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Author Topic: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad OOC)  (Read 13693 times)

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #45 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:35 »

I thought this was a real-time in game sort of thing?

Did those IC backstage sections get activated yet?


Arkon Sarain

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #46 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:37 »

BTW, to be clear: We ARE doing the action here on Backstage, yes? It lends itself to multiple-paragraph descriptions, when needed, and allows us to keep it up over a period of time despite various comings and goings. Given how long it takes to write an action vs. how long it takes to act, I'll get tired much faster than Aria will if I have to do it at a sitting through the Eve chat system, and my lonely first post (in 24 23 hours) is going to have gathered dust and cobwebs before I can come back to it.

I wasn't 100% sure whether you meant in-game or not, I could do it either way, but will follow what is the preference for the majority involved :)

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #47 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:38 »

I thought this was a real-time in game sort of thing?

Did those IC backstage sections get activated yet?



Sure. We can do it that way. I'll join as early as I can Saturday and stay until the story runs its course or we're all asleep.

Mind you, this is dependent on Arkon's availability, too. The point of doing it in a "slower" format would be to allow more flexibility-- someone having to go to bed just means a lag, not an end to the event.


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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #48 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:40 »

Wait.. You lost me.. I thought this was via in game chat.. Are we going to do this via forum posts? :eek:

How.. How will i do my missions while doing this..  :s

Also, easy done Aria, i will work on it tonight with Arkon

Arkon Sarain

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #49 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:42 »

I do think if it is possible that doing this via posts might be easier to manage.

Of course if it isn't then there is no reason that doing it in-game wouldn't work, and if RL pops up we all have the logs to refer to and can pick up where we left off next time. :)

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #50 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:46 »

I will just say that obviously nothing involving one of our character's being killed

I make it a personal policy that what happens to my character, happens.

Not that I'm expecting this to come into play here. If Aria ever goes to play travel writer with the Sani, though, I give it 40% odds her backup clone will end up being activated. 70% if she goes to visit anybody but Synthia and company.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #51 on: 04 Mar 2015, 22:57 »

Wait.. You lost me.. I thought this was via in game chat.. Are we going to do this via forum posts? :eek:
My slight preference is for forum posts, here on Backstage.

The reason for this is partly logistical: we might have to stretch it out over a few days, depending on how long the turn-around time on posts is; Arkon and I have agreed in principle that the whole thing hasn't started to happen at all until it's finished.

It's also partly structural: in-game chat allows for faster responses, but less fine detail and more chaos. With chat, everyone's talking over everyone and it can be hard to keep up, especially with multiple writers. With forum posts, you know when someone's had their say: their post ends.

So long as we don't start using the medium to deliver essay-length speeches that cannot be interrupted on account of format, it's even a decent way to have IC conversations.

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #52 on: 04 Mar 2015, 23:01 »

An alternative forum-type venue might be the Eve Fiction section of the official forums, but that's a VERY public way to carry on the experiment. I'd rather write it out here and copy it over, if we decide we want to publish it like that.

Arkon Sarain

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #53 on: 04 Mar 2015, 23:26 »

I will just say that obviously nothing involving one of our character's being killed

I make it a personal policy that what happens to my character, happens.

Not that I'm expecting this to come into play here. If Aria ever goes to play travel writer with the Sani, though, I give it 40% odds her backup clone will end up being activated. 70% if she goes to visit anybody but Synthia and company.

Having only gotten into the game 2mths ago and only now just starting to feel like I have skills to accomplish anything I am not exactly ready to kill Arkon and go back to scratch myself. XD So while I want adversity and failures, I do not want to have to biomass Arkon anytime soon. :P

Back to the subject of doing it here on the forums or in-game I will say that I would very much prefer to carry it out here instead of the EVE Fiction section of the official forums. Given that it isn't a fairly straightforward story being crafted, but one involving multiple writers I think it is better to do it within the relative safety of Backstage for now.

I agree though that posting on forums is logistically more sound, however I can see that for some it seems a little daunting and perhaps disconnecting their actions and stories from the in-game universe. But yes if pressed for a position I will say that I would prefer forum posts here. :)



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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #54 on: 04 Mar 2015, 23:35 »

I will just say that obviously nothing involving one of our character's being killed

I make it a personal policy that what happens to my character, happens.

Not that I'm expecting this to come into play here. If Aria ever goes to play travel writer with the Sani, though, I give it 40% odds her backup clone will end up being activated. 70% if she goes to visit anybody but Synthia and company.

Having only gotten into the game 2mths ago and only now just starting to feel like I have skills to accomplish anything I am not exactly ready to kill Arkon and go back to scratch myself. XD So while I want adversity and failures, I do not want to have to biomass Arkon anytime soon. :P

Back to the subject of doing it here on the forums or in-game I will say that I would very much prefer to carry it out here instead of the EVE Fiction section of the official forums. Given that it isn't a fairly straightforward story being crafted, but one involving multiple writers I think it is better to do it within the relative safety of Backstage for now.

I agree though that posting on forums is logistically more sound, however I can see that for some it seems a little daunting and perhaps disconnecting their actions and stories from the in-game universe. But yes if pressed for a position I will say that I would prefer forum posts here. :)


Aww.. *Puts down shiny sniper rifle* I was looking forward to making this fun :P haha! I am up for however you think is better, just let me know :)

Aria Jenneth

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #55 on: 05 Mar 2015, 00:15 »

Having only gotten into the game 2mths ago and only now just starting to feel like I have skills to accomplish anything I am not exactly ready to kill Arkon and go back to scratch myself. XD So while I want adversity and failures, I do not want to have to biomass Arkon anytime soon. :P

In that case, sir, could I interest you in one of our fine Zainou Biotech Backup Clones ("They're Canonical!")? Just set the timer and get ready to risk your life-- risk-free!

Basically, you wake up at some designated time (or when the original's death is confirmed) with no memories past when you established the backup. Only problem is, the rules against there being more than one of you seem likely to be strictly enforced. Unless CCP went into depth with this somewhere I don't know about, the legal structure there is something worth having some fun with.

The present Aria is, herself, the result of a botched (or sabotaged?) backup.
« Last Edit: 05 Mar 2015, 00:17 by Aria Jenneth »

Arkon Sarain

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #56 on: 05 Mar 2015, 00:21 »

In that case, sir, could I interest you in one of our fine Zainou Biotech Backup Clones ("They're Canonical!")? Just set the timer and get ready to risk your life-- risk-free!

Basically, you wake up at some designated time (or when the original's death is confirmed) with no memories past when you established the backup. Only problem is, the rules against there being more than one of you seem likely to be strictly enforced. Unless CCP went into depth with this somewhere I don't know about, the legal structure there is something worth having some fun with.

The present Aria is, herself, the result of a botched (or sabotaged?) backup.

I will take ten! :lol:

But no Arkon isn't that paranoid yet, though I do plan on making him more paranoid in the future. ;)

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #57 on: 05 Mar 2015, 00:47 »

Sounds like a rough plan then, alright so who do we have as volunteers for the world building/NPC running? From looking back on thread I can see (in no particular order):

Eli Sariah
Morwen Lagann
Lyn Farel?
Lunarisse Aspenstar

Is that all that we have at the mo? :D

Also I have put up the OOC coordination channel, please head to: DT OOC


Thought's appreciated, but I didn't actually volunteer; I was under the impression this was meant to be an ingame thing with some DMing to provide 'background activity' for whatever scenes you had going on in a channel, not a forum thread thing - I'm not really much of a forum-RP sort of person, and I am horrendously slow at writing things (see the "Speechless" short I wrote almost two years ago - it took me a year to actually finish it).

What I was saying was that were this happening as ingame channel RP I'm a better actor than I am a stagehand - that is, I'm better-suited to participating in the scene than being behind the curtains helping generate NPCs and sets - for the above reasons as well as the fact that I am not very comfortable worldbuilding within the Empire outside of the tiny little corner of the Kingdom that Morwen inhabits because despite sort of hanging on the outskirts of the Amarr community for almost 4 years I've never really been dragged or invited in enough to get a better feel for things.

I'm also going to be out for a chunk of Saturday afternoon/evening anyway (don't forget, Luna has a thing at the Masque that night) so the point would've been moot even if not for that or the smattering of IC issues preventing participation on my end. :)
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #58 on: 05 Mar 2015, 05:53 »

I don't feel that I will have the time to fully write lenghty well written post here, especially since it takes me longer because of :english:, as well as be present all day ingame (in case of IC venue), so the best I can offer is giving ideas on the fly in the OOC section.

Color: black, unless this will cause direct offense or the automatic assumption that she's in mourning.

In a lot of cultures, it is actually white that is the mourning colour. Not sure for persian cultures (pretty sure it's not black though), but it is the case for most of the african continent (irrelevant for Amarr I guess), as well as a lot of asian cultures. I think that black for mourning is very western-ish.

Samira Kernher

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Re: Collaborative Effort: Aria Takes a Walk (Dam-Torsad)
« Reply #59 on: 05 Mar 2015, 07:23 »

I can't really help with the actual "RPing the city", I'm not very good with that. But as your resident loremistress and archivist I will continue to offer my aid on that front.

The following is a list of all locations in Dam-Torsad that we can come up with. If people have come up with locations that they have used in RP, please list them and I will add them to this. Non-PF locations are in italics.



- Imperial Palace
- Office of the Imperial Chamberlain
- The Imperial Chancellor's Office
- The Imperial Court
- The Garden of Contemplation
- Government ministries
- Embassies (it's the capital city, it's almost guaranteed there are embassies here)

::Torsad-Laur (slave/commoner district)
- The Cauldron
- Izoni Square
- Chopamaia Yard
-- Arch of Nekater
- The Font
- Salvation Church Free Clinic

- Civil Service Office (there is probably one of these in every district)





::Religiously-significant mountain range (name unknown)
- Mercy's Keep, of the Order of the Weeping Sun

::Miscellaneous locations (could be in any of the above districts, or in others)
- [The Grand] Cathedral of Dam-Torsad (most holy site in the Empire)
- St. Kuria the Prophet Cathedral (probably off-limits to tourists, this is the site of emperor coronations, funerals, and other important functions)
- St. Tal-Romon Cathedral (off-limits to tourists)
- St. Junip's Cathedral ("one of Amarr Prime’s oldest and most definitive landmarks". It has a "single massive spire" and is implied to be in or near the Royal Amarr Institute campus)
- Basilica of St. Gheinok the First Prophet
- Other cathedrals, especially around the coast
- Independent Agency for Indenturee Rehabilitation (organization that helps emancipated slaves get their new lives going)
- Imperial Immortality Foundation (pro-cloning activist group)
- Hedion University Subcampus
- Royal Amarr Institute (the original campus, Amarr's oldest surviving university)
- Rocky coastline
- Zoos and menageries
- Coastal research facility (at least one)
- Old walls (probably surrounding many of the older districts, in varying degrees of ruin and preservation)
- Shuttleports, spaceports, and bioturbs
- Museums (it is a tourist city and was once the capital of art and renaissance)

Pictures from PF

(note all the hoods, and at a religious function. Definitely a culture of hoods/headscarves. Note also the lack of seating)[/spoiler]

Note that most of the above pictures depict the core capital city, with golden skyscrapers, but Chained to the Sky confirms that there are parts of Dam-Torsad, probably the older districts, that are preserved heritage sites with cobblestone, and stone or mudbrick walls and buildings.

Here are some inspirational pictures for what the preserved areas might look like (not PF)

(narrow cobblestone street)


« Last Edit: 16 Sep 2015, 07:18 by Samira Kernher »
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