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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #15 on: 14 Oct 2011, 15:45 »

In general, racial variations for every 'theme'

This, actually, and for all races. Being able to wear "the Caldari look" as a Minmatar for example is quite a statement (or even "the Amarr look"), and can serve as an RP hook.

More clothing that can serve as RP hooks without being "what everyone wants" would be nice. Racial clothing styles, specific scars, markings of some kind, military unit badges, etc.

Thirding this.  Great idea. 

Make clothes make a statement beyond "this is a new income stream for CCP".  Then I might actually look more seriously at them.
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Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #16 on: 14 Oct 2011, 16:29 »

- What items do you like in the NeX store, and why?
The implants are vaguely interesting, just way too expensive.

- What do you not like, and why?
The uniforms aren't very interesting because as a Minmatar I have no desire to dress like Caldari navy pukes that I spend a fair amount of time shooting at. It's also rather annoying that you chose to make the IC backers of the store an Imperial corporation. That means as a Republic loyalist I'm never going to give them my trade.

- What would you like to see there?
A wider range of clothes. Not just uniforms. Maybe competing stores from the different races? Other stuff would be good. I know you aren't going to allow combat initially, but it would be nice to be able to wear a sidearm or the fighting knives that I have imagined my character owning.

As per Arkady medals and rank pins would be a good idea. Also corp, alliance and faction logos as an option for the uniforms.

And fancy tatoos. Most definitely them. For Minmatar it would be awesome if you had body and arm designs that depended on your current standings with the Matari factions and their member corporations (not as store items, just to have them turn up on the body if enabled). And, of course, Voluval marks.

If it's going to be a while before we get into social areas of the stations then some decorative stuff for ships would be nice as well. Maybe some stuff for the quarters themselves? Furniture and atrwork come to mind. The latter could even be player produced and marketed. I'd rather like being able to hang a picture by or on my wall. Or, maybe, have them as an alternative to the looping video on the main screen.

Just not at the cost of a Dreadnought hull please.

Oh and, please no in game effects. No stat bonuses. No skill bonuses. That's what you spend ISK on, not Auram.

While we're at it why not let us convert ISK into Auram at sub-Plex amounts. Or simply let us buy it directly with real money at some sort of sane conversion rate instead of converting Plex.

- What are your priorities when you're playing CQ dress-up?
Currently I'm just looking to figure what my character's working rig is. I'll put a bit more thought into dressing up to mix with others when I can do so.
« Last Edit: 14 Oct 2011, 16:32 by Arnulf Ogunkoya »
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.


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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #17 on: 14 Oct 2011, 20:42 »

- What items do you like in the NeX store, and why?

Implants are cool and cyberpunky and make you really feel like you're in the future.

- What do you not like, and why?

So much of it's just palette-swapping. Why not take the time to devise a system that allows players to do that on their own (for a cost, naturally) so you can free up the artists afterwards to come up with new designs? Also, too damn many high heels. I like girls in sensible shoes. Or ass-kicking boots.

- What would you like to see there?

The only thing I must have is a lab coat. Beyond that, hats would be nice. They really do make the man. Or woman. Or gender-neutral Nation hellborg. Or maybe I've played too much TF2. Also accessories. Ties and watches and jewelry and such. And as mentioned above, more cybernetics. Full replacement limbs would be a good start. I bet you'd even get Miz to buy those.

- What are your priorities when you're playing CQ dress-up?

Erm...not sure. Probably being able to fit a wide variety of situations, for when we actually do get social spaces.
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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #18 on: 14 Oct 2011, 22:49 »

NeX doesn't matter right now. No one can see it anyways. As such, I can't even start to care about specifics of any kind.

Sounds dismissive, I know, but it's the simple state of things. The items have no purpose right now.

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #19 on: 14 Oct 2011, 23:04 »

NeX doesn't matter right now. No one can see it anyways. As such, I can't even start to care about specifics of any kind.

Sounds dismissive, I know, but it's the simple state of things. The items have no purpose right now.

What this guy said. Provide some content where this matters and I'll add some input.

Also, as a general rule, please add some MORE hairstyles, colors, options so everyone doesn't look the same. It's one of my biggest gripes about the editor in general.

Hamish Grayson

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #20 on: 15 Oct 2011, 05:21 »

I keep being told that because I'm a role player I'm supposed to be more excited about WiS than anyone.  Well, I'm not.   It's one of the most immersion breaking things to happen to the game, tell her that.

lallara zhuul

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #21 on: 15 Oct 2011, 05:41 »

- What are your priorities when you're playing CQ dress-up?


To me it shows complete lack of understanding what roleplaying is about.

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Myrhial Arkenath

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #22 on: 15 Oct 2011, 06:43 »

The Lady Steel's wish is my command o7

- What items do you like in the NeX store, and why?
The shoe options for women. Especially the knee-boots. The new skirt models are alright too. And I suppose I like the executor jacket. Struggling to find a good shirt to go under it though.

- What do you not like, and why?
The other clothing options. Especially the line of dress blouses. Both the colors and models put me off so badly. My issue with the other models, like the skirts which I like for the model, is the colors. They're just too bland. It works for my Caldari character, but my Gallente just gets saddened by it >_>

- What would you like to see there?
First off, price according to how much detail there is in a model. Eye-candy factor is what sets virtual goods apart.

And for the love of god kittens please can we have equal prices for men and women clothing. EVE should not ninja-promote gender inequality. It makes me angry.

If you are going to have elite clothing, reflect this in some way. In the real world, this is either because of branding (so have a visible logo) or because of materials (expensive silks, embedded jewels). Make the prices immersive.

And can we please keep our clothing through clone-jumping? If it is a game mechanic, rather make it so they can only be redeemed at the clone they were put on, instead. As a frequent clone jump user, this really holds me back on buying anything.

As for clothing options I wish to see, racial variety has been brought up already. Something else is those long dresses we saw in the tech demos. Skirts right now are a plain tube that sticks to your behind. I want something that flows. My Khanid is super sad there are still no real women's robes, either. They are probably tricky to make but just one with some color variety would be a neat start.

Lastly, it would be nice if simple models, like the t-shirts and tank tops, could come in a much wider range of color. Or allow us to pick the color as with character make-up and such, if this is possible. The most awesome would be a coloring wheel rather than swatches, but if this is too much resources then the swatches will do.

- What are your priorities when you're playing CQ dress-up?
Clothing has to tell people something about my character, just like clothing in real life helps you set a first impression. A suit reflects a degree of professionalism. Combat boots and cargo pants give someone a whole other image.

One additional thought, which I raised at Fanfest: Uniforms! With your corp / alliance logo on it. Could be both looking like navy / pilot uniforms, or just t-shirts for the more casual approach. Imagine having a bunch of your pilots together all dressed the same. How awesome would that be, right? As a spin-off for that, gives us faction t-shirts / clothing. Like the ones in the EVE store. Except do include an Angel shirt, which the EVE store still does not have despite my pestering about it T_T Please pass this on as food for though <3

Edit: I fail at reading and brought up pricing. Just skip over those paragraphs, then :(
« Last Edit: 16 Oct 2011, 05:21 by Myrhial Arkenath »

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #23 on: 15 Oct 2011, 09:26 »

I have CQ turned off.  I don't need a resource hogging background while I manage market orders, setup research and manufacturing lines, manage my planetary colonies, and chat with people in chat channels.

Ember Vykos

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #24 on: 15 Oct 2011, 10:46 »

- What items do you like in the NeX store, and why?

I like the military shirts, and when they get on TQ all the different color variations.

- What do you not like, and why?

Honestly the pricing. It's way too expensive to buy most things for AUR and still stupidly expensive for most items in the market.

- What would you like to see there?

Cross racial clothing options. I would love to have Simca dress up in the Caldari clothing. IMO this is something we should be able to do anyway in the character creator but putting the racial base clothing in there (preferably for free but at least really really cheap) is something I may spend my money on. Also maybe some formal stuff dresses, gowns, tuxedos, and such.

- What are your priorities when you're playing CQ dress-up?

How my character looks and whether that look is something she would actually go with IC.

Current active RP character(s) - Kairelle
Past RP characters - Ember Vykos, Simca Develon

Kybernetes Moros

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #25 on: 15 Oct 2011, 11:16 »

What items do you like in the NeX store, and why?
Eh. A couple of the male shirts (Sterling?) seem okay, and the ocular implants are a neat idea, but a lot of it comes down to what I'll go on about in the next section, for me: a lot of the things that don't look vaguely generic or uninteresting look dumb. YMMV, but things like the Field Marshal coat, the monocles and that one female top with the popped collar? Fuck.

What do you not like, and why?
As I said before, the things that look daft or generic. Spending a large chunk of ISK on something that makes my character look like he's got mental problems or some t-shirt that I could have gotten from the local clothes store for £5 isn't my thing.

What would you like to see there?
More reserved, subtly expensive stuff: the difference between the £30 suit from the aforementioned store and the several thousands' worth of suit from a big designer, say. Having this brought roughly in line with factional aesthetics beyond pallet swaps would be nice, too -- nothing too exaggerated or showy, since then it'd run back into my point of a lot of them looking daft, but something at which you could look and say, confidently, "Oh, yeah, that's Caldari / Minmatar / Amarr / Gallente". As it is, it feels like a lot of it's kind of divorced from EVE and could appear in almost any military sci-fi game -- an issue in itself, when many characters have little interest in military gear.

More cybernetic modifications would also be pleasant to see: the civilisations of EVE have been portrayed as extremely advanced in that field, so to see both subtle modifications (on the same level as, say, the ocular implants from the Incursion trailer or in Deus Ex) and more overt ones (such as Ze'ev's complete limb replacement idea) would be very welcome.

Aside from that, what I would adore would be the lifting of racial restrictions on hairstyles, clothing, et al.. A number of people have mentioned the IC statement that such-and-such a race of character wearing another race's clothing would be, and I'm inclined to agree -- the only issue is that, IIRC, the reason they aren't is because the models for each race are different enough for the clothing and hair to not translate wholesale?

It would be amazing to see them translated across, regardless, but I don't know if it's a relatively small job or would need everything to be made back up from scratch.

What are your priorities when you're playing CQ dress-up?
Put concisely, things that Kyber would himself wear, and not looking like an idiot. :P It's mostly the former issue that I've run into so far, with the relatively high proportion of military-esque wear.

Keira en Luinen

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #26 on: 15 Oct 2011, 11:22 »

- What are your priorities when you're playing CQ dress-up?

To me it shows complete lack of understanding what roleplaying is about.
I thought it was an ironic comment on what CQ is right now  :P

- What items do you like in the NeX store, and why?
Pretty much none of it. I appreciate the effort that went in, but that's about the best I can say in it's favor.

- What do you not like, and why?
The fact that it's so difficult to play mix and match even with the free stuff in the character creator. The selection is so limited, despite the pretty new engine, everyone still looks the same, there's no personality or individuality to any of it. Also, high heels. WTF? I'm not going to kick ass wearing high heels, it's a great way to break your ankles.

- What would you like to see there?
I kind of object to giving ideas that would make a company encourage me to give them money. But how hard would it be to have a more convenient setup? Instead of every item individually, have each model selectable, and then offer a range of color options for it. You know, like they do in REAL online clothing stores? :P I loved the old eve costumes, they really set the bloodlines apart from each other and I'd LOVE to have a set of Intaki armor again. Also, boots, plzkthx.

- What are your priorities when you're playing CQ dress-up?
Right now, I have no priorities because I don't like what's in the store. Once we actually get to walk around and show off our pretty things and invite friends around for virtual coffee, my priority would be too have Kei look to match her personality. This generic, SpaceGap stuff isn't cutting it.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #27 on: 15 Oct 2011, 18:34 »

This is an official request for feedback regarding the contents of the NeX store (not the prices; please do not raise that issue).

It's recognised that what is in the store isn't necessarily what people would want to see their characters wearing. The RP community has perhaps the biggest stake in Incarna's interactive platform, and it's important to us that we provide the opportunity for you to round out your ingame experience.

Thank you for recognizing us!

I would like to ask you to consider the items in the Noble Exchange as it is now.

- What items do you like in the NeX store, and why?

- Men's "Field Marshal" Coat - partially because it's one of the 2 or 3 items I feel actually can be pointed to as belonging to a specific faction.

- The male boots are decently good-looking, though given the lack of chance to display them, I'm unlikely to ever buy.

- The "Odin" synthetic eye - other players have commented and I'll repeat that cybernetic additions are a very cool touch, and while the monocle both has a reputation and frankly doesn't look great, the Odin synth-eye is subtle enough that it doesn't scream out "Ohais, I have tons of money" to everyone who glances at your character's thumbnail, and yet looks quite neat close up.

- What do you not like, and why?

- I'll reiterate what's been said about how the models of many items mesh with the character figure model. Frankly, between the "skin-clinging" look many of the female items have and how many of them male items seem to insist on holding their shape regardless of the body they're on, many of the items simply don't look good.

- The monocle. Before you figure I'm going on another rant, let me explain - my problem with the monocle is that it doesn't fit onto the face very well. While the "mannequin" head given in the preview displays it fairly well, any significant variation in head shape results in a monocle that either appears to be desperately clinging to what bits of the head it is attached to or is sunk so deep in you'd think they had to move some bits of brain out of the way to fit it in.

- What would you like to see there?

- Racially. Distinctive. Clothing. And I don't mean "Amarr can only wear X, Gallenteans only Y...", I mean something that outright screams to a watcher "THIS WAS INFLUENCED BY CLOTHING STYLES IN THE FEDERATION!" Right now, we can only tentatively point to specific items at best - This might have come from the State, this sort of looks like something you'd wear in the Empire.

- More cybernetics. Remember what I said about the "Odin" eye? Sometimes subtle can ultimately be more awesome - with that said, how about a small comm bud behind the ear, or an electronics-packed finger?

- Greater variation in hairstyles. I dunno if this could be called a truly NeX-related thing, or just Char Creator related, but some of the old hairstyles (the funky Amarr head-dresses and the Intaki split-cut come to mind) were quite nice.

- What are your priorities when you're playing CQ dress-up?

I'll be frank, right now there aren't any. "CQ dress up" has no meaning to me because there are no chances for me to use it to interact with other players.

HOWEVER, I'll make some optomistic projections and assume that when Establishments come, we'll have significant variation on location, setting and atmopshere, not just 101 repetitions of the same basic rooms.

Assuming the above, my main priority would be to amplify the mood Esna wishes to project onto whoever he's going out there to see - for instance, if he's going out to try to push some kind of a deal, he may wish to show up in his most domineering military-esque gear; a quiet, backroom meeting with someone would call for a more muted selection; assuming he's just going out for a drink and a chat, he might experiment with random things (yes, Esna is a terrible Amarr loyalist.  :P ).

Thanks for taking the time to talk to us again!
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #28 on: 16 Oct 2011, 04:51 »

[Response In-character]

Ms. Steel,

Where to begin? Perhaps by looking at my current wardrobe? It is extensive, but not overly so. Humility is a virtue after all. Suffice to say I prefer to have at least 10 different outfits on hand when I prepare to enter the public area of a station. Some expensive ceremonial outfits, others more utilitarian. The extremely poor selection from the NeX store barely allows me to combine one outfit I see as appropriate.

Looking at prices I noticed that a comparable Nex outfits is not twice as expensive, not ten times, not even a thousand times, but a million times as expensive as a normal outfit. That is not absurd, that is insane. At such prices, and with such an appalling small selection one would at least expect to order unique tailor-made clothing, but NeX store has only 'off-the-rack' items. The only reasons for buying such an item would be because that person is extremely vain (and has isk to spare) or is somehow forced to do so.

This ties in to my second concern. I hear that Concord and the SCC is planning legislation that prohibits any capsuleer from wearing anything but NeX-made apparel inside a station. Not just the public areas, but even in places like corporate offices! Concord has single-handed determined that all capsuleers must or should be vain.

Can I take a Minmatar Republic Loyalist that argues he is struggling hard to free 'his people' and fighting poverty seriously when he  trapsies about in a billion-isk vanity outfit? Of course I cannot.

Is choosing between buying a Titan or having the my regular wardrobe available in-station a sane decision? Of course not.

The only positive of the NeX store is that those idiot Gallente fashionistas and confused Matari freedom-fighters will fork over trillions of isk to this Amarrian-owned and operated store, so that at least the Empire still benefits from this insanity.

Let's not even start about the fact that my the CPU of Apocalypse class overheats more quickly when trying to browse through the NeX store than trying to calculate firing solutions in a huge fleet battle.

In summary
Vendor lock-in
Monopoly enforced by clothing-legislation
Small selection
No customization
Insane prices
Assumption of vanity
CPU intensive

Isobel Mitar

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Re: Request From CCP Maiden Steel - Re: The Noble Exchange
« Reply #29 on: 16 Oct 2011, 05:52 »

Speaking mostly about female clothing here, as my main character is female. :)

I like in Nex:

The female skirts. Some of the footwear. The executor coat/dress is okay-ish.

I do not like in Nex:

Lack of options. In particular, there seems to be basically just one kind of female shirt.

The garment list would also in my opinion be much more enjoyable to use if different colour versions of the same garment were not presented as separate entries. I would prefer just a list of styles, and then see the available colours when selecting that style from the list. Being able to filter by garment types would be great too.

I do not really spend energy in disliking stuff I am not interested in. I only care whether Nex has stuff I might want to get for my character once somebody can see it.

I would like to see in Nex:

More civilian businesswear. For females, stuff that isn't form-fitting and isn't robes.

Long sleeved blouse/shirt/jacket styles for females. Some dressy, looser-fitting trousers. Simple clothing pieces that are easy to mix and match with others for variety of looks.

I'd particularly love to see some female styles designed to show the wearer as a credible, wealthy, professional businessperson whose greatest assets are her brains and capsuleer implants.

(Achieving this might require some combination of less form-fitting clothing, making smaller breast sizes available for characters and/or decreasing the chest expansion factor in female clothing. If only large breasts and clingy clothes are available, "I want to emphasize my generous secondary sexual characteristics!" -type look will be really hard to avoid, no matter what one might be wearing.)

My priorities with dress-up:

Ideally, I would like my character's clothing to be able to reflect her work, personality and current mood.

More practically, I'd particularly like to be able to dress her up in:
 1. A dressy, understated and conservative business outfit designed to make a female industrialist look intelligent, professional and capable.
 2. An elegant, relaxed leisure/party outfit, for appreciating the pleasures of civilized company and expensive drinks.

My character has no need of combat/military/uniform style wear. A civilian does not advertise violent habits in polite company.  :P

Some other comments:

Racial looks in clothing would be nice, but I personally think given the current narrow-ish selection everybody would get much more out of a set of of very simple basic styles in wide range of colours. Possibly followed by a smaller selection of flashier "statement" pieces and accessories. The idea being the number of combinations creates the personality variety.

I am thinking simple one-colour loose shirt/blouse, simple form-fitting shirt, simple sleeveless shirt. In at least 10 different colours each, muted and bright. Tight trousers, loose trousers. Again a dozen colours for both. Possibly combine with "Minmatar" jacket with cutouts that show off the clothes (tattoos?) underneath or "Amarr" long vest with gold embroidery etc.

Now you can have the flashy fashionable Gallente dude in green and yellow pretentiously wearing the Amarr traditional style vest as per the latest fad. And the newly conservative and pious Gallente convert in his dark brown and black humbly trying to mimic the God's chosen. The wealthy Gallente businessman could naturally dress in classy navy blue trousers, matching shirt and a translucent long coat. The ultra-nationalist Gallente rebel also picks the translucent coat, but perhaps a sleeveless shirt in bright red...

Also, I know the original question was specifically about Nex content, but:

I'd really like to be able to change clothing without having to redo the picture every time. It is not like the picture will be updated quickly enough for the people to actually see what she is wearing for the occasion! ;)

« Last Edit: 16 Oct 2011, 05:58 by Isobel Mitar »
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