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That Saxon Hawke has the inscription "A man travels the universe in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." added near the entry port of every ship he purchases?

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Author Topic: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!  (Read 58988 times)


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #120 on: 29 May 2018, 08:54 »

You just made me log in to see if the damn thing was still up and online.


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #121 on: 13 Jun 2018, 10:36 »

Has the well-known hostess and diplomat Lady Lasairiona Raske-Vadam, ventured on a group music career?

Sources say that Lady Raske-Vadam was spotted leaving a popular Gallente producer's recording studio, accompanied by three other woman. When questioned, the studio's executives declined to comment, stating the confidentiality of ongoing projects.

It is with great interest we follow this news, as the quartet already seems to have a following on GalNet media, with rumors abound!


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #122 on: 14 Jun 2018, 04:38 »

Mizhir Devara has been seen drinking alcohol again and several rumours say that she has aborted. Whether it was intentional or not is unknown but some rumours say must be related to Ioannis Sepphiros who recently dumped her for another woman.


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #123 on: 23 Jun 2018, 13:05 »

A few snapshots from recent security camera feeds and  tabloids spotting Mizhara Del'thul in the wild seem to confirm she has a new "tattoo" on her cybernetic arm. In stylized Amarrad script around her wrist it says "Cor Cordis". Why this person would have 1. heart 2. intellect/judgment 3. mind/soul/spirit 4. souls/persons (pl.) or 5. sweetheart "tattoo'd" on her artificial wrist is so far unknown, and without context and vocalization it's impossible to tell which of the definitions it's referring to.

Someone on one of the inevitable capsuleer fansites obsessing over such claims to know Gripdjur tattoo conventions, and says the right wristband is reserved for marks intended as vows of intent. This being followed by a very... very... long fanfic/slashfic involving Mizhara Del'thul and Aldrith Shutaq in altogether far too explicit detail and rather uncharacteristic behavior for either of these public profiles lends a certain measure of doubt to this claim.

Still, when taking the other recent tattoo change, the Slaver's Fangs having been converted to Wings - exactly which ones have yet to be determined since there hasn't been a high enough resolution image taken that would show the intricate details - these changes do seem to indicate that this capsuleer have been dealing with some reasonably significant changes in her life.

The unconfirmed reports of her possibly erstwhile wife having met her end, and her identity and holdings assumed by new unknown parties are almost certainly related, but few facts can be confirmed as of yet.
« Last Edit: 23 Jun 2018, 13:21 by Mizhara »


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #124 on: 04 Jul 2018, 01:46 »

In a recent development, an impressive number of industrial hauling vessels bearing identifiers of the United Neopian Federation have been documented making recurring movements into, and out of, the low security system of Eugales in the Placid region, congregating and deploying large quantities of materials across the Storm class world of Eugales VI. The purpose of this mass resource commitment to the planet is at this time unknown, however among the dropped materials include several planetary command centers, atmospheric vehicles, and other specialized resources.
« Last Edit: 04 Jul 2018, 03:00 by LauraliteDBrezia »


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #125 on: 01 Aug 2018, 02:57 »

Caille Entertainment TV!

*video demonstrates various Sepphiros takes throughout his business life*

The philanthropist, investment banker and capsuleer Ioannis Sepphiros seems to have been engaged into a legal dispute over a case of Slander and Libel.

The narrator then would explain some aspects of Ioanni's business life including his presence in the city of Caille

*video switches to Mizhir Devara's various pictures here and there*

The person whom Ioannis Sepphiros is directing this lawsuit is Mizhir Devara who apparently has been publicly tarnishing the reputation of Ioannis Sepphiros over what many speculate is due to a romantic affair gone all wrong. Mizhir Devara apparently has taken this in both slander and libel defamatory nature against the reputation of the investment banker, where Mademoiselle Devara even went into suggesting that the investment banker manipulates the market!

the narrator would then proceed into giving some presentation, unbiased, to Mizhir

..What is to come from all this we ll keep you informed, here, in Caille Entertainment TV!

Doree Micquier, reporter for Caille Entertainment TV!


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #126 on: 09 Aug 2018, 04:57 »

Caille Entertainment TV!

*Video shows various clips of Mizhir Devara*

Capsuleer Mizhir Devara, who is currently being sued by Ioannis Sepphiros over a case of Slander and Libel, has been spotted in Caille at the office building of the well esteemed law firm Schauman & Besuv. Rumours say that she has hired the young and ambitious lawyer Laurianna Besuv to lead her case in the upcoming trial. Despite her youthful age, Mademoiselle Besuv has already proven her worth in several larger cases and with the recent partnership with Morten Schauman her career has skyrocketed. Mademoiselle Devara is the first capsuleer she will work for directly. Will this take her career to the stars or will it be the first major defeat on an otherwise spotless record? Our man on the field, Ido Renes, will fill you in.

*Video feed switches to a landing platform next to a large office building. On the platform is a rather anonymous planetary shuttle, and surrounding it is a sea of journalists from different medias eagerly waiting for Mizhir to leave the building. In the front of the feed is Ido Renes reporting.*

Ido: “The situation here is getting tense as Mademoiselle Devara could leave the building anytime. This is the first time she has been spotted in public after the news of the lawsuit and with the …….”

*Ido is interrupted by a racket caused by the other journalists. The camera turns towards the door from where Mizhir appears. The journalists rush to get her attention: “Mizhir Devara! Mademoiselle Devara! Miss Devara!” *

Gurvir Jangla of The Crystal: “Miss Devara, what do you think about the lawsuit?”
Mizhir: “I’m rather disappointed that he would hide behind a wall of lawyers rather than face me directly. But it shouldn’t have surprised me”
Gurvir: “Can you elaborate on that?”
Mizhir: “He is a man who cares much about his image. Any scratch in the paint will be great harm to him.”
Ido Renes of Caille Entertainment TV: “Mademoiselle Devara! Do you think that you will win the case?”
Mizhir: “Yes, this is the Federation, freedom of speech is a core value and he can’t take that away from us.”
Anja Sorakken of Caille Today: “How was your relationship?”
Mizhir: “Do you mean how I thought it was or how it actually was?”
Anja: “Let’s start with how you thought it was”
Mizhir: “Well I thought I had found true love. A man who has been hurt by previous partners just like I have been. So I thought that I finally found someone who cared and would understand me. And maybe one day settle down and start a family.”

*Mizhir looks emotionally affected by it, her eyes look downward and sadness fills her face*

Anja: “And how was the relationship actually?”
Mizhir: “A big lie. In true womanizer style he had caught me in a web of lies and false promises.”
Aiko Nikorajin of the Caille News Network: “Do you think he was trying to use you in any way to further his fortune?”
Mizhir: “It’s certainly something that I can’t rule out. He did talk about his Rhea project on one of our dates and it was clear that he would like me to work on the project.”
Anja: “Do you think there is any chance of you two would get together again?”
Mizhir: “That bridge has long been burned. I can’t love a man who has hurt me like this.”
Ido: “It’s known that Laurianna Besuv is a strong women’s rights activist and is homosexual, did that have an influence when you picked her to represent you?”
Mizhir: “No. Laurianna is a strong woman who fights for what is right. I see a lot of myself in her, and her iron will and her ability to deliver solid results is what made me decide, that she is the right one to represent me. I am looking forward to the collaboration with her.”
Ido: “This does seem to be an ideal case for a feminist like her. So are you sure it’s not one of the major deciding points?”
Mizhir: “I can’t comment on her personal motivation to take this case. What I care about is having a lawyer who will not disappoint me, and Laurianna is the one who could deliver the results I need.”
Alison Flacker from True Gallente News: “Does your relationship with Miss Federation YC120 Catherine Gillot have any influence on why Mr. Sepphiros decided to sue you?”
Mizhir: “I highly doubt it. He doesn’t care enough about me to worry about who I am in relationship with.”
Anja: “How about your pregnancy with Mr. Sepphiros?”
Mizhir: “There has never been a pregnancy, it was all rumours started by eager journalists.”
Anja: “What explains the cold turkey from drinking?”
Mizhir: “It was a medical reason. No further comments on that.”
Jonavier Rule of Xtra: “Do you think the conflict between you and Mr. Sepphiros is due to your drinking problem?
Mizhir: “I do not know where you would get that idea from. Alcohol plays no role in this and as previously mentioned I did not drink during the relationship.”

*Mizhir looks like she is getting increasingly annoyed*

Gurvir: “How deep is the cleft between you and Mr. Sepphiros?”
Mizhir: “Well he is sueing me.”
Jonavier: “Aren’t you just being dramatic? After all your split with your ex-husband was also a dramatic ordeal.”
Mizhir: “I am over that. No further comments. And this concludes the interview.”

*The engines of the shuttle start spooling up and the security crew makes way for Mizhir to enter the shuttle. The shuttle takes off once the crowd has cleared the platform. Ido turns to the camera.*

Ido: “Mademoiselle Devara certainly seems confident about her choice. But will she be able to keep her head calm as the drama unfolds? Only one way to see, but one thing is certain: Caille Entertainment TV will be there to report on the case. This is Ido Renes signing off. Back to the studio.”


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #127 on: 16 Aug 2018, 23:30 »

Pegeler Inquirer
Prominent Neopian Capsuleer Spotted In Public After Months

Lauralite Brezia, the prominent Neopian Capsuleer diplomat and now colonial director, has finally been spotted at a FedMart station in Eugales after months of quiet sequestration from the public eye, while word has been that she has kept in contact in capsuleer circles, her public profile outside of such has been next to non-existent since before April this year, leading some to speculate about the woman's activities.
The normally well kept but evocative woman was described as looking exhausted, with heavy dark circles and unkempt hair. One unnamed dock worker we interviewed even went as far as to say she looked 'on the verge of collapse,' and 'irritable in the extreme' when asking about a courier package that was supposedly to have been delivered.
This comes on the heels of the declaration of the United Neopian Federation's intention to terraform an uninhabited world in the Eugales system, so it is possible that Ms. Brezia has been dedicating herself completely to such an endeavor, even to an unhealthy degree.
 Some rumors however have also circulated that she has been through a series of unpleasant romantic fallouts during the past five months of quiet, though these remain unsubstantiated. When asked for clarification, Ms. Brezia herself declined to comment.

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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #128 on: 19 Aug 2018, 11:35 »

An article published originally on a news site on Origin managed to find it's way out of the system and on a New Eden website covering Anoikis news:

Gateway Ship Spotted
Today around 1500 EST, the diplomatic shuttle Axi Arkon Sarain undocked from the Office of Special Surveillance, stopped just outside the gates and remained there for a few minutes before returning to the dock. The ship was piloted by the owner, Alexylva Paradox Gateway Ché Biko. Both the ship and the capsuleer had not been seen in space for a long time. One of the last (and more prominent) of the few appearances of the ship was when it was used to escort the Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque emissary from the Amarr Empire to Icarus Station. For the pilot, Gateway Biko, this was his only his second or third known appearance in space since the destruction of the last ALXVP citadels in April.
Biko is one of maybe a handful of ALXVP capsuleers known to have remained in Origin, but he has not made any official appearances on behalf the corporation since the eviction, either in the flesh, ship or on GalNet. As far as known, he also does not patrol the system as part of the Space Angels Scout Wing. He has made some public appearances, mosty at Decentralizer events, but he is reluctant to answer questions about the presence, purpose, and future of ALXVP in Origin, or even if he still plans to move into his penthouse. His responses to these kind of questions are usually things like "No comment." or "Personally, I have no plans to leave Origin."He is sometimes spotted in Foundation City, without his corp jacket, his recognizable features disguised by a cap and sunglasses to avoid the curiosity and questions of the populace.
There is still much speculation and discussion about the role and future of ALXVP in Origin, and the appearance of the Gateway's ship is sure to add to this. Was it an action akin to flag waving in a way to say "I am/We are still here!"? Are there diplomatic negotiations on the horizon or in progress? At this time, we could not reach anyone knowledgeable to comment on the reasons for the undocking, and so the speculation continues.


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #129 on: 20 Aug 2018, 22:12 »

Visitors to Vul·sun·ger will find a strong Trust Partners security contingent occupying the shuttle landing, and the club entrance barred by an emergency gate behind them. Several plainsclothes officials appear to be removing evidence lockboxes from the premises, some few in hazmat shielding handled by drone.

It is unclear whom these persons represent. Their only reply: "There's no club here."


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #130 on: 23 Aug 2018, 13:04 »

Amid swirling scuttlebutt in Gelfiven, the following text has been dumped to multiple local networks. However, it is unsealed, unattributed, and the postings are anonymous, leading to suspicious reactions from baseliner communities.

« Last Edit: 23 Aug 2018, 13:06 by Stutzer »

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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #131 on: 16 Sep 2018, 18:15 »

Origin Observer

Relief and Celebrations Following OSS Repair
Office of Special Surveillance - 120.09.17

Personnel present on the OSS for the event say cheers, laughs and sighs of relief could be heard on the OSS this week after the reparation of the structure was completed on schedule. The repair operation was required because of damage done during a recent attack on the OSS. Most of the citizens and non-essential personnel was evacuated in preparation of the repair operation, but little else was known about what other preparations took place. Today a brief press conference was scheduled at the Alexylva Paradox office on the OSS about the repair operation.
ALXVP Gateway Ché Biko took the podium in what was his first official appearance in months and introduced himself as the commander overseeing the repair operation. He continued by thanking "Mia Roberts, a former corporation member who contributed meaningfully to making sure the operation would proceed as well as it did." Then he opened the floor for questions.
His answers were mostly brief or nonspecific. In his answers Biko revealed that the OSS had been prepared for an attack and the Space Angel Scout Wing had increased their activity in the period leading up to the operation. There were possible threats in Origin at the time of the operation, but the structure had not been attacked. He declined to give details on the nature of the threats or the composition of the Origin Defense Fleet.
When the Gateway was asked why he, a capsuleer with nearly no combat experience was the commander during the operation, a moment of silence passed before he replied "No comment." This was also to be his answer, sometimes adding a "I'll only take questions about the repair operation." to a series of questions during an increasingly less orderly Q&A, about ALXVP's ability to defend Origin from invaders, his recent diplomatic activities as gateway, whether he could confirm if Raxi Elamp spend the night with him in the Club Inferno VIP section, and about ALXVP's plans for the future of Origin, at which point he called an end to the conference before bowing his head to the assembled press and exiting the room.

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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #132 on: 13 Oct 2018, 00:59 »

Mitara Newelle 17h
Given this and other recent statements I’d say your rehabilitation was a catastrophic failure. Lord Khalil Numayr should be ashamed at the abysmal job the Governor of Dam-Sertene has performed. I imagine he will think twice about leasing out any more of his stock under custodial servitude contracts.

A Statement by His Lordship, the Right Honorable Lord Khalil Heshmat Numayr, Holder of Numayriyah
Regarding the action of his Reclaimed subjects, in response to accusations levied by the noble Newelle Family

The noble House of Numayr declares that the accusations expressed by the Right Honorable Lady Mitara Newelle on October 12th, YC120 with regards to supposed "shameful" and "abysmal" efforts in the instruction of the Unborn under the care of the Numayr Family are of utmost falsity. The Numayr Family strongly rejects these claims and stands by the high standards in which it holds its serfs, and Numayr will brook no question of its methods from families, though of great honor in their ascension, with yet-unproven lineage. The House of Numayr furthermore highlights the rights bestowed upon it in Most Holy Scripture to emancipate its servants in the manner and at the time it sees fit. The House of Numayr points to the great services that have been rendered unto the Numayr Family, the House of Ardishapur, the Amarr Empire, and to God, by the countless Reclaimed that have been sent forth from Numayr's guardianship.

The House of Numayr does condemn, with the strongest of words, any person that would assail those noble persons of True and Unbroken service to Holy Amarr. May God strike down upon such persons and drown them in their own blood.

The True and Noble House of Numayr
Holders of Numayriah on Amarr's Holy World of Thebeka III
Loyally and faithfully in service to His Royal Highness the Lord Arim Ardishapur
and Her Imperial Majesty Catiz I, Empress of Holy Amarr,
under the Lord God, the Most Splendid Divine, the Creator of the universe and the Judge of humankind


This Statement was delivered in person by a messenger of the Numayr Family to the court of the Newelle Family. Official Numayr Family records would keep a copy of the statement, and local news sources dealing in courtly politics for the Numayr or Newelle families, or on Amarr capsuleers, would likely have reported on it.
« Last Edit: 13 Oct 2018, 01:25 by Samira Kernher »


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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #133 on: 15 Oct 2018, 09:58 »

"Rock and Roll Clown" arrested; boots applied

by Veralina Farisi

10 October CE23356//120YC

A Gallentean "Rock and Roll Clown" from the Federation was arrested yesterday by the police forces of House Kezak, sworn to the Sarum Royal Family, on charges of disorderly behaviour and public nudity in Dam Kessen-Kar located within the domains of the Margravy of Taravam in Gosalav.

When brought before the Holder's Court of House Kezak with the Chancellor of House Kezak, Gräfin Vykiomi Kezak-Akarin, presiding, the "Rock and Roll Clown" would respond only with the statement, "I'm just a rock and roll clown. I do crash." upon repeated questioning by the Chancellor.

The self-proclaimed Gallentean "Rock and Roll Clown" was denounced and convicted by the Chancellor on the charges of drunk and disorderly behaviour, public nudity, and the use of illicit narcotics by the Holder's Court of House Kezak, to be remanded in the Family prison prior to sentencing.

When asked today on the status of the "Rock and Roll Clown" while holding court, Gräfin Vykiomi Kezak-Akarin, appearing uncharacteristically unwell as she savoured the products of local Taravam tobacco, responded only with an enigmatic, "The boots were applied, medium style." before excusing herself from the court on account of her illness.

As to how or why such a Gallentean "Rock and Roll Clown" from the Federation managed to evade detection and appear in Dam Kessen remains an open question with the local chapter of the Ministry of Internal Order in the Duchy of Gosalav seeking to find answers by opening its own investigation into the matter.

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Re: Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
« Reply #134 on: 16 Oct 2018, 03:12 »

House Kezak takes receipt of 250,000 Gallente slave stock

by Veralina Farisi

15 October CE23356//120YC

The citizens of Dam Kessen awoke today to the news that House Kezak has taken into its possession over 250,000 prized and rare Gallente slaves as prisoners of war from the Federal Defence Union which had been held in escrow by the Ministry of Internal Order for the past two years. As the first Bestowers laden with the fresh slaves docked at the orbital ring of the Dam Kessen space elevator, Chancellor of House Kezak, Grafin Vykiomi Kezak-Akarin elaborated on their origins with the following statement:

The new indentured which have arrived into the custody of House Kezak are the lawful prisoners of war from the Federal Defence Union transferred to a private penitentiary company owned by the Family via the 24th Imperial Crusade. They were impounded by the Ministry of Internal Order until adequate identification and documentation on their origins could be provided. Today that process has been completed and I welcome these Gallente unreclaimed to their new lives in the service of God and the Holy Empire of Amarr under House Kezak.

News of the arrival of the rare Gallente stock under House Kezak has caused a stir among the local Holders of the Duchy of Gosalav with many already submitting expressions of interest to acquire from House Kezak. House Kezak has as yet declined to comment on their intentions with their newly acquired stock.

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