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Universal Timebase Measurement Research event

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Tannia Ambrye:
"massive nebula"? Is there such a thing? My understanding is that they are quite rarified. It sounded like a cool event to have witnessed all the same.


--- Quote from: Silver Night on 06 Jan 2018, 19:32 ---So, should we read anything into the 2 from Algintal Core other than they are hired guns? (It is a Gallente corporation and they were in Fed space).

I notice The Astromancer is Vherokior Tribe - but for 47 years. Possibly it's some kind of shaman-y thing? Otehrwise why not put him in a corp?

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At the time that Dust was alive and kicking, I didn't have any cause to visit Jolia, but as of this afternoon the Pend station at Jolia 1-1 does not have an ALGCO presense such as listed in their in-game info pane. I don't believe there's an 'actor' for their CEO Victor Alden, either. They are said to have severed ties to the Fed military but do have that background in rogue drone research. As a former merc outfit, whose pilots today were of Khanid and Brutor heritage, hired gun seems fairly plausible.

The original Astrologer, Cerb Rausolle, was said to be a young grassroots organizer with the 25ers in AD 23237, and with the extended lifespans and technology available in New Eden, it's possible he's alive but very old. However, the organization seems to have lapsed and resurfaced several times in support of various social causes, with no mention of his influence or leadership. The Astromancer did fly a ship called the "Human Horology", which does suggest a connection to the 25er movement, and there have been prominent Federation citizens of Vherokior descent, such as Kelen Ontbad, now a senator from Algintal of all places (^~^;)ゞ. By my reckoning, the Astromancer could have been born as late as YC50, while Ontbad was born in YC79, making the former considerably older. It's possible that they both come from expatriate families who settled in the region at or around the time of the original 25er activity, but if there is a connection to the old movement, today's action would mark a stark departure from their history of protest toward a more belligerent posture.

Jocca Quinn:
Thank you for recording and posting this!


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