DUST 514 RP Discussion and Resources > DUST 514 Corporation and Alliance Development

Interest check: unaligned DUST merc corp

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Aria Jenneth:
So, right now Tarquin is comfortably ensconced at SYNE. This is excellent, generally, but SYNE (like virtually all RP corporations) doesn't really focus on mercenary work in general or DUST in particular.

Those of you who have played DUST will have some idea how important grouping up is going to be. At the low end, DUST can be played individually. The higher levels, however, require coordinated teamwork, and that's something that's likely to require specialized corporate structures.

Loyalists of the various factions have their places pretty much ready-made for them, but why should they get to have all the fun?

What I've got in mind:

* Unaligned corporation. No national loyalties. Mercs working for the highest bidder, straight up. Political "leanings" may develop, but should be allowed to grow organically. I personally like the idea of a relationship with SYNE, but that may have something to do with my history there.

* Specific DUST 514 focus. May end up allying with appropriate capsuleer organizations, but focused primarily on building a badass DUST unit.

* Maximum immersion. IC corp chat. Possibly IC voice comms; it's easier than it sounds, and easier in DUST than it is in Eve. Come on, who hasn't wanted to play a smack-talkin' marine preparing for battle (shades of "Aliens")?

* Strong, disciplined, organized play style suited to corp-level contracts rather than public matches. Again, this is easier in DUST than in Eve. DUST is both more intuitive and more immersive.

The rest should develop pretty much on its own.

One thing I need to be clear on: this isn't something I'm personally prepared to run. DUST is my vacation space; I need to have my organizational skills and so on focused on RL. Besides, Tarquin would not make a very good boss. I'm tossing this out in hopes of sparking interest and hopefully catching the attention of a few venturesome volunteers.

Any takers?

Really sounds like something I could sink my teeth into, really. All the more of a shame I have no PS3, and thus no DUST. Sorry. :-(

Still, best of luck to ya.

Techie Kanenald:
Matoko, you're free to use mine if you want.

As to the point at hand, you have another interested party here.

Aria Jenneth:
Interest is good. Techie, perhaps you'd be willing to float the idea to a few others?

I'll see about doing the same.

Gwen Ikiryo:
I've been mucking about with DUST a bit since it went into open beta, though I've stayed away from roleplay or even really chatting with people so far. The main reason for that is probably that the RP options available don't really relate to the game I'm playing at all - It's all Capsuleers doing Capsuleer Things.

Something like this could maybe pull me in a little deeper. I admit that I can't imagine the game as much more then an idle distraction without some proper co-operative play, so it could help in that regard, as well.

One thing, though - I don't think I could roleplay over voice chat. My voice is far too soft and waify for me to pretend to be any sort of badass space marine, and I'm sure many people would have similar problems. ...Which doesn't leave many options for RP during actual gameplay at all, I suppose. Hmm.


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