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Author Topic: Who's left in RP?  (Read 33443 times)

Laurentis Thiesant

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #75 on: 20 Jun 2014, 05:09 »

FedRP :(

Obviously we just need to develop a post-corp way of building an RP community. The wants, backgrounds, and political persuasions of many characters within the Fed are often too diverse to get a consistent corp image, as I believe V. alluded to. Where the other races are 'easier' to follow the lore for, FedRP readily becomes as diverse as real world democracies - which when you have a tiny base to work with, is just impossible.

I fear that there has never been any real attempt to acknowledge that for some time, but when that is worked around - I genuinely believe some of the best RP comes out of it. I remember the old IPI/FDU/I-RED/Star Fraction/Du'uma tensions - and how that worked really well in my opinion. In order to make that work again, I think we need to have a corp solidarity and background planning even if we aren't all within the same corp (or even in actual pro-fed/rp corps). That's the only viable option imho.



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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #76 on: 20 Jun 2014, 07:20 »

You need RP corps that can project power measured in more than mining yield.

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!


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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #77 on: 20 Jun 2014, 07:34 »

You need RP corps that can project power measured in more than mining yield.


"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

Alain Colcer

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #78 on: 20 Jun 2014, 07:47 »

As for pro-Fed RP, well it's there that I learned that when you're too busy trying to be the "nice guys" you're likely to just end up nowhere and activity declines due to lack of content.


I'm still around, but my 2-year old son eats most of my free time.....

Agiolet Security and Logistics is a corp i created to start a pro-fed (or rather fed-aligned with vast pro-commerce interests) corporation. No recruiting yet as i don't have the time to dedicate for corp activities....but every year i will still organize Fed Day and all that.

V. Gesakaarin

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #79 on: 20 Jun 2014, 08:05 »

To clarify though, I don't mean you should go all grimdark super evil in Fed RP, but what I did notice was that it did tend to go:

I'm Gallente, I love peace, democracy, liberty and FREEDOM!

Then you'd ask, and then?

And get, no and then, in response.

That really doesn't just apply to the Fed but really to a lot of RP groups I've seen over the years. Time is spent trying to have detailed characters, but detailed corporations with clear IC goals, objectives, political philosophies, and purpose that's enforced internally seem less common. Part of that I think just has to do with the nature of RP'ers in general and wanting to do what they want because they're a special individual. In fact, I've found non-RP'ers easier to work with because they'll actually contribute to what needs to be done without being little snowflakes about it.

I also never got the whole notion of there being some divide between RP and PvP. Because to me, PvP is really one of the best ways to provide a form of group content that gets people involved and active as well as creating cohesion as people mesh together on comms etc., while having fun. I mean seriously I'll take PvP and having fun with an active group of people over RP scruples any day of the week.

Tiberious Thessalonia

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #80 on: 20 Jun 2014, 08:47 »

You need RP corps that can project power measured in more than mining yield.
Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!

Louella Dougans

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #81 on: 20 Jun 2014, 10:12 »

stereotypically, Roleplayers want to be Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now - a central character, mostly in control of events.
when they end up as Charlie Sheen, in Platoon - a character whose fate is largely determined by the actions of others, it doesn't always go down well.
And then there are people who think they're Charlie Sheen in Hot Shots! which causes misunderstandings.


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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #82 on: 20 Jun 2014, 10:25 »

In my opinion you could not make this work under a pro-fed angle, because of a severe lack of bodies willing to make that work. IMHO one of the reasons your current corp with it's narrow focus worked so well was a vastly larger pool of bodies to recruit from, as pro-state RP is the "group" with the least trouble finding players.

I haven't actively sought recruitment in over a year, and when I did the attrition rate was at around 80-90% because they didn't meet my standards and desired outlook both to RP and the game.[1]

I believe in quality, not quantity.

Strix failed because I didn't recruit the qualities required to ensure long term viability for a PvP oriented corp that RP's.

As for pro-Fed RP, well it's there that I learned that when you're too busy trying to be the "nice guys" you're likely to just end up nowhere and activity declines due to lack of content. [2]

1) So you had 8 to 9 out of 10 drop out of your corp because they did not meet your standards and you still had enough bodies to go a year+ without recruitment and still have a decently sized active corp? You are pretty much proving my point for me here, if you could sift through that many you don't exactly have a limited poor of bodies to pick from.

2) If you honestly believe that Pro-Fed RP = Goodie-two-shoes RP then I would consider this another reason why STRIX failed. The Fed is idealistic, but far, far from perfect and it's strength is that almost any kind of RP can be aimed for under and in support of, it's banner. Nothing says you *HAVE* to pull a "we are nice guys" angle.

Regardless, STRIX is dead and buried, along with all it's companions that were and never made it. History marches on.

And with that, I've little more to comment on in this tread. Maybe I'll be back and flog this dead horse a little some other time.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #83 on: 20 Jun 2014, 11:57 »

Gallente RP is currently the most dead by far. The are at least semi-active RP corps in all the other factions, but Moira/EG were the last ones standing for Gallente and they are pretty much just PvP now.

This pretty much. Moira is IIRC 95% PVP now 5% rest, Eleutherian Guard elected to abandon it's always-IC-in-Corp policy and be RP only in image, because it was strangling it's activity ratios. Literally no-one outside of 5 members were interested and two of those left after a couple months. The corp is practically 100% PVP now, with the only RP being a corp description and ranking system that's IC and some radnom spoofs here and there being IC.

It's the same old story. Pro-Federation RP, as a group, is super-hard-mode and don't survive for long, either dying completely (STRIX, Acheron, etc etc etc) or they morph into RP-lite then RP-never groups. I guess that's the way it will always be.

With the lack of any real Pro-Fed RP groups to be antagonistic/apathetic to I get the feeling that the ILF is drying up as well. It's hard to be separatists when there is nothing to oppose or be opposed by :/

[spoiler]Hoping for a "you are wrong because X Y Z is alive and well" response to this, especially if X, Y and Z are different groups as well...[/spoiler]

That's EvE though. It's always been like that.

In that last year if I still had the motivation to play the game I would definitely have been tempted to create a fed RP corp with very hawkish / nationalist tendencies (with my Marnian alt  8) ). It could have been fun. I had a good idea around something we don't always see in Fed RP, an angle that can provide something else than evil mustache twirling RP and still being close to fascist tendencies at the same time, that I initiated with my alt around the Mantenault election stuff and that proved to be highly viable and surprisingly easy to play, for gallente RP.


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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #84 on: 20 Jun 2014, 12:02 »

The wants, backgrounds, and political persuasions of many characters within the Fed are often too diverse to get a consistent corp image, as I believe V. alluded to. Where the other races are 'easier' to follow the lore for, FedRP readily becomes as diverse as real world democracies - which when you have a tiny base to work with, is just impossible. (...) In order to make that work again, I think we need to have a corp solidarity and background planning even if we aren't all within the same corp (or even in actual pro-fed/rp corps). That's the only viable option imho.


While we're on a topic I'm interested in, I think this is largely what I have seen in Fed in my brief time here. I suffer from both a lack of availability outside AUNZ time, and a severe recruitment disability. Plus the anti-Senate, anti-Roden terrorist angle is either too hackneyed or too difficult to manifest to be appealing outside of fiction.

You need RP corps that can project power measured in more than mining yield.

There's only so much my Tristan can do. :(

stereotypically, Roleplayers want to be Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now - a central character, mostly in control of events.
when they end up as Charlie Sheen, in Platoon - a character whose fate is largely determined by the actions of others, it doesn't always go down well.

The issue here could be that the satisfaction gleaned from watching characters fail and grow, subject to forces not of their making, is in direct opposition to the kill-centric chest-pounding nature of PvP in EVE. If the game reduced physical conflict to a measuring contest, where's the room for character development when things fall apart?

I think most everyone is RP-lite.  You have to be to grow beyond a small core of RPers.

Surely it can't be that uncommon for RPers to wither on the vine waiting for heavy RP amidst the debauched japery.


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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #85 on: 20 Jun 2014, 13:53 »

I think most everyone is RP-lite.  You have to be to grow beyond a small core of RPers.

Surely it can't be that uncommon for RPers to wither on the vine waiting for heavy RP amidst the debauched japery.

Heavy-RP is a challenge.  I have to defer to someone in PIE, but they are likely the heaviest RP corp in existence (or at least that is my perception and it may no longer be valid).  Flying only one racial haul, only allowing one racial type in, etc is challenging if you have other goals in the game.

If you build a corp around an ideology, you need some other aspect that drives game content creation - otherwise it is forum/chatroom RP.   You need to be willing to take action in space, even if it is all about mining yields.  A corp's heavy-RP could be to dominate a regional ore/minerals market, to include hiring mercenaries to harass the competition (RP or otherwise).  In such a case, mining yields matter.

If you are RPing a military support organization (mission runners), then having a really high standing is what matters.

If you are RPing a combat organization, then being good at PvP matters.

If you are RPing an industrial organization, then achieving a profit matters.

RP is our own generated flavor text in line with the existing game world.  It is framing your corporation's and character's goals within that context that makes it RP.

Alain Colcer

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #86 on: 20 Jun 2014, 13:56 »

RP is our own generated flavor text in line with the existing game world.  It is framing your corporation's and character's goals within that context that makes it RP.


i came to this conclusion about a year ago....sadly at a time when my available eve time is close to zero.

V. Gesakaarin

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #87 on: 20 Jun 2014, 14:45 »

Regardless, STRIX is dead and buried, along with all it's companions that were and never made it. History marches on.

Yes, and in the 2-3 years since then I don't think I've seen a Fed rp corp with a clear identity/vision with the leadership required to realize it fully. Which yes, is a shame, because the Fed does offer a lot of scope and complexity in RP to pursue.

Samira Kernher

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #88 on: 20 Jun 2014, 14:58 »

QFE to everything orange said.

An RP guild with nebulous goals like, "support X faction!" or "be a social place for Y RPer!" won't succeed. You really need something specific and something that players can and will work towards in their daily activities. EVE is not one of those MMOs where an RP community can thrive solely on direct interaction with other characters, as the nature of the game prevents the running of comprehensive plot lines where the world's plot changes through GM'ing by the RPers. In EVE, the world only changes through direct action by the players, no one will respect someone who makes a post saying that X out-of-game thing happened. EVE is a fulltime game and so RP corps here must be fulltime, focused on what the characters can do in the game world, not simply in the text. You have to base your in-game actions on the character you have chosen to portray, or the cause you have chosen to fulfill--that is the crux of EVE RP.

In the case of PIE, there is the limitation of ship hulls. This is one way to add a specific direction. By imposing restrictions on your gameplay, you generate content for yourself through having to combat your own restriction and work your gameplay around it.

Joshua Foiritain

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Re: Who's left in RP?
« Reply #89 on: 20 Jun 2014, 17:40 »

You need RP corps that can project power measured in more than mining yield.
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