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Author Topic: In-Game, In-Character Newsletter  (Read 2411 times)

Alexander Rykis

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In-Game, In-Character Newsletter
« on: 20 Aug 2010, 03:56 »

Hey so...

Someone from PIE mentioned this and I think it would be a great idea. When Milo told me about trying to hire writers and stuff for his own news thing, it gave me a similar idea.

We would need a few things... I'll list them here.

-An Editor-in-Chief to oversee content and the overall design quality of the newsletter.
-Copy Editors to edit the stories and make sure content is appropriate journalistic style
-Designers using Adobe Illustrator or InDesign (Or, heaven forbid, Quark) with design experience to come up with each week or month's design and look
-Writers from each faction to generate and produce stories.

Funding would only really be needed to compensate people for their time.

I would volunteer for the Editor position, as I've filled every position in a newspaper before and believe I could offer tons of first-hand experience needed for guidance and instruction for helping this grow. I'd be glad to work with people interested in writing the stories, give them templates to work off of and assistance in appropriate styles.

I think the biggest thing we would need would be consistent writing. I mean... Milo, Benjamin and myself could all write content from within the group (as you guys have voiced an interest). All we would need is for people in the factions to write about shit that happens.

Like... when Ghost Syndicate formed, that's a story. The backlash from PRELI and the following apology was a story. The graveyard thing is a story. Let's say.... a long-time member of PIE got promoted to a senior leadership position, that's a story. I mean, in the grand scope of the game, it happens everyday. But these are the kinds of things that allow us to build our own storylines and these events are what shapes those storylines. At the end of the day, most of the only people who will give a fuck are RP'ers and I think this thing would help us know what's going on elsewhere. And who knows, maybe someone not involved in RP will come across it and get suddenly interested in the storylines and decide to start RP'ing.

April, not to throw you under the bus, but CROW would be great for this. NOH is heavily tied to the entertainment industry, so your assistance would be easy to RP. And I think I can speak for a few people when I say your style of design would mesh well... to include the fact that you grasp the standard rules of proper newspaper/magazine layout and design (and if you didn't, it wouldn't take me long to tell you pica spacing, etc)

We could go to several places like Chribba, Eve Online Hold'Em and others and offer to sell them ad space in the newsletter. We could have interviews with alliance CEO's about current politics, opinion polls, newbie help guides... I mean the possibilities would be endless to be honest.

I would, of course, need some help as I am currently building a corp and alliance of my own, but with cooperation I don't think this would take too much to really get rolling.


« Last Edit: 20 Aug 2010, 03:58 by Alexander Rykis »

Milo Caman

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Re: In-Game, In-Character Newsletter
« Reply #1 on: 20 Aug 2010, 05:00 »

So uh- you know?

Edit: Having Read over this thread again, it seems I initially misinterpreted the Idea. Would be happy to do a few pieces for it.
« Last Edit: 20 Aug 2010, 06:50 by Milo Caman »

Laerise [PIE]

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Re: In-Game, In-Character Newsletter
« Reply #2 on: 20 Aug 2010, 08:53 »

Generally I see no reason why PIE would not be willing to put its considerable push behind this, however a few things will be mandatory to make this endeavour work IC:

- Publisher and Editors (characters) are unafilliated with any faction / amarrian caldari (although this might not work for some others, so option 1 is preferrable) , suggesting we use alt's as publishers

- unbiased editing  :P

If we can agree on those two I don't see a problem.

The main question would be how and where to publish this?

Would we want to see some/all of it to apear in more wellknown magazines like EVE Tribune?

It should be published in a non .pdf format so its readable in the IGB.

That's my brainstormed stuff, its a bit slash and dash since I just got home from work - if you have questions I'll be way more elaborate  :)

Alexander Rykis

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Re: In-Game, In-Character Newsletter
« Reply #3 on: 20 Aug 2010, 17:29 »

You don't need publishers... you just need someone to create the pages.

There's not really an easy way to do this without doing .pdf. You could, however, just make an announcement on IGS with a .jpg version of the cover and post that. Then you could just link the .pdf file and people could go from there.

Like I said, I'll fill the editor position and I have a spare alt who is not involved with any faction or alliance I could use. I'll use him to create the 'corp'... something dealing with entertainment. This could serve as the in-game agency.

Depending on the amount of content, I could run through the copy within a few hours and have it sent back pretty easily. Basically it would work like this. Writers mail me their story ideas with expected length so I can make a list of what to expect. While waiting for stories, I get with the people wanting ad space and start working with the designers to get a general layout idea going. Writers write the stories (and take screenshots?) and mail them to me. I go through them and edit them for length and errors and send them back. Writers make the edits and send that back to me. This continues until I see no more changes needing to be made. Once this happens, I submit text and screenshots to the designers and they plug them into that month/weeks layout format. They save these as image files and email them to me. I look over them, make changes, etc and send them back. Rinse and repeat until no more changes. Once they are ready, designer saves the cover as a separate .jpg and saves the newsletter as a .pdf. They send these things to me and I send them to the webmaster. Webmaster posts the .pdf's on the website along with stories and articles. Once this is done, I go to IGS and post the cover with a link to the website/newsletter.

For a weekly thing, this can be done in less than 5 days if people turn in content on time. For a month it's even easier.

We could have a site for it where we just upload the .pdf file of the newsletter... this way we could archive them, cross publish the stories and articles on the site and offer another places for corps and groups to advertise. We could probably make enough for it to fund itself.
« Last Edit: 20 Aug 2010, 17:36 by Alexander Rykis »

Alexander Rykis

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Re: In-Game, In-Character Newsletter
« Reply #4 on: 21 Aug 2010, 21:17 »

I've noticed here that there always seems to be more talking about doing something than actually getting anything done.

Someone will have a cool idea, maybe one or two people will speak up and then it never gets any support and it withers away.

lallara zhuul

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Re: In-Game, In-Character Newsletter
« Reply #5 on: 21 Aug 2010, 23:06 »

Thats the way with bandwagons, first you need to build one before anyone can really jump in on it.

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Saxon Hawke

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Re: In-Game, In-Character Newsletter
« Reply #6 on: 21 Aug 2010, 23:12 »

I wish you luck, but I'm the managing editor of a newspaper all day long. I don't want to turn Eve into an extension of my day job.T

That being said, there are several Eve news organizations already and most of them struggle to survive. You might try talking with some of their members to see what works and doesn't work for them.

Or, alternatively, if you can offer me $45,000 annually plus benefits and 401k, I'll tell my boss I'm gone and be at your disposal 10 hours a day.


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Re: In-Game, In-Character Newsletter
« Reply #7 on: 22 Aug 2010, 00:05 »

So, it would be possible to great an RSS aggregation page that pulls information from various sources, be it corporate home pages, IGS, etc.  From the perspective the portal provider, once they have sources (content providers) their work is to focus on maintaining the page.

This means that individual organizations would provide the content related to them (see IGS), but the side could also pull data from other sources like the API (Occupied Systems fx).

All this is writing a webpage.

So, how is it useful?  Are the organizations providing content paying (isk) to have their feed there (and thus draw more players to their corp)?

Unless there are people going out there looking for news, any such site relies on self-reporting, not always something people are going to do.

Alexander Rykis

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Re: In-Game, In-Character Newsletter
« Reply #8 on: 22 Aug 2010, 02:19 »


The most time intensive jobs are the design and editor positions. I spoke with April Knox in-game, who said she was willing to do some design and I'll fill the editor role.

So... all I need is writers and someone to upload shit to a website. It used to take me less than 45 minutes to pump out a 500 word story that would always come back free of red ink. It's not difficult.