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Grown on a terrestrial world in the Harroule system, the Dryweed plant has fragile, yellowish leaves that burn very slowly, giving off a pleasant vapor that is known to have a soothing effect when inhaled.

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Author Topic: Combat! What has been some of your best and worst pvp experiences? Let's hear it  (Read 8210 times)

Silas Vitalia

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We need an EVE Arena, in game.

Some place in highsec we can watch teams duke it out.  2v2s, 3v3s, 5v5s.  Limits on ship classes and fittings, etc. Leagues.  Sponsors.  Cash prizes.  Treachery. Gambling. Throwing matches.



Silas Vitalia

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Shutting people up in local is also a wonderful, wonderful thing. 

All I can say about that fight is



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As Zag, the most fun I had was doing Commerce Raiding in enemy high-sec as part of FacWar. Using destroyers we'd roam seeking to hit soft targets of the STPRO/24IC usually when nothing much was going on on the front. The fun came from the fact that you only had a 30 second window to remain on grid and complete a kill so you always had to stay on your toes and have to roll your points with bounce-outs if you had a wingman.

It was also hilarious disabusing opposing militia of their concepts of safety in high-sec with a, "Greetings from the Federation, mon ami." Or watching their militia chat light up after buzzing Nourv, Jita, Amarr or Huola and a target's butthurt that no one helped them after a successful gank on their barges and industrials. The only hate-mail I ever got on Zag was a STPRO telling me he hoped I got cancer after I destroyed his afk Bustard in Nonni, which brought a smile to my face. We would also keep track of targets we killed and see if they dropped out of militia and provide a payout if they did - I think we had about a 50% success rate.

The most memorable raid I did was a push into Amarr from Jita for targets of opportunity around Ashab, Penirgman, Tash-Murkon and the pipe into Huola to which the 24IC responded with seboed Lachesis, Huginn and inties and I had to try and break us all out in dessies with angry Amarrians on our tail. We managed to escape and evade around them eventually through Penirgman and back into the Amarr-Jita pipe but had Merdaneth in a Crusader one jump behind to which (I think, it was a few years back) he called us Minmatar heathens and the like to which Zag corrected that we were in fact, Federal heathens and then provided a flippant goodbye.

Comparatively to all the other engagements I've had, the high-sec raids probably didn't do much ISK-wise or were even that "uber-leet" (I am after all a militia scrub and so lack the mad pvp skills of others outside frig/dessie solo and small gang work) but I remember them because in all honesty I remember more the actual hunting down and trying to position oneself into getting a fight through d-scanning, baiting, and the use of safespots etc., than the actual fights themselves. I feel more emotion and anticipation prior to an engagement than during it, the actual combat is very mechanical for me since I tend to break down and visualize what I'm going to do before I push F1 to the point it feels like I'm on autopilot and just following things through via my overview.

My most hilarious loss though?


It's what happens when you're drunk and forget you have a negative sec status.  :lol:

Laerise [PIE]

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Most memorable good fight: In the early days of FW (talking the first months here) there was a mini pilot known for his insane skills with his thrasher. He had a, for the time, very solid fit and I made it my mission to hunt him down and take him out.
I lost a couple of punishers to him until I finally gave in and brake out the vengeance. The fight went well until he somehow got into optimal and our respective armor tanks started melting. I was so busy spamming the warp out button to save my pod that I didn't realise I'd won until I started wondering why the hell my pod looked so weird and was on fire.  :lol:

lallara zhuul

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Udyr Vulpayne and me went on a cruiser roam across Bleak Lands to harass U'K newbies in Arbitrators.

He did it a lot, sometimes I came along, sometimes I was in a Curse, sometimes in a Whateveryoucallit, T2 Maller.

U'K newbie corp was located there, so we went looking for fights and usually we got them.

This time we got 'lucky'.

We came to a station and there was a mission Tempest heading to dock (back in the day there was no warp to 0 and this guy apparently hadn't made bookmarks for instadock) one of us had a web and the other one had a warp scrambler on top of some TDs, we got him webbed and scrammied and started to chew away on him. Then a Typhoon and a Rupture warps in. We keep the Tempest immobile while we take down the Ruppie, we start chewing through the Typhoon when I have to warp out to rep. (I had the scram.) Came back, Udyr had to head out. When he came back, the Typhoon was almost down and the Tempest was almost at docking range. We then concentrated on the 'phoon and popped him as well.

The Tempest got away.

Our trip home was pretty much high fives over the internet and giggles.

Similar situations with mission ships happened every now and then, most of the time the battleships died against the Arbitrators. Gaven popped a Tempest solo earlier that week.

Omnicient Order was hired to come after PIE (I think it was the first time they were hired to do that.)

Emperor station, smacktalk on local.

Undock in a Geddon,

Pop the flavor of the month Domi in 30 secs.

Warp to a safe.

Gaven comes into the system with another Geddon.

Mega and a Tempest are sitting at the tube.

We warp in.

I'm primary.

We pop the Tempest.

We start chewing through the Mega.

Running out of armor.

The Mega pops, 17% structure left.

Just state, 'Amarr Victor.' on local.


In the beginning PvP was AWESOME, adrenaline, camaraderie, tactics, actual enemy that wanted to fight.

Then it all watered down.

You needed to have a fleet of hostiles on your tail in your P.O.S. ship to get anything happening to your pulse.
The camaraderie was there, but who the fuck bothers to go on a roam when everyone is just tube tanking.
Tactics we're pretty much about getting a good fleet composition, good scouts, right engagement distance and just getting the right Primary.
Enemies also kind of vanished after time, some for having different priorities, some for getting their arses kicked, some for us not engaging them.

The problem with EVE is that you really can't force an encounter with someone that knows even a little bit what they are doing.
Or who docks.

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


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I believe there was a tread similar to this one made some time ago, but I'm not sure and I'm not going to go check.

Regardless, though I might have done so already, I'll share two events that happened a long while ago.

Back in the days when the Caldari were poised to annex all of Placid and the Federal sector of the Fed-State FW area, there was a memorable engagement in Brarel, IIRC. I had just left one corp and was to join another, but while this period was active I was out roaming in my Myrmidon. A Federal FW group were waiting by a planet for reinforcements to take a large complex that the Caldari were currently hiding in, capping it down ever so slowly. Being somewhat known the FC gets me into fleet, despite my position in Aliastra at the time, and inform me of this.

Now, at this point in time I had seen this situation happen far to many times - the Feds are outnumbered and outgunned, the Caldari utilize their numerical superiority to the max - wanted to take the region, after all - and the Feds, like I say, await backup. Waiting would lose us the complex and the Caldari would disperse and go take other areas while we form up.

I was tired of seeing this and fed-up with the progress the Caldari made thanks solely due to a willingness to do 'the hard work' and the waning morale of my own faction, so I told the FC I was going in, that was that. Warping to the complex gate, the gang followed, though outnumbered.

So we go in and engage the first gang inside the complex, a number of cruisers, destroyers and frigates, backed by a Falcon. I think we lost one or two of the destroyers on our side but killed the cruisers, the Falcon and some of the destroyers and frigs, though IIRC most of them left and prepared to return.

Somewhat amazed we had won the fight and killed a Falcon (that got the Fed-aligned destroyer pilots a serious morale boost) we secure the complex and loot the wrecks. Some time later the Caldari response makes itself known.

As taking the complex was the main objective, we end up leaving a destroyer or two in the complex to tick it down and kill anyone who enter, while the rest of us go to attack the Caldari on the acceleration gate, before they can all gather up and overwhelm us. The 22th Black Rise Defense Unit was the primary force here and was known to be able to re-ship fast, we expected to get killed, but hoped we could keep them off the complex long enough to take it.

What followed now was nothing short of the most amazing fight I've had in my life. We engage the cruisers, destroyers and frigates stationed on the complex gate, and in a short while we lose a pair of destroyers but kill pretty much all of the amassed ships present. While we are shooting the last two ships left, the second wave of Caldari reinforcements arrive. I'm not completely sure but I believe it was during this wave that the last of my companions were killed - the complex had been saved by now and the one's in it had either joined the fight and died by now, or left, I'm not sure about it.

Yuri Intaki, Damar's alt and a member of the ILF at the time (trying and failing to get the Fed-militia in a war with the ILF) lost his second ship in this wave, IIRC, making the fight even more awesome to me. I expected to die from the very start so finding myself alone against several Caldari wasn't news, the fact we took the complex and had killed Yuri twice by now, was.

Dual-rep myrms however are hardy buggers, and I survived until the end of the third wave of Caldari reinforcements were broken. There was not much time to loot and I was nearly out of cap-charges, and the Caldari started to arrive in battlecrusiers - a Harbinger had already landed on the filed and there was a Drake on scanner, IIRC. Having killed the last cruiser I decided it was time to make good my escape.

I achieved my objective, killed loads of enemies, and got my sorry ass home in one piece. All of these were rare events at the time, so I'm not likely to forget this any time soon.

Did some digging on battleclinic - Allied/hostile casualties for the entire event; At least 3 destroyers and 3 frigates, BC is being difficult to read VS 5 frigates(1 being rookie ship) 3 destroyers, 8 cruisers, 1 recon ship - Those were the ones I was involved in, at the least, might have been more.

And now for something completely different...

I take great care to learn what I can from my own losses and victories, losses especially as they are the most likely to have been my fault. This one especially, was my fault, and while not much of a lesson, it's a great reminder, and a mistake I'll never repeat.

So basically, I was moving a ship from Villore to Heyd, going through OMS. I had scouted the area previously but did not have active eyes in system. I jump in and... I honestly have no idea what I was doing or how I let it happen - could have gone straight to the Heyd gate and jumped, likely getting backup in heyd, or whatever.

Somehow, I found myself bumped off gate by an Executioner, and then the Pervs gang landed on me. I ended up, shortly and simply, losing the myrm without getting off a shot in return. I remember I activated my repper, tried to move for the gate, and that it took them what seemed like ages to down me.

Why the hell didn't I shoot back? There were 5 cruisers, 1 of them faction, there were 3 frigates, 2 of them were T2. I could easily have killed two of the frigates and two of the cruisers - they were actively bumping me or sticking into my optimal range. The Kitsune didn't do squat, I had my ECCM II online the whole time and he didn't get a single sycle in.

In hind-sight, I could easily have won the fight - kill the bumping Executioner, then the Stabber that arrived first and bumped me as well, then the Assault Frigate, then the Rupture holding at 10km, and with that loads of their DPS would be down the drain, who knows what I could have done after that? Perhaps killed the Caracals - they were armed with light missiles after all...

But I didn't, and my most embarrassing loss to date, I can't even properly explain. I have no idea what I was thinking, if I was at all. All I can say is, people, never do this, never EVER.

Silas Vitalia

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That sounds like a great FW fight, Bloodbird! 

I don't see nearly enough Myrm's out there and I love it when I do ;)

There's something about repair cylces that make things so tense, as opposed to just bleeding plated HP where you can see just when you are going to die.  With the reppers at least sometimes you have the illusion you are going to make it ;)


Lyn Farel

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Most of my losses are unfortunately pretty trite (blobs, or just usual losses...). In my early days though, I almost lost a typhoon to a macro farmer in a raven, when we lived in Providence. I remember shouting "YESSS GOTCHA !" after trying to catch him for days. Then I saw my armor melting and managed to warp out in emergency. Then I noticed I had forgotten to change my pve EM/Therm hardeners to an omnitank.

I have probably had a lot of good fights I don't remember at the moment. However two of them, not extremely old, are memorable for me.

The first one was recently, not long before quitting. I was running a mission for the gallente epic arc in lowsec in my vengeance. The kind of sadistic mission where you have 15 cruisers and maybe 10-15 frigates as NPCs shooting at you, and 4 cruisers neuting all your cap in 10 sec.

After a -long- time spent grinding them ship by ship, I was in the process of finishing the last one, when I noticed that too many orange hit notifications were still showing, and they were weird. I took another look at them while blowing up the last NPC and suddenly realized that I was pointed by a pirate crow that was unable to kill me, even with the NPCs to help him. I thought "meh, that fight is never going to end, until one of us brings his friends first", since I was AB fitted, and him doing maybe 1/5th of the required dps to break my tank.

I wrote on the OOC channel - quite blasé - that I was pointed by an annoying crow in a FW gallente system. Zag responded and told me to wait like 12 jumps to come and help me (yes, that fight took a little long, I am pretty sure the crow was short on ammo at the end...).

Finally, I see what was expected : a probably hostile thorax enter the mission site and runs to catch me. With my AB I can obviously not stay away very long and start to overload it a little when I am almost at range for him, taking the time to kill his drones, then I fly back to him as fast as I can and get hit a little hard from the first blaster salvos. Then I orbited it, even scramed and webbed, and tanked his electrons blasters for a while before gnawing at his armor over time, still taking also damage from the crow. I was pretty sure to die and yet, that went surprinsigly smooth (<- you will note that amazing, ironic nickname of that guy).

Zag came at the end and jammed the crow, which let me go away. I think what made that fight quite enjoyable for me was the emotive balance I went through : resolved to die in the first place when i was not even here for pvp in the first place, then annoyed to hell because that fight was seriously neverending, then sure to die again when I saw the thorax coming in, then excited to kill him. Somehow, fun pvp never comes at you when you look for it, it comes at you when you expect it the less.

The second one was probably the most epic fight I ever got in my eve life, near the end of KotMC. A fleet of approximately 15-20 pirate BSes came in kourmonen/huola and started to piss off the militia, and then got kicked in the ass pretty quick since their shiny BSes apparently had the power to draw a lot of attention (yeah, a lot of vindis, machs, etc). They decided to come back to take their revenge, with more or less the same comp except they had 3 triaged carriers on field to support them.

To their credit their BS fleet was strong and the militia BS fleet that came, a little disorganised, even if superior in numbers, under estimated the repping power of those carriers and the overall support between each of their ships. The militia started to lose ship after ship, and wrecks got all over the gate, and yet militia pilots continued to reship and come back to the fight to win through attrition, though it soon became obvious that they were not breaking and that the attrition was badly going in their favor since more and more militia pilots eventually had no BSes or BCs left to reship (and i'm not even speaking of the isk war...).

With Eran we were speaking about either doing something radical to turn the tide, or just let the militia give up bitterly, which was only a question of time after 30 min of continuous slaughter. He suddenly decided to field his revelation, and I told him "you know the odds are that you will probably dock in pod after that : either you get hotdropped, either we can't kill them and you will be left alone to their mercy when our fleets will break down". He told me "yeah, but I don't care and I plan to remain sufficiently at range to encourage their BSes to get out of their carriers repping range". I answered "okay, it's a good day to die and use that dread for once."

So we undocked with our two dreads, knowing that probably half of the militia fleet was still fighting while the other half was definitly out, and I was trembling like never before, and yet I found funny to notice that all of this seemed so unreal that I was like in another state of mind already (like what you always seek when pvping and rarely achieve to do : counting your ship already as lost). I am not that rich and a dread was quite the investment though.

Anyway, we warped at 70km of the gate and started to go into siege mode to shoot at the carriers. After a while their BSes started to all target me and all those yellow/red boxes suddenly flashing were fucking scary, knowing I was pinned down looking at them while the siege module was running. When you see that happening, you suddenly feel quite alone. So, all these BSes started to activate their MWD and came in, and we were on comms like "omg omg omg".

But the plan worked. They started to get hits from the last members of the militia fleets that was still here and that we were here to support, and noticing that they were not in their carriers range anymore they prefered to step back and return to the gate. End of the first adrenaline rush, but the pressure was still there, and still no hotdrop.

Eventually their carriers started to break apart. After the first one finally got down I noticed that my guns were not firing anymore since I overloaded them at the beginning and forgot to deactivate it (and found out that it costed me around 120M for the two citadel launchers alone to repair afterwise...). So I docked the dread and came to finish in my carrier.

The feeling after that, like being a turning point of the fight yourself, was quite gratifying. Surviving was the icing on the cake.  (other carriers showed up at the end to leach the kill)

edit : yes, im pretty sure to have already posted that somewhere in the past now you mention it...
« Last Edit: 16 Oct 2012, 15:58 by Lyn Farel »


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I have literally dozens of cool PvP stories. A lot of them involve unlikely odds. My personal preference is to have my opponents go 'wft, what just happened?' as I beat them. That is why I prefer unconvential fits combined with smart tactics.

The 7 vs 1
Oooh, the heady days before the MWD nerf, when webifiers were still at 90% strength and scramblers didn't shut off MWD's. I really was an odd one out in that day with an active armor tanking AB/Web Sader vs. the mostly nano-fitted frigate crowd. I was defending this medium plex in Lamaa when local grew and a relief force led by Sasawong was poised to take over my plex. A punisher activated gate slightly before his friends, perhaps overconfidently, and I was waiting for it at the other end. Horribly fitted, it went down as the others came in as a group. Burning away from entrance, I let the hostiles chase me, their MWD's blowing up their sigs and allow for my shots to connect as they passed me while their initial shots missed (the Sader had a sig bonus even without MWD at the time). Then I simply webbed down their ships and shot them one by one while I was tanking like mad. Then my cap didn't allow for running my repper anymore, and thus the final two ships killed me, I left their last Stiletto heavily damaged. Quickly reshipped myself in-system and returned to loot the field. The two remaining pilots bugged out fast when they saw me come back in a Malediction.

Containing a Taranis Outbreak
At the start of Faction Warfare, Outbreak based out of Kamela. And they provided me with hordes of Taranises. By then I knew how to fight these monsters in my Crusader (by losing lots of Saders to UK, EM and Maak Ranises) and Outbreak pilots proved particularly willing to play. Again and again. Much fun was had.

Star Fraction scouts
Back in the day, my Crusader ruled the Faction Warfare skies. This was before the faction frigate buff, and nearly all small ships fell before it. Star Fraction, due to the IGS shenanigans, were favored targets of course. Often I simply blasted their scouts and tacklers out from under their fleets, sometimes with other fleet members watching on helplessly. But the following fight stands out in my mind, simply as a demonstration of the power of aggression:

I warped in on two of them at a gate, some 15km apart. I simply locked and opened fire as soon as I dropped out of warp. I won because it took them several seconds to respond. They didn't expect me to engage at 2vs1 odds, and a voice communication between fellow pilots tend to delay response a bit as well. And of course, they were fitting scorch while I am loaded with multifrequency for max close up damage. Also, in more vs. 1 situations, the hostile invariably go in as close as possible to 'prevent you from escaping' or something like that. Hah!

Rejecting Hell's Crows
So, there I was experimenting with active shield tanked battle Anathema's (only allowed to fly Amarr due to being in PIE). Yeah, before the times of the ancillary booster. There was this group of FW pirates about looking for a fight, 4 Crows and one Incursus. They quickly took the bait and engaged me at point blank (yeah, another case of kill-eagerness), I quickly killed one of their Crows, and damaged a second before they wisely pulled range on my and killed me from afar. Was fun though.

I reshipped to my fav Crusader quickly warped back to the scene, killed two more Crows before the others took the wiser choice and high-tailed it out of there, never to return.

The Sabre Days
When joining CVA and moving to Providence the joy of my day was always when I heard intel reports of a solo Sabre roaming about. Sabres and myself were an instant love-match. They wanted me, I wanted them. Warp to 0 and open fire. I've not had a Sabre yet that didn't return fire. But one day there was this guy that was reported but cloaked up. I was warping back and forth trying to look stupid and hoping that friendly pilots would move away far enough for him not to fear incoming support. Finally he uncloaked and warped to me (at the gate) at 0km and engaged. I employ my standard tactic, knowing that the increased locking time would put him at a further disadvantage. As his shields melted, panic likely struck, and his Falcon alt (I was aware this Falcon was around) uncloaked and attempted a jam. But his Sabre was already down by the time his lock finished. If he had uncloaked his alt immediately after landing a point, this wouldn't have happened, but I guess even those with Falcon alts are eager to for 'solo' kills.
(unfortunately, eve-kill doesn't have my API, so missing quite a lot of Sabre kills there)

On being a nemesis
Long time ago PIE, in the prelude to FW, battled a pirate corp in the Bleak Lands called the Deathadders. Not being a particularly skilled bunch, then nonetheless claimed several systems and fought over them. In one particular battle they had gathered an extensive fleet and even shot down Laerise. I judged the distances, and warped in on a loot can ending up right in the middle of their fleet and beside a rookie pilot called Morel Nova. I quickly destroyed him while evading and escaping from the other ships in their fleet.

Years later I encoutered him again. I didn't remember him, but I found it odd that he especially seemed to seek me out. We fought and he died again, this time in a Taranis.

No less then a month later, he tried again and succeeded:

He convoed me, and confided in me that watching me that very first fight was his first PvP loss, and it had inspired him to seriously try to get good at PvP, and at some point in the future return the favor by trying to destroy me. It was quite humbling to hear of course. I sometimes heard of him again PvP-ing a lot indeed, even risking and losing hit Utu.

Happy to have been an inspiration to a player that flies taking risks and flies well.

CVA Cruiser Tourney
When EQ announced the CVA cruiser tourney I was of course eager to participate, knowing that my odd shield Arbi was far superior to any other cruiser about, and ideally suited for tourney battles. About 30 people joined in and a bit of smart maneuvering at the start of the battle made that I wasn't immediately set upon by a blob of hostiles. The shield Arbi performed to spec (some people here are aware how nasty that Arbi can be in a tourney enviroment) and in a long fight I managed to kill all opposition.  EQ promised rewards for things like last one standing, most damage dealt, being on most killmails, having most final blows. But I'm still waiting on the reward even though I topped all those categories....

More stories to come if people like to hear em. Still remember lots and lots of nice fights, browsing to old killboard brings back most of them.
« Last Edit: 16 Oct 2012, 18:04 by Merdaneth »


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Man, I was just browsing all my old kills and losses and am I the only one that seems to get hit by a wave of nostalgia looking at a killmail and then getting a flash of memory of the fight all over again?

It makes me feel so bloody old.

Druur Monakh

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This could be an eternal thread...

I have two 'fondest' PvP memories. The first was when I was a little nublet, earning my ISK by running courier contracts in a Bestower, just around the time BoB was Hargothed. Our alliance back then took advantage of the power vacuum in Delve and started reinforcing POSes - one night they ran out of ammo and I did a resupply run for them (ah, to be young and worriless again!). And since I was there, and had a cannon on my Bestower, I shot one of the POSes a bit as well - my first KM.

The first 'real' fight I remember fondly was in a wormhole, when our friend Heloisa got jumped -  a baptism by fire, in a way (and that should give you enough clues to find the full narrative).

But recently it has been rather meh - since I challenged myself to find some solo fights, my days have been mostly a tale of empty systems. However, one of the few fights was memorable because in hindsight I stepped into an obvious trap. I was somewhere in the Outer Ring, nosing around a station system, and watching out for a Hound in the system - but to no avail: the hound pilot leaves. A few minutes later a Maelstrom undocks from the station, and just sits on the undock. And just sits there. Seeing that I hadn't had seen a ship sitting still for days, I engaged, and even made some progress against the ship, focusing just on optimals and orbits and the like.

And then the Hound uncloaked nearby and bombed me into oblivion :)

Logan Fyreite

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My worst moment... well one of them.

Rote Kapelle was on a road trip down to Provi just as CVA was imploding against a resurgent U'K (with backing of -A-). Rote was there to enjoy the havoc. At any rate, rote had just finished up the first of a few entertainment wars we had launched during our bike ride, and I was cruising around in a Taranis in the lowsec around Misha. I found plenty of targets but nothing I could legitimately engage myself. I jump into a system and watch a prior war-target Hulk lazily spin towards a belt and warp off. Ah-HA!

I warp after it and the battle is on! Then CONCORD came and gently reminded me that 0.5 is indeed highsec.  :bash:

Esna Pitoojee

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Probably about 3-4 months before Dominion, I had one of my best fights I have ever had.

We were taking a mixed Proviblob roam out into Catch - RR BS with cruiser support, CVA and Holder allies. We jump in to HED and start skirmishing a bit, catching the unwary pilot or two...

Suddenly this -A- Vagabond shows up and starts kiting us like a pro, making multiple 'dives' in towards us but staying just out of web range. The FC, a veteran Provi PvPer, recognizes an attempt to get us off gate, but some of the guys go chasing after him before the FC yanks us back towards the gate.

Without warning, an Avatar lands 100km off us. Damn, damn, damn, damn! FC is screaming for us to get back to gate; some of us only get within jump range as the DD animation begins to play, but before the damage comes in.

We jump back into SV5; FC immediately calls us back to the HED gate. We wait 20 seconds, then jump back in. Seconds later, a kitchen sink -A- fleet drops in directly on top of us. In retrospect, they obviously expected us to all have chased the Vaga and be badly damaged if not outright destroyed by the DD trap, so they didn't form up a real solid fleet. Instead, the DD had only caught a  of frigates and one fast cruiser that had been drawn farthest off the gate. We slaughtered them, had a good laugh and hung around on gate for 15-20 minutes more, then waddled off back to Provi space before a competent response showed up.

Worst, conversely...

The fight in Huola in which Minmatar dropped their first Nyx for their first time. I leeroyed multiple heavy ships from my personal stock as the FC kept calling for more and more ships to hopefully win the day and save several friendly capitals. We didn't.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.


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My most pleasurable fight was a 1v1, with me in a Crucifier and the target in a Tristan. He was rail/MWD kite fit, and I was in a slower AB/TD fit. The fight lasted for eight to ten full minutes. That's 8-10 minutes of adrenaline, high heartbeat rate, and shaky hands. In the end neither one of us were hitting each other, so it literally boiled down to who could kill the other guy's single drone first. In the end he got smart and I suppose loaded a longrange, low damage ammo that even my TD couldn't really counter. I capped out and it was a rather slow death, but all the while he was in half armor. So close!

The lossmail

Overall, my best PvP moments are in 1v1s.


  • Egger
  • Offline Offline
  • Posts: 141

I also agree with Silas on the whole armor repper thing. I've become a hug fan of active armor tanks on Shiroh; with good cap micromanagement you can get a MEAN ship out of dualrep setups.

Yaay armor \o/
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