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Author Topic: The Guardian  (Read 3606 times)


  • Omelette
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The Guardian
« on: 06 Apr 2013, 13:45 »

Survey Vessel Trident, in orbit around uncharted temperate planet.

"Captain, here on the thermal scanner, see it?"
"A blob, higher than the surroundings, yeah, I see it, what're your thoughts?"
"too warm to be natural, there has to be an artificial source, some kind of reactor, and that's the heat plume from the exhaust", said the scansman.
"There shouldn't be anything there, Captain.", said the chief scientist.
The captain frowned, "settlers, maybe? what about pirates?"
"Possible, but the size of it looks like a substantial installation, larger than anything that most civilians would have been able to obtain."
"I'll take the ship in closer, lets get a better look at it"

"Looks like ruined buildings around the site of the reactor. Several square kilometres of them."
"Does it look inhabited?"
"No sign of anything. It all looks overgrown with the local vegetation."
"How old do you think it is?"
"Could be centuries, captain, maybe thousands of years."
"And the reactor's still running, eh?"
"Still putting out heat, could be a fission reactor, still hot after centuries"
"Prep the dropship, we'll take a look."


"Suit up everyone. Alright Doctor, what do you need us to do?"
"We're going to land at the outskirts of the city, Sergeant, measure for any environmental hazards, before taking a closer look at this reactor."
"Right, Doctor, we'll keep the wildlife from bothering you."
"Hah, quite. Though there's no guarantee it's uninhabited, so stay sharp."

"Captain, we've landed at the outskirts."
"How does it look, Doctor?"
"Radiation is barely above background levels, bacteria and virus present are all species we have in catalogues, nothing unusually dangerous. Atmosphere reads as breathable, but we're staying suited up for now."
"Any signs of life?"
"Nothing intelligent that we can see. The marines shot an animal that came out of the undergrowth, I don't recognise the species, it was a large quadroped. Quite muscly. Other than that, everything seems normal."
"Alright. Anything in the ruins?"
"A few artifacts in some of what I assume are houses, Amarrian writing on them. Translator hasn't found anything of particular interest yet. Just a few religious texts."
"Amarrian, eh? Could be an isolationist cult."
"That's possible, Captain, I'll let you know if we find anything more."
"Keep in contact, Doctor."

Dropship lands near what looks like a reinforced bunker, thick metal doors at the entrance.

"This seems to be it, Doctor."
"Hmm. Sergeant, have your men look around, there might be another way in. These doors might not open, if they don't have power."
"Will do."
"Alrighty, let's see now. There should be a console... aha... damn, need to enter a code. This may take a while."

[Entrance Console Activated]

"Found what looks like an emergency manhole a couple hundred metres away, Doctor, other than that, your guess is as good as mine."
"Alright Sergeant. I'm going to try these doors, I think this is the right code"
"well, look at that, they still have power"

[Entrance Door Opened]

"Captain, we've gained access to the reactor bunker, there seems to be several chambers inside."
"What have you found?"
"There is a warning written on the door leading further into the complex."
"A warning?"
"Yes, Captain. Ancient Amarr writing, it reads 'Woe Unto Those That Wake The Guardian', according to the translator"
"A guardian? guardian of what?"
"Doesn't say, Captain. Should we press on?"
"Yes, but stay alert, Doctor. If there's a guardian, there's something worth guarding."
"Aye, captain."

"Sergeant, we're going to push on, stay sharp, this tablet says "woe to those that wake the guardian", could be anything behind these doors."
"Guarded treasure, eh?"
"Possibly. Though if it was valuable, why didn't the people take it away with them?"
"Hmm. Alright people, check weapons."

[Inner Door Opened - Start Awakening]

"Look at all this stuff."
"Lots of gold. Think this is what was being guarded?"
"Maybe, though who cares for gold these days?"
"Sarge, Doc, get up here, there's something you have to see!"
"What is it, Corporal?"
"It's... a girl"

"Well, isn't this something, Doc?"
"Cryo stasis chamber, still running, she's still alive, yeah, this is something alright."
"She'll know what happened to the people, won't she?"
"Probably, yes... you didn't touch anything did you?"
"No, why?"
"Look at this, the chamber's awakening her."
"We must have triggered something when we came in here, Doc."
"Sergeant, get your squad to cover, if we've tripped something, the 'Guardian' might be coming"
"You heard the man, Cover!"
"Captain, we have a situation. We've triggered something, there's a woman in a stasis chamber here, she's waking up, the 'Guardian' might be coming for us."
"I read you Doctor. Stay safe."

[Chamber awakening sequence completed]

"It's been half an hour, Doctor, no sign of any 'guardian', maybe it's nonfunctional, what do you think?"
"You could be right, Sergeant, I still feel uneasy though."
"How's the ice queen?"
"The what? ah, hmm, let's take a look. Everything seems alright, I... ggaaah!"
"Doc! what is it!"
"She looked at me! the chamber's opening!"

The woman steps out of the chamber, looking around at the unfamiliar scientists and soldiers, and says something in a questioning tone.
"I'm sorry, miss, I do not understand."
"Does the translator work, Doc?"
"Not on speech, hmm..."
The scientist makes motions representing writing something down. The woman smiles widely.
"She's naked, Sarge."
"I know, corporal, take a look around, see if you can find her some clothes, eh?"
The scientist gives the woman a datapad and scribe, and she writes a short sentence in Amarrian script, then hands it back.
"I, umm, well, err."
"What is it, Doctor?"
"She wrote 'It is rude to stare'"
"Hah, she got that right."
"Here's a robe thing, sarge"
"Well, don't just stand there, corporal, give it to the lady"
"Here you go, miss"
The woman puts on the robe and smiles, and gestures at the datapad. The scientist hands it to her, and she begins writing again.
"Ah, she's asking if we're from the Federation. Says we 'look Gallente'."
"Maybe you do. I'm Intaki. Federation hasn't been called that for two hundred years. How long has she been asleep?"
"We'll get to that, I'm going to ask about this 'Guardian'. She might know if it still works or not."

The woman looks at the datapad and the question written on it, then begins speaking in heavily accented Gallentean.
"Hello Human People, I am the Guardian of the Word of God, the True Faith. Would you Like an Explanatory Leaflet? It is a Leaflet that Explains."
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #1 on: 06 Apr 2013, 17:02 »

Very entertaining, not to mention intriguing. ;)

Final line is a very abrupt ending however, is there supposed to be more to this, or do I simply not get it?


Morwen Lagann

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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #2 on: 06 Apr 2013, 17:14 »

Very entertaining, not to mention intriguing. ;)

Final line is a very abrupt ending however, is there supposed to be more to this, or do I simply not get it?

It's the latter. You don't spend enough time ingame (in the Summit, anyway) to get it. :lol:

Hilarious to those of us who do, though.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #3 on: 07 Apr 2013, 10:38 »

I think I get it by now, I forgot who Cynthia's character was.

I'd love more of this, if possible?

Also am I right in guessing this is set two centuries into the future, ca year 315+ something?

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #4 on: 07 Apr 2013, 13:01 »

I have to say the first time I saw the thread title the first thing that came to mind was that EVE had been mentioned in an article in the newspaper of that name.

Just me being a Brit I suppose.  :D
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.


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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #5 on: 09 Apr 2013, 11:01 »

I think I get it by now, I forgot who Cynthia's character was.

I'd love more of this, if possible?

Also am I right in guessing this is set two centuries into the future, ca year 315+ something?

at least that sort of time, yes. Somewhere that's not so far away that language is incomprehensible, but close enough that Synthia can still speak Gallentean and be understood, even if her grammar is even more peculiar than normal.

glad people enjoyed it. I was going for the sort of thing, similar to explorers finding an Egyptian pyramid, dismissing the ancient curse on all who enter, and finding that at the centre, the sarcophagus opens, and instead of the conventional murderous rage at being disturbed, the mummified pharoah says: "have you ever considered the benefits of being a follower of Anubis?
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.


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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2013, 14:59 »

I would enjoy a leaflet that explains.


Mitara Newelle

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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #7 on: 09 May 2013, 17:32 »

Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"


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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #8 on: 30 May 2013, 13:16 »

Onboard Trident

"That's what I'm saying, Captain. Her brain, it's like nothing I've ever seen before."
"Is she dangerous? Is there a risk of contamination?"
"I don't think so. I ran all the tests, she's not carrying any diseases, but I'll have to give her some medication to boost her immune system when we drop her off."
"Alright. How are the crew getting along with her?"
"The marines have lost most of their card games with her so far. She has an excellent card face, I can't tell when she's bluffing."
"Cards eh? I suppose we'd better get to port before we end up gambling the ship away, eh Doc?"
"Quite so, Captain"

"Your Captain controls the Ship with Cybernetic Implants?"
"Yeah, he has these spine plugs for the ship to connect to"
"Does he not use a Capsule?"
"A capsule? Those Jovian egg things?"
"Those haven't been used for a long time. There was some kind of plague that someone released, killed most of the egger pilots at the time. Kind of fell out of use after that."
"I See. That is Unfortunate. Many People that I Knew were Capsule Pilots."
"Wait, you knew eggers? how old are you?"
"What Year is It? According to the Yoiul Conference Calendar"
"YC? umm, YC400? Roundabout that"
"Then I am Around 285 Years Old. Much will have Changed. My Knowledge of Gallente Fashion will be Obsolete. Are Transparent Corsets still Popular ?"
"There's a retro fashion trend for that right now, yeah"
"I Liked Gallente Fashion in the Past. The Dresses were Interesting, although they were Often Unrighteous"

(more to follow tomorrow)
« Last Edit: 02 Jun 2013, 14:21 by Synthia »
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.


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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #9 on: 30 May 2013, 13:22 »

More of this, yes please!


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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #10 on: 02 Jun 2013, 15:24 »

Union of Free Star Systems customs station, Luminaire

"I am Sorry, I do not Have any Documentation"
"I can't let you enter beyond this point without documents, ma'am"
"She doesn't have any. We picked her up from an uninhabited world"
"It is called Kaztropol. I was Queen of that World."
"She'll have diplomatic immunity then, won't she?"
"I'm sorry sir, ma'am, I'll need to call my supervisor"

"I Observe that the Gallente are as Fond of Bureaucracy and Procedures as they Ever Were."
"You didn't say you were a queen before"
"I Did not Believe it was Relevant."
"Well, there might be an angle here. If you're the sovereign of that world, you can claim you're here on all sorts of reasons. Attracting inward investment. There'd be a few companies looking for a tax break, for example"
"That Seems like a very Caldari Attitude, Captain"
"The Caldari Corporate Prosperity Zone?"
"I Remember it to be called the Caldari State"
"Yes, that was a while ago though"
"There is Much History that I will Need to Examine"

Ministry of Internal Order station, Bashakru

"This news article claims that a, quote, Amarrian queen, unquote, was found on an uninhabited planet by a survey ship. Says she's been in hibernation for hundreds of years"
"Hmm, have the Theology Council got ahold of this?"
"Indeed, they have a representative on their way to meet us already"
"Oh, good."

"We must question this, this, queen. She may know about some of the saints, any contradictions in her accounts would be... problematic."
"And what are you proposing?"
"Send an inquisitor, of course."
"Those Gallente won't like that, perhaps... there are still a few retired inquisitors from around that time... maybe one would like to take a holiday to Gallente space. Not acting in an official capacity, of course"
"And do you have someone in mind?"
"As it so happens... yes."
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.


  • Intaki Still-Rager
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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #11 on: 02 Jun 2013, 17:43 »

This is going places.


  • Omelette
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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #12 on: 09 Jun 2013, 06:19 »

Ny'Stetoh, Mishi IV.

On a park bench beside a pond, an ancient couple are sat, hand in hand, watching the ducks on the pond.
A pair of young Amarr women in the uniform of the Ministry of Internal Order walk up, and one of them asks "Grand Inquisitor?"

The old man looks up "No one has called me that in over a hundred years"
"I'm sorry sir, there is a situation that requires your expertise", says one agent.
"My expertise? Can't a man enjoy his retirement and wife?"
The elegant old woman giggles at this comment, "It must be important dear."
"Here sir", says the other young agent.

The old man runs a hand through his flowing white hair as he reads the dataslate.
"I.. see... Well... this is unusual. I'll be happy to help. Mitty dear, it seems I have been recalled to service."
"Thank you, Lord Shutaq"

University of Caille Library, Luminaire campus.

"Hello, I would Like to Read some Historical Accounts for the past Two Hundred Years."
"Oh, history is over here, third on your left as you go down this aisle. Say, aren't you that Amarr queen on the holo news?"
"Yes ?"
"Wow, you look shorter in person"
"I am the Same Height I have always Been"
"Oh, right, of course."

"This should interest you, miss."
"Please, call me Synthia."
"That's a nice name."

Quote from: File: Recent Amarr History - Assassination of Jamyl 1.
The End of the Mad Empress

The reign of Empress Jamyl I, was brought to a sudden end by her death in an explosion that ruined a cathedral in Dam-Torsad and claimed the lives of several other senior Sarum Family members and associates.

The explosion destroyed one of the main structural supports holding up the roof of the building, where the Empress was attending a banquet held by the Sarum Heir.

Initially, it was thought to be an external attack, but investigations revealed the true sequence of events.

The blast originated in one of the lavatories. Survivors testimony and surveillance recordings identified the perpetrator, which was one of the invited guests.

At 1200, the perpetrator entered along with the rest of the guests. Security did not observe anything suspicious at the time.
At 1430, the perpetrator excused themselves, and was seen on camera entering the lavatory.
At 1500, the perpetrator exits the lavatory, one of the surviving lavatory attendants later testifies that the perpetrator said "you'd better throw some bleach down that, boys. It's grim in there."
At 1505, the perpetrator returns to their seat, at the same table as the Empress, and is seen smiling.
At 1509, the perpetrator holds the Empress's hand, and utters the phrase "Dark Times".
At 1510, the perpetrator, and Empress and most of the other guests at the table are killed as the ceiling collapses on them.

Autopsy revealed traces of an explosive compound in the intestine of the perpetrator, which reacts with extreme violence with the ingredients of common bleach.

The perpetrator was identified as a previously well regarded capsule pilot.

One hundred years later, after considering their judgement for decades, the Theology Council approve the sainthood of Cardinal Graelyn, Assassin of the Mad Empress.
"This is Curious. I knew Cardinal Graelyn."
"Really? You should write about that, you could get like, appearances on holo shows and stuff about it. Make a fair amount of money"
"I See."
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.


  • Omelette
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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #13 on: 07 Oct 2014, 14:10 »

Sisters of EVE Rest Home for the Elderly, Eglennaert

A blonde receptionist greets a visitor:
"Hello, may I help you?"
"Yes. It Says you have a Resident called Zara de Kaztropol. I wish to Visit Her."
"I am sorry to tell you, but Miss Zara only wishes close family to visit."
"Yes. I am Close Family."
"Are you now? Well, so am I, and I've never met you before."
"Zara will Know who I am. Inform her that Synthia wishes to say Hello."
"We'll see about that."

A short time later:
"Miss... Synthia ? Great-granmama says she'd like you to visit. I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot earlier."
"That is Alright. I have not been Around for some Time. It is Unsurprising that we have not Met before. My name is Synthia. I am Zara's Mother. Hello."
"I... umm... see the resemblance now. My name is Sucha. So you're my great-great-grandmother?"
"Yes. I did not Know that Zara had Children. I am Pleased that she Does."
"I can see you have a lot of catching up to do, I hope great-granmama isn't too tired. She's been very tired the past few weeks."
"I see."

A very old woman sits in a chair, doing embroidery, and looks up at her visitors:
"Who's there? Is that you, Sucha? Come closer so I can see you."
"Yes great granmama, I'm here. And so is a visitor."
"Hello Zara. It is I, Synthia. Your Mother. Hello."
"Mama! I... knew it was you. I saw it on the news. Frozen Amarrian queen, it said"
"Yes. I was in Suspended Animation. I have only Recently been Awoken."
"I'll leave you two to catch up. Let me know if you need anything."
"Thank you Sucha."
"Such a nice girl, young Sucha"
"Yes. She said she is your Great-granddaughter. I Observe some Similarity in Facial Structure."
"Most people would have said 'she has your eyes' or something, Mama."
"Yes. I did not Know you had Children. Or a Husband."
"Oh I had eight children, and four husbands"
"Not all at the same time, mama!"
"I See. Such Behaviour would have been Unrighteous"

The old woman continues her embroidery and talks with her visitor:
"And after that, was the Sani sabik civil war, which was the last straw. I had Kaztropol evacuated by the SoE, and joined them myself."
"I See. I was Surprised when it said you Joined the SoE and became an Important Figure"
"Our religion didn't help anyone, mother. That's all I ever wanted to do, help people."
"Yes. Compassion is a Virtue."

Some hours later, the old woman sets her embroidery down:
"I've finished this piece, I'd like you to have it"
"Thank You. It is very Pretty."
"I'm tired, mama, let's just sit and watch the sunset for a while"

A while later:
"How are you two getting along?"
"Hello Sucha. Zara and I are watching the Sunset. She made an Interesting piece of Embroidery for Me."
"The... sunset... ? That's not for hours yet... "
"Zara said she was Tired. She closed her Eyes a while ago."
"Oh my... Oh no... no..."
"What is Wrong ?"
"She's passed away, she... must have been holding on for you. I'm sorry."
"Zara has Died ? She did not Tell me! I am Upset by this Development. I did not Get to Tell her how Much I appreciated this Gift."
"a gift?"
"Yes. This Embroidery."
"What is it ?"
"It is a phrase in Takmahl script. It says 'Nothing IS written'."
"I see. It must have been important for her. I... I need to do some things. We need to... prepare for greatgranmama's funeral."
"Yes. I would Like to Help."
"I... think you've done enough, by being here for Zara. I'm sorry."
"I require Time to Think."
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.

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Re: The Guardian
« Reply #14 on: 07 Oct 2014, 14:15 »

"What is it ?"
"It is a phrase in Takmahl script. It says 'Nothing IS written'."

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