Umm. I, err, I'd need to ask my master", he stuttered.
"Ah, a slave are you? Well, tell your master he'll be paid full price for any recruits he sends to the Navy".
"I will, sir", said Ahmar.
"Don't call me Sir, I work for a living" said the sergeant, before pointing to another member of the crowd. "What about you ? It's a man's life in the Imperial Navy. Put hairs on your chest, so it will."
The rather startled young woman that was pointed at , said "umm, I'm a girl? I don't want hair on my chest?"
Unfazed by this, the sergeant continued, "Indeed, though the Navy needs righteous women as well as men"

Ahmar left the marketplace, his attention returned to his errand. Making his way through the narrow streets and alleys, he returned to his master's shop.

"Took your time, Ahmar", said his master, an older Ni-Kunni man named Jarerit. "Eyeing up the shop girls again?"
"No master, a Navy recruiter asked if I wanted to enlist", said Ahmar. "Said that the Navy pays full price for recruits"
"Did he now? Well, that's interesting. You know, a career in the Navy is quite prestigious. I served for two tours myself, that's how I set myself up in business here. Bought my freedom and everything.", said Jarerit.
"I'm not sure, master. Isn't the Navy dangerous?", asked Ahmar
"Not at all. Listen. The Navy does not come around here often, this could be your best shot at becoming a freeman like myself. We both know there's nothing left for me to teach you, so I think you should seriously consider signing up." said Jarerit.
"Would my owner, Lord Zateki agree, do you think?", asked Ahmar
"For full price? You're damn right he will." said Jarerit.

The next day, Ahmar made his way to the recruiting station, with a signed release from Lord Zateki.

"Ahmar Ataru"
"Welcome to the Imperial Navy"

Elmund Egivand

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #1 on: 08 Sep 2014, 20:39 »

The premise is intriguing. I like to read more.
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Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #2 on: 09 Sep 2014, 02:50 »

The premise is intriguing. I like to read more.

Premise is to explore what Navy service means to a slave, in a historical Amarr Empire (~1000 yrs before present)

Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #3 on: 09 Sep 2014, 06:14 »

"Ahmar Ataru"
"Here's your ID card. Now, go over there, with those others"

Ahmar looked at the ID card, a plastic rectangle with an embedded data chip, it said "Ahmar Ataru, slave technician 4th grade, untrained" on it. He moved as directed to a group of other men and women, also with ID cards, who were forming a queue.
"No Talking", said an Imperial Marine, as Ahmar took his place in line.

The queue filtered through to another room, where there were a group of Navy medics.
"Take off your clothes, please", said a nurse.
Ahmar looked around, the other members of his group were disrobing and being examined. Reluctantly, he did as he was told.
"Give me your ID card, and stand on the scales", said another nurse, who then inserted it into a card reader.
A Navy doctor then started asking questions, while a nurse took measurements of Ahmar's height and weight.
"Have you ever had the spotted rash?"
"No sir", said Ahmar
"Any broken bones?"
"No sir"
"Any history of hallucinations, delusions, speaking in the Deceiver's tongue?"
"No sir"
"Open your mouth"
Ahmar did so, and the doctor peered in, and manipulated Ahmar's jaw and cheeks to examine his teeth.
"Very good"
The nurse gave Ahmar his ID card back, then motioned him to join another line, this line consisting of naked men and women, clutching their ID cards.

"This way to the showers", said another nurse, "come along now, step lively"
The group made their way to the showers, where hot soapy water was sprayed at them from all directions.
"SCRUB WELL", boomed a voice from a hidden speaker, "CLEANLINESS BEGETS RIGHTEOUSNESS"
"this soap is harsh", said one woman, nervously.
"probably antibacterial", said one man.
The soap stopped, then hot, dry air was blown through the chamber, drying the people off. Still clutching their ID cards, they were motioned to proceed through to another room.

"Show me your ID", said a Navy sergeant, wearing the insignia of Naval Logistics.
Ahmar handed over his ID card, and waited while the sergeant entered some details into his card reader, then gave the card back to Ahmar.
"Proceed over there"
Ahmar moved as directed, to where a group of Navy personnel were handing out bundles of clothes to the other members of his group. Some of them were already dressing, underwear, socks, a jumpsuit, boots, and a neck chain for their ID card.
"Once you're dressed, over there", said one of the Navy men.
Ahmar dressed quickly, then moved as directed.

Once all the group were clothed, a Navy sergeant entered the room.
"Good Morning, recruits. You have been enlisted into the Golden Fleet. You will address me as Instructor. There are four ways to do things here, the wrong way, the right way, the Navy way and my way. Do things my way, and we'll get along. Some of you may be wondering what it is that slaves do in the Golden Fleet, well, you will learn that over the next three months of training, before you are assigned to your ship."

Ahmar listened carefully as the sergeant went on, then, followed the rest of the group as they were taken away to a transport depot, to board shuttles up to orbit. He was leaving his home planet for the first time in his life.

Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #4 on: 24 Sep 2014, 12:09 »

The first month of training consisted of physical training for Ahmar and his fellow recruits.

"Recruits." the instructor said. "By the time you finish your training, you will be in the best physical shape of your entire lives. You may wonder what there is to do on a space ship that requires such fitness, you will find out."

The days passed. Ahmar and his colleagues ran, climbed up and down ladders, lifted heavy boxes, for several hours each day, under the blue-green sunlight filtering through the dome of the training facility that the Navy had built on a barren world.

Ahmar noticed himself and the others losing body fat and gaining muscle.

One day, his group were completing their run around the perimeter of the dome, when they observed the instructors talking with an officer with a cybernetic hand.

"Look at that guy's hand. It's silver." said one of the recruits
"He must be an Ardishapur. They all have cyber hands", said another recruit.
"I've never seen an Amarr before", said another.
"You've never seen your master? How'd you manage that?", asked one.
"Oh, he's Udorian, not a True Amarr."
"Ah, I see"
"Straighten up, they're coming over."

As the instructor and officer approached, the group fell into formation and stood to attention.

"Ah, these are your latest recruits. How are they doing ?" asked the officer.
"First month of training, sir. Progressing well, sir." said the instructor.
"Excellent. What weights have they been training with?"
"Traditional 20kg boxes, sir."
"Mmm, good, though we may have to change that in the future, there are some new lasers with larger crystals going through trials"
"I did not know that, sir"
"It's a recent development, perhaps the Director of Naval Construction hasn't yet told Training Command."
"I would not know, sir"
"Indeed not, sergeant"

The officer and instructor wandered off, leaving Ahmar's group stood at attention for a few minutes, until another instructor appeared, a woman with a cybernetic leg.

"Recruits, why are you standing around?"
"Instructor. An officer was present, we stood to attention, we have not yet received new orders", said Ahmar.
"Oh, well, since you're here, and the Deceiver makes work for idle persons, follow me. Keep pace."

The woman began jogging around the perimeter of the dome, and Ahmar's group followed.

The next week, training for Ahmar's group included the carrying of 25kg boxes instead of 20kg boxes.

Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #5 on: 27 Sep 2014, 02:40 »

"Recruits, this obstacle course is one of the tests of fitness the Navy requires." said the instructor.
"You will lift this crate, carry it up this ladder, along this catwalk, down this ladder, then deposit it in this location here."
"The Navy standard is 40 seconds. An acceptable time is 35 seconds. One at a time, let's have you."

The recruits formed an orderly line to attempt the obstacle course.

"39 seconds, are you awake, recruit?"
"37 seconds, have you been stealing pies from the canteen?"
"38 seconds, did you put your boots on the wrong way round?"
"36 seconds, that's more like it"
"35.5 seconds. Are you trying to be funny, Mr. Ataru?"
"38 seconds, have you been skipping PT?"

None of the recruits managed the obstacle in 35 seconds, although all were under the 40 limit.

"I see we still have much to do. Perhaps we have been too soft on you. Instructor Mahir?"

The woman with the cybernetic leg jogged up. "Instructor Teni?"

"These recruits have not reached the acceptable standard for the obstacle."

The woman smiled. "Alright recruits, fall in and follow me. Keep pace."

The woman led the recruits around a track, with several obstacles including hurdles and water jumps.

One of the recruits fell in the water, and Instructor Mahir shouted for two others to pull them out.

"It's not fair, we can't keep up with your cyber leg" said one of them

"Nonsense. All my leg means, is that I can kick your ass twice as hard. Now get up and keep pace before I demonstrate."

The recruits picked up the pace and continued.

Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #6 on: 11 Oct 2014, 09:06 »

The second month consisted of more physical training exercises, as well as lectures about the Navy history and culture.

Ahmar and the others were expected to memorise the Navy Hymn, as well as the Spaceman's Prayer, and learn about the glorious history of the Navy, from the earliest days as a sailing navy, to the current age of starships.

The services took place in the chapel at the training facility, with an immense pipe organ that took four slaves to operate the bellows. The music boomed out, and the recruits and other Navy people raised their voices in song:

O Heavenly Father, lord of all,
Who made the stars both large and small,
And made each planet, moon, and sun,
Their each appointed orbit run,
Hear us when we seek thy grace,
For those that venture into space.


Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #7 on: 17 Oct 2014, 10:12 »

The third month of Ahmar's training, had more physical training, more lectures, and Basic Shipboard Operations.

"Recruits, pay attention. This is the Mark V Crewman's Survival Suit. This suit will keep you alive, should you have to exit the ship for any reason. This gauge here, is your oxygen meter. Full, one half, one quarter. If it gets to one quarter, you should refill your tank. Ships have numerous oxygen ports. You will familiarise yourself with their locations. You will use more oxygen when exerting yourself. Be Aware of this. The boots and gloves have stickypatches on them, such that you can walk on the exterior surface of the ship, should that be necessary. This is your toolbelt, and this is the safety line attachment point. Your suit will have it's own length of safety line, and there will be lines on the ship itself. BE SURE that you are attached, Falling Off The Ship is a disciplinary offence. This is the radio. As a crewman, you will be tuned to the shipwide crewman's channel, and you will have your own work party channel. You can switch between channels with this control.", said Instructor Teni.

"Wearing the Mark V Crewman's Survival Suit involves the following procedure.", said Instructor Mahir. "First, you will strip down to your underwear. Secondly, you will apply grease to your arms and legs. This is so that the safety seals on the suits arms and legs will seal properly. Should your suit's arm or leg be punctured, the safety seals will keep you alive until you can reboard the ship. Exposure to vacuum is a serious matter, how do you think I lost my leg? A dancing accident? Once you have applied the grease, you put the suit on in this order."

The recruits practiced wearing the suits for the rest of the day. The next day consisted of evacuation drills, in a simulated room, with a variety of hazards.

"Instructor, what happens if the ship reactor overloads? how long do we have to evacuate the ship?"
"The rest of your life, son. The rest of your life."

In addition to the use of survival suits and evacuation procedures, the recruits watched numerous instructional videos, warning of the dire hazards of Space Madness, Jump Sickness, Prostitutes, and Culter Pirates.

"I didn't know spaceships were so dangerous", said one recruit.
"That's why we have the survival suits. If there's a fire on board, they have to vent the compartment, to put the fire out.", said another.

The recruits also learned about the shipwide PA system and what the messages mean.

Anyanka Funk

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #8 on: 17 Oct 2014, 11:05 »

These stories are all very inspiring. I like this series!

Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #9 on: 17 Oct 2014, 11:17 »

These stories are all very inspiring. I like this series!

thanks! :)

if it wasn't obvious, the Navy hymn would be something similar to Eternal Father strong to save, the lyrics I put there I think i might have seen them elsewhere, or combined some lyrics, but in any case, they should fit the music. Another hymn that would fit would be something similar to We have an Anchor.

Something that can be played on a loud organ anyway, with lots of naval metaphors.

Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #10 on: 29 Nov 2014, 15:29 »

"Congratulations. On this day, you are no longer mere recruits. Today, you are now Ordinary Spacemen in the Imperial Navy"

Ahmar and the rest of his class were parading in the graduation ceremony.

"As part of the Golden Shield, you will be the protector of the Empire, and as part of the Golden Hammer, you will crush the enemies of the Emperor."

Ahmar listened to the instructor's speech, looking down at his ID card.

"Welcome to the Fleet, sailors. You'll receive your assignments tomorrow at 0800. You have the rest of the day free."

The class cheered and congratulated each other.

"Hey Ahmar, what ship you hoping for?" asked one of his classmates, a short Ni-Kunni girl named Chilna.

"I'm not sure Chilna, maybe a line cruiser ? what about yourself?"

"Same. Cruisers see a bit more action than the heavies. More opportunity for early freedom."

"That's true. Did you have any plans for today?"

"Not really. It's nice we have the rest of the day off, but it's not like there's anywhere to go. Would have been different if our training depot was on a civilian world."

"I guess it keeps us out of trouble, being the only inhabited part of this planet"

"True enough, Ahmar, say, want to play cards to pass the time?"

"Sure, I'd like that".

Ahmar and Chilna and some of their friends played cards and the Ni-Kunni board game late into the evening.

Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #11 on: 11 Feb 2015, 14:05 »

The next morning dawns.

"All right spacemen, your assignments have been posted. Some of the ships will be arriving later today, others have been delayed and will arrive tomorrow or the day after. Check your assignments. Those of you shipping out today, will report to the shuttle depot, with your gear."

Ahmar and the others read down the list of assignments, and saw that he'd been assigned to a patrol cruiser, named the Derdainys, which would be arriving in two days.

"If you're not shipping out today, report to the maintenance depot at 0830, for Temporary Duty Assignment"

Ahmar shook hands with his classmates who were departing, and wished them well, then headed for the maintenance depot.

The sergeant in charge of the maintenance section was supervising some other technicians checking over some pressure suits, when Ahmar and the others reported in.

"Temporary Duty, eh? Good stuff.", said the maintenance chief, checking a list. "Alright men. CO wants the shuttle field looking good for the Fleet arriving. Suit up and get to it."

Ahmar and the rest of the sailors assigned to temporary duty, put on their pressure suits, and were issued with a litter stick and a bag.

"Form a line, and police call the shuttle field. I want it done by 1800" said the sergeant in charge, over the suit radio.

Ahmar found his place in the line, and the suited figures proceeded slowly across the shuttle field, picking up all  pieces of litter and other debris that had accumulated on the field. As they did this, the occasional shuttle landed on the strip, blowing more debris across the field.

Breaking for lunch at 1300, the sailors filed back into the depot.

"You know, there's something about this that feels less than satisfying", remarked one.
"Is it the shuttles blowing junk onto the bit we've just done?" asked another.
"Nah, it's the sailors on the outgoing shuttles pointing at us and laughing", said a third sailor.
The other sailors laughed and joked with each other, before resuming the task at 1330.

At 1800, the maintenance chief called a halt, and the sailors returned to the depot to unsuit and hand back their litter sticks.

Then it was time for evening meal, then evening prayers at the base chapel, before Ahmar and the others turned in.

The next day, Temporary Duty Assignment consisted of inventorying several warehouses full of parts for spacesuits.

Then, the following morning, Ahmar's ship entered system, and it was time for him to join the Fleet.

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #12 on: 16 Feb 2015, 14:51 »

"Welcome aboard the Derdainys, sailors. Here are your bunk assignments, get your gear stowed, we'll be weighing anchor in one hour.", said the senior sergeant to Ahmar and the other new sailors.

Looking over his assignment, Ahmar saw that he had been assigned as Apprentice Environmental Technician, and would be sharing a compartment with Senior Environmental Technician Ihra. Making his way through the ship to the indicated compartment, he found it empty and stored his belongings in the locker.

"Ahaa, matey!" came a voice. Ahmar looked up in surprise, and saw a wiry Ni-Kunni woman in a grubby jumpsuit grinning with golden teeth at him. Her name tag said Able Spaceman Ihra.
"You'll be the new lad then?" she said. Ahmar nodded. "Umm, Ordinary Spaceman Ahmar Ataru reporting."
"Ataru, eh? I had a shipmate called Ataru once, good mate he was, got granted freedom for saving his ship. Of course, didn't do him much good.", said Ihra.
"um, why not, sir?" asked Ahmar
"Well, he died, didn't he? Posthumous Freedom it was", grinned Ihra.

A piercing whistle came over the ship PA, followed by a voice. "Weigh Anchor!"
Ahmar felt the gravity shift slightly, as the Derdainys got under way.

"Says you have some plumbing skill, right?" asked Ihra.
"Yes, Able Spaceman.", said Ahmar.
"Goody, you'll love it when we meet up with the orangery. Lots of plumbing to be done, eheheh", grinned Ihra.
"An orangery, sir?"
"Fresh oranges, the finest in the Fleet!", said Ihra. "But that'll be a few hours yet. I suggest getting some sleep, it's what I'm going to do", and with that Ihra flopped into her bunk.

Ahmar continued to sort out his belongings, before lying down on his bunk. He wasn't sleepy.

Rin Valador

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #13 on: 17 Feb 2015, 18:20 »

I am loving this series!.
On the internet no one knows you are a giraffe... no one...

Louella Dougans

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Re: Ahmar Ataru, Ordinary Spaceman
« Reply #14 on: 15 Mar 2015, 12:16 »

"All right sailors! Hands off cocks, on with socks!" came a loud voice. "You too, Ihra!"

Ahmar sat up with a start, nearly cracking his head on the frame of the bunk. He looked at the source of the comment, a short Ni-Kunni sailor in a jumpsuit whose nametag read Able Spaceman Roda.

"What do you want, Roda?" asked Ihra.
"Pump's jammed on one of the sludge tanks. Need to swap it out, soon as."
"Righto, Roda, anything else?"
"This your new apprentice? What's your name, sailor?"
"Ahmar Ataru, sir"
"Welcome aboard"

Ahmar and Ihra got their jumpsuits in order, and headed down to the storeroom to get toolkits, before going to the environmental section, where the pump was located.

"Officer on deck!"
"Ah, Ihra, good to see you. We need this pump replaced, get your man on it right away"
"Yes sir!"

Ahmar and Ihra started work on the pump.
"All right, Ahmar, electrics are off", said Ihra as she put a lock with her tag on it onto the switch that isolated the electrical supply, another lock with the engineering officer's tag was also on the switch.
"Turn the inlet valve to shut, then the outlet valve"

Once the valves were closed, the two began unfastening the pipework.
"Pipe's stuck, we'll have to cut it free. Give me a saw. Alright, cut through here"
Ahmar sawed away at the stuck pipe.

Ahmar and Ihra unbolted the pump from its mountings and moved it out of the way.
"Alright, Ahmar, see if you can get that stuck section of pipe shifted, I'll get the new pump out of stores"
With the pump out of the way, Ahmar could get at the stuck section, and was able to wrench it free, while Ihra returned with the new pump on a trolley.

"Okay, let's get this one in place. Refitting is a reversal of removal, as the Scriptures say. Though, given how often that's not the case, you'd have thought they'd have called that heresy by now."

With the new pump in place, Ihra undid her locktag from the isolation switch.

"Okay, Ahmar, while we wait for the engineer officer, let's have a lookie at this pump."
Ihra poked at the jammed pump. "Oh, what's this?"
A small metal capsule was jammed in the impeller. "This is why it jammed"
"What is it?"
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