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The Blood Raiders are part of an ancient cultist faction called Sani Sabik, which first appeared on Amarr Prime thousands of years ago? Read more here.

Author Topic: Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.  (Read 1740 times)


  • Prophet of New Eden
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Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.
« on: 04 Aug 2015, 15:38 »

Do you know how much damage a capsuleer can do? I can almost bet that you don't, no matter what experience you have. From a miner destroying belt rats with drones, through lowsec pirates to the Titan pilots unleashing truly awesome firepower out in null, you don't truly understand what we can do. It came to me when I was made aware of how every single capsuleer I've ever met have humongous fan followings dirtside. Search your name on Galnet and you'll find fansites, discussion fora, fanfics you might wish you'd never knew existed and the visitor counts run into truly staggering numbers.

It's a matter of scale. Look at a decently populated planet and start counting politicians or pop stars. One single planet will have damn near more of them than there are capsuleers in all of New Eden. Now go system wide. Constellation wide. Region wide. Nation wide. We're so exquisitely rare that aware or not... we're fucking rockstars. Literally, in some cases.

Now imagine someone actually working on that. Diverting near unlimited capsuleer funds towards public relations, agents, promotions, community management and social media presence? You can have an army working your reputation and presence for a year, for the pittance it costs you to buy and fit a cruiser.

Now compare that to what we can realistically do in our engines of death and destruction. Sure, we can kill a lot of things, but we can't truly affect the nations. Do you know who does? The dirtsiders. The workers. The youth coming into their own. The disenfranchised and the powerful, the wealthy and the poor. Through votes, through whispered thoughts to a spouse, through violent rebellion. Through a thousand little things done through a lifetime, times a million. Two million. Billions.

Now that's fucking metal.

Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.

Ever felt the presence of the spirits? The spirits of mountains, perhaps. Of winter and snow. Of the deserts, plains, towns or even space stations? Of a sun, endlessly churning with unfathomable power and warming your metal skin as you bathe in its glory somewhere in the Wildlands, perhaps. They all pale when compared the spirit of people in a mass. Maybe it's simply because you carry one yourself, so it's more recognizable. Maybe it resonates stronger, as they feed on each other in a churning, boiling and fevered mass of emotions, hormones and excitement. I'm already sweating, my torn shirt tight against wet skin. My black leather pants that should be the most uncomfortable set of clothes in existence barely registering as my pulse is racing. I grin, in the darkness I share with a few others. Varg, a bearded and frightening Sebiestor, built more like a Brutor. Arashan, a gorgeous and lithe Wind Dancer of the Vherokior tribe. A Thukker that simply goes by Dread, quiet and cold.

Darkness or no, I can see it in them all. The resonance. The primal surge of raw sexual lust that permeates the air, even here in the dungeons below. A throbbing sound of feet stomping in unison echoing through the hallways. The muted roar of thousands upon thousands of voice mingling together in a wordless expression of desire, anger and cheer. My tattoos are starting to warm up on my skin, countless little nanotech devices picking up on my mood and that of the surroundings. Even the warpaint tattoos are starting to surface, painfully. Varg and the others look to me and grin just as ferociously as me, with the same undercurrent of nervous energy and sheer desire.

A small light starts flashing nearby. It's time.

It doesn't matter what training I have. It doesn't matter that I can still my mind perfectly in the most horrifying combat a capsuleer or dirtsider can ever experience. It doesn't matter that I've done this before. There's no calming what's trying to burst out from underneath my skin as we walk with a sinuous grace through the hallways and up some stairs, the muted roar becoming louder. My tattoos are all glowing a bright red now, my face covered in warpaint and my mouth set in a grin so vicious it'd send vargs - the Mikramurkan predator, not my companion - running away, yelping in fear. Similar effects from my companions are bathing the hallway in an eerie red glow as we finally exit out onto a blackened dark stage to see the thousands upon thousands of people's faces - mostly Minmatar, but all bloodlines are represented. Even some Amarr - turn towards us and what had been a roar turns into an indescribable spiritual force hitting us like a shockwave.

Varg and the others move to their instruments, Arashan settling in the Drum Circle, Dread grabbing a complicated looking string instrument with a lead heading to a bank of speakers large enough to have their own tectonics going on and me heading to grab a microphone.

Sex. It's the only thing I can think of. The roar, the adulation, the literal sea of hormones and emotion before me and me standing before it as a God. Sex. It's fitting that is the only thing that comes to mind, because that and the other primals is what we're playing on. The most primal of emotions and need, alongside survival and rage. The path to their hearts and minds... go through their genitals.

The stage explodes in light and fire as I roar into the microphone a single word...


The holographic projectors kick in and the band-name is displayed for everyone within countless miles to see and Arashan starts dancing. Without aural adjusters, the sheer sound produced by the speakers would destroy our ears and it's likely most of the people closest to the stage will need medical attention once the concert is done, but until it's over they're going to be too frenzied and euphoric to care. I grin... and the music begins. My howl into the microphone is pure unrelenting hatred pouring out from my very spirit, focused and aimed at my nemeses. At the Empire and their equals. At New Eden allowing everything that has hurt me, my people and countless others throughout generations. There is no artistry involved, there's just everything that I am channeled through an enraged growl as the ingrained lyrics escape containment to wash over these thousands of roaring and jumping people that would in this very moment die for me without question.

Varg's rage expressed through a furious shredding of his guitar, Dread's relentless fury twisting and tormenting his strings as Arashan lets her own wrath fuel every punch, every kick, every move of her body as the drum circle barely holds together under her onslaught. Fire erupting around us and our tattoos glowing a bright red as everything that we are infects the crowd and makes them ours.

I am soaking wet and if I weren't more interested in my screams, growls and relentless rage expressed into the microphone I could have fucked my way through the entire crowd and demanded more.

Spirits above and below, I. Am. A. GOD!

The first song finishes and I am already completely exhausted, and can't afford to show it. I grin at Varg and look out over the crowd that is seething and boiling for as far as I can see. We still have two hours to go.

I raise my fist, the Bloody Fist of Ushra'Khan engraved on my prosthetic arm glowing as red as my tattoos... and the show goes on.

I do more damage to the Empire here tonight than I could do in a month of combat.

Article and vague concert review on the IGS.
« Last Edit: 07 Aug 2015, 06:50 by Mizhara »


  • Prophet of New Eden
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Re: Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.
« Reply #1 on: 04 Aug 2015, 15:39 »

Just a quick scribble for tonight, before I start working on the next part of Penumbra. I'll do a more IC thing on the IGS later, maybe tomorrow about the extended world beyond what we can see or do as capsuleers in-game, that I'll also be adding to this very story.

Now rock the fuck out, metalheads. This is Rust Metal.

Samira Kernher

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Re: Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.
« Reply #2 on: 04 Aug 2015, 16:01 »

Your quick scribbles are great.


  • Clonejack
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Re: Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.
« Reply #3 on: 04 Aug 2015, 16:42 »

I love it! At some point someone's going to find out what some of her crew are actually listening to.  :lol:


  • Prophet of New Eden
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Re: Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.
« Reply #4 on: 04 Aug 2015, 16:50 »

Your quick scribbles are great.

Awwwah. It's so nice to hear that when I write things. I should probably know better by now, but I'm never happy with anything I post when I post it, so until the comments come in I loathe it all.

I love it! At some point someone's going to find out what some of her crew are actually listening to.  :lol:

Miz'll come sign their gunports and pose for holos and stuff.

Ché Biko

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Re: Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.
« Reply #5 on: 05 Aug 2015, 13:39 »

Nice scribble, let me show you my appreciation by adding one of my own, inspired by yours:

I opened my eyes, only to wonder why I did so. I have not slept, have I? So why? Was it the flies buzzing around and landing on me? Was it the slight snoring of the tanned Intaki woman spooning against me? Was it the woman, and the excitement of being with a new lover? Was it the heat? Or the music that's been playing ever since before we fell asleep. Well, before she fell asleep anyway.

I peer over her shoulder to the holographics accompanying the music.
Fast paced, angry, screaming...powerful. Yeah, that would do it. Enough to my taste that I could let loose, yet not enough to make me browse to the store to download their stuff...but more than enough to keep me awake, especially at this volume. I raise my head a little, realizing just how awake I feel. I have not slept, have I?

I reach over to the table pour myself a glass of water, waking the woman in my arms in the process. She mutters a surprisingly awake-sounding "Mornin'". I smile at her and respond in kind, then sit up a bit as I drink, looking towards the holographics again. Without looking, I know the woman next to me is following my eyes; she's interested in what interests me, or she pretends to, at least. I wonder if she realizes it was not me who started playing this band, but the autoplay of her entertainment system.

I think I recognize the woman on stage screaming along with the music, but I'm not sure, and pretty soon I've convinced myself it's probably the Ushra'Khan-like tattoo that makes me have a sense of familiarity.
There's also another sensation growing in intensity. What is it? Something...powerful...spiritual...alluringly exciting.
Mer, it's hot. I take off my shirt, prompting a comment from the Intaki woman next to me that she's feeling the same. I smile at her, then pick up an half-smoked dryweed joint and light it as I return my attention on the singer. Hmm, this song is pretty good...maybe I should give them another listen.

The Intaki woman pushes her bottom against my groin repeatedly...I smile...time to finish what we've started, I guess...

Kador Ouryon

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Re: Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.
« Reply #6 on: 05 Aug 2015, 21:45 »

That was a great read. Never really thought of empyreans as super stars before but I realise they very much so are.

Then there was that comment about fan fiction you wish you didn't know about..... I realised I was the one who wrote those fan fictions for Thal.
"We ripped up the ending and the rules...and cast aside destiny...leaving nothing for us but an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Which is all well and good, except... Well, what if I've made the wrong choice? I have faith that it wasn't.....but how am I supposed to know? I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you my story.Let me tell you everything."
- [name redacted] Truest Adamance


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Re: Interlude: Hearts and Minds... and genitals.
« Reply #7 on: 07 Aug 2015, 06:51 »

Added a link to an article crossposted to the IGS: IGS article