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When EVE first launched, the highest and most dangerous NPC imaginable was a 50k Cruiser?

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Author Topic: The State of New Eden and Why It's Stagnating (Split from It's Been 4 Years)  (Read 8036 times)

Jade Constantine

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On a side note, I have to agree with Jade...not just in general but also in the context of I truly feel that a massive shake up of null needs to happen.  How to do it though, I'm not sure.

Problem is Eve has gotten massively bigger in terms of fleet numbers and what you need to make an impact while not getting massively bigger in terms of how many people are actually playing the game, generating an income for CCP and funding the development of the game, plot, plot, background or interest.

This is a bizarre apparent contradiction but there are design missteps and failures along the way:

Take first 5 years of eve - you had concurrent player numbers of 7000-15000. Game felt fresh and new, as a player you mattered. Fleet fights might be 5 v 5 10 v 10, or an awsome 100 v 100 in early block wars. Most organizations could soak a few battleship losses but would suffer in a prolonged attrition war and fall apart or sue for peace.

Then things began to change, sovereignty models and passive moon income began to make nullsec entities extremely rich and there was no balancing drain on resources. Things like improved server performance made fleets huge, people used passive income to plex for alts, RR removed attrition from fleet fights. Invulnerable outposts studded nullsec making the landscape more and more difficult to re-conquer or change. The rich became richer and everyone else more risk averse.

The Concurrent numbers doubled but fleet sizes went up by 10x - the role of the individual was eroded. In most massive bloc fights you have half a dozen people actually playing the game by commanding and thousands of drones pressing F1 and anchoring on the primary. All big successful alliances essentially became the same - same external logistics, same gaming guild philosophy and atmosphere. The goons were the first really, but they would go on to influence culture and feel across nullsec.

But while fleet sizes and barrier to entry to achieve anything in the game had skyrocketed the amount of money CCP had through subs to spend on anything interesting to the rest of us stayed the same or diminished. We had some astonishing mis-steps from CCP. Wasted millions on the vampire game, wasted millions on Dust 514, abandoned conceptual development, greedy microtransactions, 18 month plans of nothing, player rage and mass sackings of its staff. But nothing really to address the essential core problems which meant that while Eve only had a concurrent user level of twice its golden age it felt like the individual player was nothing at all.

There are some core issues:

Player corporations and alliances are all mechanically the same. This is boring as hell. Aside from customising a logo and name and setting a tax rate they are identical. Some will go on to become famous - but there are 100,000 dull samey corps in the game. If creating an organization involved making choices, compromises, investments and would differentiate your experience and exposure to the sandbox that would be a huge step forwards.

Too much perfect intelligence:

Eve suffers from a hideous disease called perfect standings awareness and local chat as an intel tool. This corrodes the experience from top to bottom in conventional space. It makes fleet battles an excercise in ordering spreadsheets and means %99 of players don't get to play. It means there is no way to avoid, hide, fool, smuggle past, or otherwise evade the eye of the powerful in space. All strategic conflict is timer based and TIDI means you cannot use initiative and momentum to achieve even the smallest objective.

Too little loss:

Fleet RR is a cancer on the game. It means that winners take no casualties as a rule. Its one of the main things that mean modern eve battles are inferior to battles happening in 2003-2004. You can't force a Pyrrhic victory on an enemy, you don't get a hard fought draw, there is no ongoing cost to the side that's winning. And without war costing - funds just increase, more ships, more hardware, more outposts, more grind more ... dullsville really.

Indestructible outposts:

I ran on a campaign to make these destructible in 2008 and won the first CSM with more votes than any other bloc candidate. I told CCP that outpost spam would ruin the feel of 0.0 and by insulating organizations from strategic loss would add to the problem and mean the current winners would be increasingly impossible to dislodge. I got this proposal voted through the CSM only to be told by CCP "sorry we can't do it because nobody understands the code". Now six years on we have a stagnated nullsec full of pointless spammed outposts nobody can do anything about that means it takes 10,000 man days of siege to clear a single region. But still, you talk about making them destructible and the powerful players in 0.0 balk at the idea and warn CCP off.

Too much hiring from the player base:

The problem with eve is its a factional tribal game from the player base and people are loyal to their mates, they want to win and make sure their mate's win. CCP has traditionally been cheapasses, they don't pay well and not many people want to live in Iceland. So they make up their hiring needs from veteran eve players. These people don't come to the design table with fresh eyes, they come from the player community and with the bias and opinions created from that sphere. The devs want to continue being popular with the big fish in nullsec, nullsec tells them not to rock the boat, no design that could possibly discomfort nullsec gets anywhere near the game, and yet nullsec bleats about how boring everything is.

So we've massively increased fleet sizes making the individual meaningless.
We've massively increased wallets of the powerful making losses meaningless.
We've massively reinforced the holdings of the powerful making attrition meaningless (or impossible)
We've increased the amount of hardware needed to host 2000 man fleet fights that look terrible in videos making nobody from outside the game want to play this.
And all the while the concurrent player numbers have barely doubled since 2005.

Active development has reduced. CCP have laid off background writers, events team, creative people. 2 other games have crashed and burned. All we are left with today is minor ship balance changes, some redesign work on industry and a new timeline promising player owned stargates in a couple of years.

But the game is stagnant. Nullsec will not change. Privately the coalition leaders are not unhappy with the prospect of Eve going bankrupt with them in top spot - it would be a kind of victory after all. But in order to get back to the spirit of 2005 and before when we had individuals achieving things, making stories, making names and enjoying the freedom of the sandbox we need some radical change both within CCP management, Design, and also within the player base (which quite frankly will require some of the bravest decision making any games company has ever been called upon to do).

Salvation of Eve is going to require CCP to plan Armageddon for Nullsec and it needs to be so brutal and vicious that in the future it'll take genuine effort, talent and commitment for any power to hold a constellation - let alone 20 regions. No plan that doesn't start with "how will this hurt the coalitions and reduce the effective fleet sizes and super cap numbers three months from now" is not worth discussing in this context.

These plans are being discussed in the player community, but rest assured, if any of this stuff ever gets to within 5 light years of a devblog you will see the making the largest shouts of outrage ever heard in the gaming world to anyone who will listen.


Yeah, that's what is wrong with Eve but the funny thing is - its still the only game that has ever tried for a genuine player led sandbox and even now when it seems to be in a more or less inevitable decline, its the only such game any of us are ever likely to play in our gaming lifetime.

The successor games to eve "elite dangerous" "star citizen" etc etc will be very careful not to tread eve's path in the way its developed in certain important ways, you have only to read their forums to realize how much they don't want another CFS coalition in their stars....

There are some arenas so corrupt that the only clean acts possible are nihilistic


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[admin]Topic split because while this is a very insightful post, it is outside the scope of the original thread it was posted in.[/admin]

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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I wonder if it wouldn't be entirely impossible to get one of the big blocks to actually participate in some capacity with the RP/lore side of the game.  I know there's gotta be at least one large alliance leader getting extremely bored who'd be receptive to the idea.

I like players like Ayallah, who last I saw was in PL.  PL is a very non-RP alliance, so while I never like seeing good RPers who actually PvP in those groups, I think she sort of serves as an example of how just because someone's in a "leet pee vee pee" group that doesn't mean they're not engagible ICly.

For my own part, I couldn't be bothered reviving DF1AS when I came back (for a while) for two reasons:

1.  No way for a small outfit to seriously impact the powerblocs in nullsec.  I was never interested in taking space, but it's now relatively impossible to so much as severely annoy a major power.  Capital and Supercapital overproliferation in conjunction with the current sov mechanics make it more headache and more expensive than it's worth and require more bodies than I can be arsed to motivate into doing something long, drawn out, boring and profitless.

2.  Most of the people who DO roleplay, particularly the ones Havohej would have so much reason to dislike and thus have conflict with, be they on the IGS or in ingame channels - they don't undock because they're all bloody alts and being alts, wardeccing their 1-man corps wouldn't even have the effect of making the game unplayable for their corpmates (thus putting pressure on them to stop being dickheads IC).

In other words, my old playstyle is no longer a thing and it's hard to muster the fucks to give about resubbing my account.  That may be :bittervet: of me, but I'm not saying how eve sucks or this sucks or that sucks...  just saying that, for the most part, I recognize that Eve no longer has much room for a Havohej.

I AM watching the UNITY thread, though...  I'm thinking if I were to resub tomorrow, I just might be trying to get involved in that.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Lyn Farel

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How is CVA doing ? I hope they at least kept their main NRDS core philosophies, if not for RP (they already lost back in the years)...


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Last time I went through Providence, CVA was still there, still NRDS and still fielding better fleets than Severance (and mustering faster at that), but I got caught in the middle of a CVA vs. PL skirmish and died.  I've seen things recently that suggest they're still an RP entity, but I'd love to hear something from someone in the Amarr bloc who might actually have contact/participation with those folks.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Steffanie Saissore

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I sometimes get the feeling that the whole sandbox experience of EVE is slowly withering away? On the surface, there does appear to be a whole lot of stuff one could do within the game...sometimes it feels like a bit too much...yet from my experience, once you get passed the initial phase of seeing shiny ships in space, the options seem to quickly disappear.  With recent changes, high sec is becoming less useful for industry and such...from my impression, it seems that a POS is now a major requirement if you expect to make a decent profit.  Nothing wrong with that, but from the solo player (or for a very small corp), a POS is either impossible or puts a big target on your back.

Low sec seems to be the savage frontier where one never knows what is going to happen and then null...where in order to make it, you pretty much have to join one of the huge blocs...thereby further making it harder to shake things up in the one area that feels like it ought to be where we all are doing something and making our fortunes and reputations.  With the blocs, I feel that null is in some ways just as stagnant as high sec...sure there are some huge expensive ship battles, but at the end of the day, it feels like the loses incurred by either side is barely noticeable.

I realize that I do not live in null and do not participate in or with any of the blocs, but that's the feeling I'm left with from what I see in game, read on the forums and elsewhere.

I also think the whole attitude of kicking the other guy's castle over is another issue...on one hand, sure, EVE is unique in that piracy, corp-theft, spies, etc. is not only possible but in many cases actively encouraged and celebrated.  Cool...but at the same time, having seen other new players get burned by offers of 'assistance' it is a wonder why the player base doesn't grow.  Sure, if you can get into a corp, you are supposedly safe with your mates...but even then, you're always told to watch out for thieves, spies, and awoxers.  The high level of paranoia that the game breeds takes it toll...I have only been in the game one year and have found I need to take days if not almost a week off now and then because of the constant "am I going to get ganked going through this gate?" This in turn does not really breed a welcoming environment for new players who are wanting to experience what on the surface appears to be an amazing space mmo.

I think it is something that doesn't need to be removed completely from the game since EVE prides itself on being a game where the player can do what they want, but having a slightly more co-operative aspect could go long ways to either sparking the desires of current players and even bringing in an influx of new blood.
"And if the music stops, there's only the sound of the rain.  All the hope and glory, all the sacrifice in vain.  And if love remains though everything is lost, we will pay the price, but we will not count the cost."

Samira Kernher

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Agreed with most of the stuff here. For a universe that prides itself on giving player agency, lately it's felt like EVE has one of the more static universes around. If nothing the individual does (or even the small group) has any impact, there's not much point to playing.

I AM watching the UNITY thread, though...  I'm thinking if I were to resub tomorrow, I just might be trying to get involved in that.

Yeah, it's looking pretty neat. Makes me think about actually playing again. I vastly prefer having conflict (that involves space stuff rather than just IGS/Summit) against other RP entities than just pewpewing the usual OOC militia/pirate in a plex. Props to DeT.


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Would be awesome to see a complete server reset.  All the ISK, all the SP, all the POSes, all the ships, all gone.  Which moons are or aren't valuable, randomly re-distributed with no region being inherently worthless and thus not worth going to war over (i.e.: Providence).  Everyone starts from scratch, with the current game mechanics/content exactly as they are.  Fighting over sov in frigates and cruisers until the first battleships start to appear, the first carrier would be a coup, the first supercapital an unassailable juggernaut - for a while.  Maybe that sort of thing would break up the coalitions and set the stage for a new political scene in null.

But it will never, ever happen.  So... meh.  Fuck it lol. 

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Anyanka Funk

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Would be awesome to see a complete server reset.  All the ISK, all the SP, all the POSes, all the ships, all gone.  Which moons are or aren't valuable, randomly re-distributed with no region being inherently worthless and thus not worth going to war over (i.e.: Providence).  Everyone starts from scratch, with the current game mechanics/content exactly as they are.  Fighting over sov in frigates and cruisers until the first battleships start to appear, the first carrier would be a coup, the first supercapital an unassailable juggernaut - for a while.  Maybe that sort of thing would break up the coalitions and set the stage for a new political scene in null.

But it will never, ever happen.  So... meh.  Fuck it lol. 


If they built a second tranquility server to host it and kept "Tranquillity I" alive. Maybe that would be too much work or too expensive to bring in more player accounts?

Utsukushi Shi

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Well. At this point virtually the entire nullsec blogging/writing/podcast community is behind pretty severe changes to nullsec. All with the aim of increasing the viability of smaller groups. CCP Seagulls plan for the future was to tackle nullsec along with the POS/corporate changes. So all in all you can decide that means nothing or assume that one way or another some crazy shit is going to go down in the next year or two. Given that I choose to keep playing EVE I am going to bank on the later.
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Ché Biko

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Maybe...CCP could create a device, one that would require tens of thousands of people across the cluster to build and activate, and that device, once activated, would activate all self destruct sequences of every capsuleer outpost, starbase, ship and implant*.
Or something like that. An ingame reset button that honors the sandbox.
And a way for capsuleers to end the Empyrean age themselves**.

...Until the next one begins, of course.
**Or a chance for the Goons to finally actually destroy EVE. Same thing, really. :P


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Last time I went through Providence, CVA was still there, still NRDS and still fielding better fleets than Severance (and mustering faster at that), but I got caught in the middle of a CVA vs. PL skirmish and died.  I've seen things recently that suggest they're still an RP entity, but I'd love to hear something from someone in the Amarr bloc who might actually have contact/participation with those folks.

RP-lite at best.  Most of the leadership is most interested in maintaining NRDS, but not a whole lot of RP emphasis.

Esna Pitoojee

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Would be awesome to see a complete server reset.  All the ISK, all the SP, all the POSes, all the ships, all gone.  Which moons are or aren't valuable, randomly re-distributed with no region being inherently worthless and thus not worth going to war over (i.e.: Providence).  Everyone starts from scratch, with the current game mechanics/content exactly as they are.  Fighting over sov in frigates and cruisers until the first battleships start to appear, the first carrier would be a coup, the first supercapital an unassailable juggernaut - for a while.  Maybe that sort of thing would break up the coalitions and set the stage for a new political scene in null.

But it will never, ever happen.  So... meh.  Fuck it lol.

This is actually one of the problems with the existent sovereignty mechanics: Structures have such a huge pile of hitpoints that even if the defenders don't contest, capturing a system with a few tens of battleships could take hours (and doing so with frigates could be downright brain-killing). Under current mechanics, a reset would rapidly stagnate into unchanging null until someone assembled enough battleships or a bomberswarm to achieve a relatively quick capture.
« Last Edit: 05 Aug 2014, 21:17 by Esna Pitoojee »
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Seems the solution to that issue would be tying Sov to number of POSes in system, making the POSes much more expensive to purchase (if not also to maintain) and reducing their HP by a third.  Tie the number of POSes to the TCU's 'grip' on a system...  i.e.:

Plant one POS in unoccupied system, as soon as it's online, you can make a claim via TCU.  Now you have sovereignty.  You plant two more towers over the next month or so (because shit's expensive now, yo).  Interloper comes and plants one tower to operate out of, putting your system under siege.  They work to take down one of your towers.  Now it's two to one in favor of the incumbent.  If they manage to knock out one more of your towers, it's tied at one - system vulnerable.  They can knock out your TCU and put down their own - stealing sovereignty.  But you still have a tower to operate out of - you're not 'dead' yet.

If there's an outpost involved, you can lock docking rights... up until the point the sov is vulnerable (that is, tower count tied).  Then Scotty doesn't care who docks and you can't make him.

Outposts should be destructible.  Contents of corp hangars should go to the corp hangar of the conquering corporation or the executor corp of the conquering alliance.

But again - my dream version of Eve sov mechanics will never come to pass.  The best I can hope for is a severe, powerbloc-shattering shakeup.  If a TQ2 did come to be, though, I'd find the money in my monthly budget for a resub.  Who knows, might even find the effort to band certain actors together to lock down a region... a la Tortuga.

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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I agree, something needs to be done about null.  I agree on many of the problems and with some of your proposed solutions

However, your view is just, way way off. 

"The devs want to continue being popular with the big fish in nullsec, nullsec tells them not to rock the boat, no design that could possibly discomfort nullsec gets anywhere near the game, and yet nullsec bleats about how boring everything is."

Literally everyone who lives in nullsec and tons and tons of people who don't even have been screaming their heads off in the last six months going back to before I even started playing about how much they hate current sov null mechanics, proposing possible fixes from the massive to the mundane.  For literal years ccp and the player base have been all trying to 'fix null'  The reasons why this has yet to happen are numerous but your reasoning of why is one of the few that isn't. 

"These plans are being discussed in the player community, but rest assured, if any of this stuff ever gets to within 5 light years of a devblog you will see the making the largest shouts of outrage ever heard in the gaming world to anyone who will listen."

The leaders, the ~bob barbecue~ types have been shouting loudest of all that something needs to change with many common ideas of what is wrong and diversity (with common themes) in possible fixes to it.  I mean literally every day there is an article from 3 random people, marlona sky, the martini, elise or SOMEONE about how null needs to be fixed.  The shouts of outrage are happening now, I mean Mittens like, last week just started a new series dedicated soley to bitching about the game from his perspective and suggesting solutions.  And of course everyone reads them and comments on them and they are all over r/eve/ Kugu (RIP) zulu forums SA, get discussed and debated there, responses are written on en24 and martini and new threads show up daily in the official or battle clinic forums about this. 

Privately the coalition leaders are not unhappy with the prospect of Eve going bankrupt with them in top spot - it would be a kind of victory after all.

this is also wrong

It is like saying ccp won't stop code because the miners like them :roll:

But, yea shit's fucked and stuff needs to happen and I agree there is a problem and I agree with some of your proposals and disagree with others and I can't even do another one of these threads.

I mean, you don't even have removing jump drives in yours =/
« Last Edit: 06 Aug 2014, 00:20 by Ayallah »
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