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Author Topic: I-RED Story Arc Series, Season 1: Pendulum  (Read 28687 times)


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I-RED Story Arc Series, Season 1: Pendulum
« on: 17 Dec 2014, 11:12 »



The tell-tale signs of dissent and anarchy electrify the air around you. Tensions rise. What is it these dissenters want? Is it really dissent? Or is it something more? Perhaps they're fighting for simple profits. Or perhaps they're fighting to call to attention great injustices taking place behind closed doors. You must choose between keeping order and stability, or joining sides with those who wear a mask behind their Ishukone uniforms. The pendulum of balance - that between order and disorder - swings to and fro without judgement. However, you possess the power to influence which side it favors. What side will you choose?


Chapter 1: The Tsuruma Incident

An unmarked facility complex on a barren ice world in Tsuruma experiences problems with its main power generator. Owners of the complex, Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive, send a Charon-class freighter to repair the malfunctioning high-tech generator. Disaster strikes the Charon sent to help, causing it to plummet onto the planet's surface; at the same time, the main power generator begins critically malfunctioning. Engineers try desperately to buy time before the generator levels the entire complex in an explosion of epic proportions. Time is of the essence. A regions-wide distress call is sent. Will you answer?

I-RED Official Public Report

News Feature by Jandice Ymladris

Event Logs

On the icy surface of Tsuruma VII rested a secluded installation built partially into a vast mountain range. The installation hosted numerous functions for its owner, I-RED, of which were: prototype weapons testing, TCMC assembly, infantry training and conditioning, PoW holding facilities, and various minor science and engineering research projects. With a population of roughly 145,000 personnel at any given time, this vast complex was in many respects a small city. The installation acted as I-RED's planet-side headquarters in the Black Rise region. For this reason, among others, this installation was chosen to be the site of a series of strikes against I-RED from within. It all started with a relatively minor issue with the installation's main power generator, which was housed in a large cavern carved into a mountain. The facility's standard protocol was followed, and a request for supplies needed to fix the issue was put in. I-RED scheduled a Charon-class freighter to deliver the supplies via low-orbit drop. Upon positioning itself for the low-orbit maneuver, the Charon's orbital stabilizer systems experienced a sudden and catastrophic failure. It was later discovered that the orbital stabilizers had indeed been tampered with in such a fashion as to indicate that the culprit behind it was knowledgeable of such things. An emergency warp was unable to be executed, and realizing the fate of the massive freighter, the captain ordered all hands to abandon ship. 238 crew members were able to escape via escape pods before the ship experienced an escape pod lockout due to hacking of the main computer system. Before long, the massive freighter had crashed into the mountains near the installation. The impact caused earthquake tremors which led to a small roof collapse in the cavern that housed the facility's main power generator. Somehow, despite the generator being offline, it reactivated and began its path towards a critical overload. Chaos was erupting on the planet, and word quickly reached I-RED command who dispatched a small fleet to render assistance. However, due to limited manpower at the time, I-RED sent out an emergency regions-wide call for help. A number of capsuleers immediately answered the call, and so began the race against time to evacuate the facility. A low-orbit rally point center was rapidly established. A number of makeshift medical centers were set up along with a mobile coordination array to help manage transport flight paths. Certain assets were given priority status for evacuation over base personnel. Among these assets were: research projects and data, TCMC components, PoWs and other detainees, and various scientific and military prototypes. It is likely because of this decision that so many lives ended up perishing. Despite the loss of life, the rescue operation in many respects was a resounding success. Even with weather conditions on the planet adding to an already difficult task, the majority of base personnel were evacuated along with all critical assets. The explosion which finally leveled the installation could be seen from low orbit. Over 4,000 lives lost in an instant. There was an eerie sense of relief at the sight of this explosion. An odd sense of peace. The chaos seemed to subside, for now. All that was left was to pick up the pieces, and put them back together again. The Tsuruma Incident remains to this day the worst attack on I-RED in its operational history.

TL;DR - A secret I-RED complex on Tsuruma VII experiences power generator issues. I-RED dispatches a Charon-class freighter loaded with equipment and supplies to solve the issue. While entering low orbit, the Charon experiences catastrophic failure with its orbital stabilizers, causing it to plummet to the surface. An investigation later reveals that the orbital stabilizer system was tampered with. It crash lands near the complex, and the impact causes a minor roof collapse in the cavern which holds the main power generator. Conflicting reports suggest that it was either this incident or something more planned and sinister that caused the power generator to overload. Regardless, the end result is the same - I-RED has a very limited amount of time to rescue a very high number of personnel and precious cargo before an explosion levels the entire installation. With limited resources on hand, I-RED command issues an emergency regions-wide distress call. Despite a few complications during the rescue operation, most of the base personnel and all important assets are safely recovered. However, 4,720 lives are lost in the incident. I-RED vows for swift retribution while they plan a memorial ceremony to commemorate the lives of the fallen.

Chapter 2: Tsuruma Memorial Ceremony

The facility complex on Tsuruma VIII in ruins, and the lives of thousands of loyal citizens lost, I-RED hosts a memorial ceremony to honor the bravery and courage of both those who were saved and those who were killed. The lives of those lost will never be forgotten, engraved into the obsidian rock which is part of the memorial that has been constructed on Malkalen V. This is a time for remembrance. But this is also a time to begin preparations to enact justice.

I-RED Official Announcement

News Feature by Jandice Ymladris

Event Logs

Art by Haria Haritimado

While the internal I-RED investigation showed no signs of slowing down, they did make time to stop and remember the lives lost in the Tsuruma attack. Fearful of a potential second attack, extra security measures were taken to ensure the safety of everyone who attended the memorial ceremony. Attendees included but were not limited to: families and friends of those who perished, baseliner personnel, I-RED investors and stockholders, and capsuleers who assisted in the rescue operation. Among other things, rescue operation participants were awarded a small medallion which was carved from the obsidian rock which littered the area around the Tsuruma VII installation from ancient volcanoes. Each medal was glazed in a special glossy coating which caused the piece to shimmer a metallic yellow under certain lighting; a purple silk ribbon ran through a small hole in the medal so that it may be worn as a necklace of sorts. Speeches were said, and finally a moment of silence took place. The ceremony was concluded with the unveiling of the Tsuruma Memorial on Malkalen V. A huge block of obsidian rock carved into the shape of a square diamond rests in the middle of a large courtyard. Engraved along the perimeter of the slab of rock are the names of every life lost in the attack. Each side of the square diamond concaves toward the ground to form an inverse pyramid shaped space. Water flows gently along each side. At the center of this concavity, a steel beam shoots up a ways. Perched on top of this steel beam is a metal sculpture glossed with the same glossy-metallic coating as the medallions awarded in the event; the sculpture vaguely resembles a falcon with outstretched wings reaching for the sky. Light fixtures arranged beneath the sculpture shine their light deep into the sky, and the sculpture reflects some of the light in a beautiful manner that lights up the surrounding memorial area. Cherry blossom trees form a perimeter a little ways off of the obsidian square diamond, with ample benches underneath them for visitors to sit. Overall, a beautiful memorial to commemorate the lives of those lost in a terrible terrorist attack. I-RED officials did not have much a chance to bask in the serene presence of the memorial, however, as they had to get back to work investigating the attack.

TL;DR - The memorial ceremony conducted in Malkalen went on without issue. Pilots who answered the call for help are awarded with gratitude, honor, and a medallion carved from the obsidian rock which surrounded the installation on Tsuruma VII. Following a moment of silence to honor the dead, an impressive monument built on the surface of Malkalen V is revealed. Known as the Tsuruma Memorial, it is said that access will be granted to anyone all year round at no cost.


Dark revelations begin to surface. Accusations of a horrible crime are tossed around. Is Katrina Oniseki really behind the brutal murders discovered in Syndicate? Naturally, I-RED denies any knowledge of the killing fields, but this news piece covered by The Scope certainly puts forth an unexpected piece of the puzzle.

Scope News Article

More shocking revelations surface from behind locked doors and encrypted security networks. An internal leak manages to cough up information about a baseliner ex-I-RED operative by the name of "Kruger", and news of offensive strikes to be conducted by I-RED come forth. Who is this Kruger? What is this taskforce group named "Blacklight"? So many unanswered questions in need of investigation. The complexity of intracorporate affairs truly knows no limits when it comes to the Caldari.

Scope News Article


Chapter 3: The Crackdown

I-RED is on the offensive now. The location of possible suspects behind the Tsuruma Incident have been identified, and plans are being drawn up to execute swift retribution. Will you choose to help round up the perpetrators of the Tsuruma attack? Or will you intervene, and fight to save the suspects. There are two sides to every story. Which will you see drawn out?

UPDATE: For these events, and for future I-RED events (or at least ones hosted by me), please join the "IshuNet-Blue" mailing list; this mailing list will serve as a means for IC communication for certain types of events such as the ones to be done in this part of the arc.

Raid #1 (02.15.15):

An anonymous tip leads Ishukone-Raata Internal Watch forces commanded by Korsavius to a remote research facility hidden on the volcanic planet of Hasama III. The surprise assault proved to be largely successful, with minimal casualties. A more sinister side of I-RED comes to light, however...why was this new security arm, the Internal Watch, created? Why are they using such brute force to subdue unarmed civilians? What will become of the lone suspect they captured alive?

Event Logs

News Feature by Jandice Ymladris

Following up on a tip to the location of possible suspects behind the Tsuruma attack, Korsavius led a successful surprise attack on the research facility. Due to a hack on the facility's detection systems, a heavy assault force was able to subdue the personnel on the facility with ease. Although in a panicked state, most of the personnel did not resist detainment. Despite this passivity, however, it was clear that these specialized troops of I-RED belonging to the Internal Watch division exercised no gentleness. A fair number of the facility personnel sustained minor injuries from the rough handling by Internal Watch forces. It didn't take long for an ambush to strike the assault force. Roughly a dozen or so of the facility's crew showed their true colors and went rogue. The skill and training of the Internal Watch troops in addition to their greater numbers eventually subdued the ambushers, killing eleven of the twelve and leaving one alive for interrogation. It is later revealed that the facility used to be an I-RED recon outpost before being sold off to a third-party a number of years prior.

Raid #2 (02.22.15):

The same anonymous tipper once again contacts I-RED about the location of suspects behind the Tsuruma Incident. I-RED Vice-Admiral Korsavius, and I-RED Internal Watch director Katrina Oniseki scramble forces in a race to reach the location before anyone can escape. Oddly enough, however, the location mentioned by the anonymous tipper is a mining facility complex under the jurisdiction of I-RED itself. The assault on the complex yields some casualties, as well as a high-profile suspect by the name of Otiaj Rukerg. Some questions to consider: Who is this Otiaj Rukerg? What happened to the mud-covered shuttle that escaped from the mining complex?

Event Logs

For this raid, both Korsavius and Katrina Oniseki team up to lead a small strike force to the location the tipper provided. The duo are joined by a number of other pilots who provide assistance. The size of the mining outpost and organization of it into three distinct sections connected together by a system of tubes which host walkways and a maglev transport system cause the raid to take place in a very strategic way. The first two sections offered a fair amount of resistance from the outpost workers, some who took to more extreme measures to resist being arrested by the I-RED strike force. However, upon entering the final section, the invading I-RED forces noticed something odd and eerie about the facility - all the outpost personnel were dead and the whole section was a mess. It looked as if a struggle had taken place. Upon entering the hangar bay of the final section, the ground force entered just in time to witness a suspicious shuttle making an escape. DUST soldier Foley managed to plant a tracking device on the fleeing shuttle before it exited the outpost hangar bay and warped out despite attempts from the surrounding I-RED fleet to stop it. A man by the name of Otiaj Rukerg exited a hiding spot after the shuttle warped off, the apparent lone survivor of this area of the outpost. He was promptly taken into custody, and the operation wrapped up.

Raid #3 (flash fiction):

As it turns out, Otiaj Rukerg is the individual who has been anonymously tipping I-RED during the past couple raids. Despite the fact that the question remains as to why he was on a mining facility which had all crew exterminated via poisonous toxins, I-RED officials decide to investigate another location he points out. Rukerg claims this new location is a secret weapons manufacturing and distribution complex, but the truth ends up being something quite different...

Story (to be added once it's completed)
Update: 04/24/18 - So quite honestly it's been so long since the time of this story arc that I'm not sure I can finish the story. I apologize for that, as I remember I had told a few people I would include their characters in this story (some of whom probably don't even play anymore so I guess it's okay lol). Instead I have included a brief excerpt of what I was able to complete, and I added an addendum at the end to kind of summarize what happened in a less wordy way. Also it is worth noting that the events of Raid #3 take place AFTER the events in Chapter 4 (which are detailed below).

[spoiler]Raid #3 Story Excerpt
Katrina Oniseki’s Falcon-class recon cruiser, somewhere in the Lonetrek region

The interrogation room inside was completely dark. A room of total darkness, such that one could not see their nose in front of them. Two heavily armed and armored Internal Watch security men brought the captive, Otiaj Rukerg, into the pitch-black room. They used the light provided from the corridor to guide their steps. They sat him down on the steel chair, next to the steel table. The two security men promptly exited through the sliding doors which were, of course, made of steel.

Otiaj Rukerg sat there in the dark, a bit confused as to what was happening. He felt a sudden tinge of fear creep through his body. He wasn’t afraid of what he couldn’t see, but rather, he was afraid of what he could see. Directly in front of him stood, or floated...he wasn’t quite sure which, a ghostly figure which vaguely resembled a falcon flying directly at him with outstretched wings. This figure shimmered a silvery moonlight hue, and the figure was actually composed of a series of crescents arranged to form the overall shape. The ghost spoke to him in a calm and collective voice.

“I hope your handling by Internal Watch wasn’t too rough.” The ghost began to seemingly glide to and fro at the other end of the room. “You have quite a bit of explaining to do, Mr. Rukerg.” The ghost paused for a few moments. It continued, “for starters, who are you exactly, and what were you doing aboard the Gamma platform standing alone as the sole survivor when everyone else was killed? How were you the only one to survive? Why were you the only one to survive?”

The ghost waited patiently for a response, but none came.

“It would really be to your benefit if you talked, Mr. Rukerg. Go ahead, I’ll give you some time to collect your thoughts.”

The ghost again waited patiently, but there was still no response. The ghost sighed. It approached Rukerg.

“Look, we are looking for answers. Perhaps you are looking for answers too.” The ghost spoke smoothly, “let’s help each other out, yes? You have to talk to me in order for this to work, though.” Satisfied with this approach, the figure fell silent in patient waiting.

Words refused to escape Rukerg’s mouth.

“You’re trembling,” muttered the ghost. It began chuckling, and moved back to its initial position facing Rukerg. “If you are afraid now then Maker have mercy on you when she enters.”

Coincidentally enough, at that moment, she did. The steel doors slid open to reveal a petite figure with an imposing shadow. Obscured by shadow and the bright lights behind her, she stuttered unnaturally and moved forward. Rukerg couldn’t see her movements well at first. The sudden influx of bright light from the corridor blurred his vision. As she got closer, his worst horrors came to light. The approaching figure spread to reveal eight thin mechanical arms, moving like a flexible spider across the room.

The ghost speaking to Rukerg was revealed by the corridor light - a Brutor man whose deep-set eyes remained concealed in pitch blackness. His facial nanotattoo was still glowing softly, and he was staring directly at Kruger, hunched forward with his arms on the table to support him. After a few moments, the Brutor began walking out as the mechanical monstrosity injected a needle into Rukerg’s arm. His eyes widened immediately.

“Too late,” whispered the Brutor as the steel doors slid closed behind him. He paused his stride down the corridor momentarily as he heard a faint scream from the sealed interrogation room behind him. He shrugged and continued walking down the corridor with a slight smirk on his face. “You always were better at these sorts of things than I was, Oniseki.”

I-RED Mobile Headquarters, Prism solar system, Black Rise region

The air in the I-RED Mobile HQ for the past few weeks has been tinged with apprehensiveness. The attack on the Tsuruma VII installation is still fresh in the minds of many, some of whom still feel the loss inflicted upon them. A newly formed security division, the I-RED Internal Watch, a project child to the one and only “Iron Maiden,” Katrina Oniseki, has been hard at work running background checks on all personnel. Even the slightest bit of suspicion would yield the harshest of consequences - seizure of all assets and a termination of employment from I-RED.

“We doing this to send a message,” reminds Katrina in a cold tone. “I-RED will not tolerate this sort of behavior, nor will we accept non-action until the perpetrators of the Tsuruma attack are erased from existence.”

“I agree that retribution must be swift,” said the Brutor solemnly, “however, don’t you think the extensive power of the Internal Watch and the extremity of their behavior will only serve to encourage people to dissent?” He gazes at her with leveled eyes.

“Enough,” commanded the calm and collective voice of none other than John Revenent. “Katrina. Korbin. You both make good points. I believe, however, that we should maintain our current course of action in the hopes of quickly resolving this situation.”

“Very well, Taisho,” Korbin says with an ever so slight mark of reluctance, “it shall be done; I will continue working with CPF agents to track down the perpetrators and anyone who may have helped them.”

Addendum: I-RED are guided by testimony from Otiaj Rukerg to a hidden facility on a remote planet on the fringe of Caldari space. They are told that the facility is a weapons manufacturing plant operated by dissenters in I-RED to supply those who seek to overthrow the organization. In reality, the I-RED strike teams find the plant to be empty. They instead find hundreds of seemingly empty clone tubes. Upon closer inspection, it is revealed that these clone tubes are occupied by clones of I-RED capsuleer staff. Shortly after the discovery, CONCORD descends down on the scene after apparently getting word from an anonymous source about illegal clone production. At the same time, I-RED leaders are informed that Otiaj Rukerg has escaped his holding cell with the help of numerous turncoats. The revelation here is that I-RED has been set up. The situation forces I-RED into a precarious legal battle which ensues for weeks. I-RED is eventually able to clear its name and avoid serious consequences, but the trial takes away precious resources dedicated to the ongoing crackdown. Eventually, I-RED are contacted by none other than Jaito Kruger, who takes responsibility for framing I-RED and almost getting a number of I-RED capsuleers' licenses revoked due to illegal cloning. It turns out that Jaito Rukerg was Kruger in reality; he had undergone hefty plastic surgery and genetic alteration to conceal his identity. In his message he claims to have a sizable force of followers, and plenty more agents hidden within I-RED's ranks. He informs I-RED of his grievances against the organization and vows to take dismantle I-RED. He ends his message by saying "see you soon", and goes into hiding again to presumably build up his forces.


Following some time after the release of the shocking reports regarding news about I-RED from The Scope, independent news agency Aurora Arcology conducted their own investigation using information both public and private. Their private investigation doesn't do much to clear I-RED out of the spotlight, but it certainly helps in putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

Investigative Report by Jandice Ymladris


Chapter 4: Hidden Secrets

Unforeseen circumstances arise when refugees from a former I-RED supported colony in Syndicate are picked up by EVE University forces. These refugees were to be transported to a more secure location. During the operation, however, a pirate attack disperses the E-UNI transport fleet. One shuttle which got separated from the group reported to be carrying a high value asset in the form of a former I-RED employee, Jordan Kaine. E-UNI representative Haria Haritimado sent out a public assistance request for a formal search and recovery operation. I-RED received this transmission, and immediately dispatched forces to scour the region of Syndicate for the possible wreckage of the craft carrying Kaine. However, I-RED wasn't the only one who dispatched forces into the region...A race against time begins to see who can recover Jordan Kaine, who claims he has important information regarding the "killing fields" in Syndicate.

Upcoming Event hosted by Haria Haritimado

Situation Report by Haria Haritimado

Update: 04/24/18 - Yeah honestly can't remember what happened here so I'm gonna try my best to recount this from memory!

A number of independent capsuleers in addition to ones backed by I-RED scour the region of Syndicate for the remains of the transport ferrying Kaine in hopes of recovering him alive. Eventually, the location of the wreckage is traced down and the different groups converge. An agent operating on behalf of Kalaratiri manages to find and hack open a jettisoned container which holds the alive and well Jordan Kaine. Capsuleers who are more suspicious of I-RED's intentions were also on field, but were kept at bay by the presence of I-RED and its supporting capsuleers. Custody of Kaine is transferred over to I-RED, and I-RED promptly breaks away from the scene and supplies a monetary reward for the agent who secured the location of the wreckage.


A recent I-RED report reveals the current situation of the captured informant, Jordan Kaine. I-RED officials remain quiet about the matter however. Furthermore, they have yet to release investigation reports regarding the last raid conducted. What is it they are hiding? Are they even trying to hide something at all?

I-RED Official Status Report

Chapter 5: Resurgence

It has been over a year now since the events following the Tsuruma Incident. Things are going relatively smoothly, and things have gone quiet - at least, in the public eyes. Meanwhile, Internal Watch forces on security contract by I-RED have been working with the organization to weed out any influence and memory of Kruger. Unbeknownst to either party, Kruger has been planning for a long time and those plans are now rolling into motion.

Kruger reemerged with a bang. A well-equipped fleet led by Kruger attacked a sizable I-RED military installation and seized ships, weapons, and supplies. Kruger and his forces declared an all out war against I-RED. For weeks battles between I-RED and Kruger's forces took place. Although Kruger's forces put up a good fight against the much larger and better equipped I-RED forces, slowly but surely they realized an all out war of attrition can never be won. However, they were able to send a clear message - I-RED is not invincible. Although Kruger was a cunning leader, he was an unstable one. A rift started to emerge within his forces between those who pledged utmost loyalty to him and those who felt that he was betraying the original purpose of the schism from I-RED - to fight against corporate tyranny. I-RED, ever on the offensive to annihilate Kruger and his turncoats, capitalized on this division. Plans were set in motion, and I-RED mobilized for a decisive and strategic attack to end things once and for all.

Chapter 6: To All Good Things

The war between Kruger's forces and I-RED wages on. In his initial stages, Kruger drew away a number of disgruntled employees from I-RED and claimed to be a champion against Caldari corporate tyranny. However, in the time since then he has proven to be an unstable and questionable leader. His own forces have split between those most loyal to him, and those who now grow apathetic towards him and his madman goals. I-RED jumps on the opportunity to deal a final ultimate strike against Kruger and his forces. Through careful planning, I-RED manages to corral Kruger and his forces into one system. Unbeknownst to Kruger, I-RED prepares a major strike force for one final assault to end it all.

With his forces cornered and in disarray, I-RED jumps in a sizable fleet intending to send a message back - I-RED is strong as ever and justice will be served. An epic battle ensued and in the process Kruger's vessel was destroyed in a torrent of missile and railgun fire. The remaining of Kruger's forces retreated to lick their wounds, or surrendered to the overwhelming I-RED assault force. Those of Kruger's forces that fled vowed to avenge their fallen leader, and prowl the spacelanes to this day seeking and taking any opportunity they get to harass I-RED. Meanwhile, the captured traitors faced harsh legal punishment as one by one they were court martialed. Although Kruger is dead, the legacy of his terror against I-RED is remembered. The whole ordeal was also a valuable lesson to I-RED on how to handle internal discontent. It was also a wake-up call on the power and determination of those who are not capsuleers - after all, you don't need to be a capsuleer to hurt one.


Order and stability, or at least some variations of them, triumphed in the end. Through your collective efforts either with or against I-RED, Kruger was able to be identified as the master planner behind the Tsuruma attack. I-RED released certain findings of their own investigation after Kruger's death. Naturally, they denied any and all involvement in the Syndicate "killing fields", and attributed blame to Kruger for the atrocious murders. Whether or not Kruger truly was behind these terrible killings will probably never be known. I-RED was successfully able to avenge the lives lost in the Tsuruma Incident, but at no small cost. What was left of Kruger's most loyal followers now call themselves Kruger's Raiders. A small but close-knit group, they try their best to be a thorn in the side of I-RED, even now after a change in leadership for the organization. It was a long and scandalous journey, but as with all good things this too must come to an end.

Fly safe, capsuleer.
« Last Edit: 09 May 2018, 01:47 by Korsavius »
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Saede Riordan

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #1 on: 17 Dec 2014, 11:15 »

I am interested, but this is very very vague. I have no idea if its something my character would actually get involved in.
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Samira Kernher

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #2 on: 17 Dec 2014, 11:38 »

*signs up*

Mitara Newelle

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #3 on: 17 Dec 2014, 12:08 »

Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"

Morwen Lagann

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #4 on: 17 Dec 2014, 12:23 »

I'm not going to emptyquote Saede, though I'm mostly in the same camp as Samitara.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #5 on: 17 Dec 2014, 13:30 »

Looks interesting. Consider me interested.

Remember people, this is just an interest thread. You aren't promising your character's participation.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Lyn Farel

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #6 on: 17 Dec 2014, 13:53 »

Since it's an interest thread only, i'm interested because JFR tempted me to come back at some point.  :)

John Revenent

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #7 on: 17 Dec 2014, 17:29 »

I can't wait. More Space RP is great, also Kor contact me when we both have a moment so we can push this forward in a fluid way.

Aldrith Shutaq

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #8 on: 17 Dec 2014, 18:08 »



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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #9 on: 17 Dec 2014, 18:14 »

Sounds great. I would like to join the event. I have to check the details when day and time are known.

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #10 on: 17 Dec 2014, 21:03 »

X, pending schedule availability.

Nakito Kobara

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #11 on: 17 Dec 2014, 21:28 »

Sign me up...


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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #12 on: 18 Dec 2014, 01:10 »

I am interested, but highsec poses some rather interesting problems for my -7.7 self  :D

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani


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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #13 on: 18 Dec 2014, 01:17 »

It is a barely hi-sec system...0.5 to be exact. You might be fine.
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17

Morwen Lagann

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Re: [Event] "Sign-up"/Interest Thread
« Reply #14 on: 18 Dec 2014, 01:54 »

At -7.7, no. :lol:
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.
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