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Author Topic: Backstage atmosphere.  (Read 6924 times)

Lyn Farel

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Re: Backstage atmosphere.
« Reply #15 on: 02 May 2015, 13:56 »

Jenn has it in this discussion I have to say. You seem to be conflating constructive criticism with raining on other peoples parades Lyn. They aren't the same thing and shouldn't be treated with equal respect.

I don't know... As I have said in the OP, I really see that there has been parade raining. But I have also most of the time seen constructive criticism as well. Both actually sometimes go together, valid points and constructive criticism, and at the same time, well.. it's not always the best place to voice it and then it can turn a thread about a parade into drama...

After reading through the Conference topic, that's exactly what needs to be done. Anslo provided you with a response on the topic, specifically telling you that Slack is how he communicated with CCP to get their hard work pushed forward. Then in either an act of extreme negligence/laziness or just simple "Bittervett'ing" you decided to heavily imply a level of Favoritism using the rather choice word of "buddying." If I had have seen this post before the whole thing got C...Katacombed you had better believe a flamebait report would have been dropped. To Anslo credit he took the little snipe and still gave you your answer, but you decided to pester further implying you didn't have time for slack and needed another answer. Now either that was a really stupid question (He explained how he did it, why would he know other ways of doing it?) or you were just looking to press the issue. This kinda stuff has to stop.

We turn a great thing sour for no perticular reason other to try and level our importance with people who put serious work into the lore for CCP. You wanna talk about dissapointment? The fact that that thread needed to be closed because of a few sour grapes is the disappointment.

Wait what ?

Wait a minute... I'm sorry that you see it that way but that seriously sounds like something that never actually happened. I am not sure what made you think so, but re-reading it again and again, I just don't see it. You are, like Morwen I feel, trying to ascribe motives other than my own that I never actually had.

Firstly, I never knew about slack. As other have already stated, it is extremely easy to point to those social networks when you actually know about them. Just saying that I should know about them because people always talk about it.. well, sorry, I suppose I missed it everytime... And that I also do not spend my days on Eve too... Or that I may have read it and thought it was some kind of saying, phrasing (like give me some slack, that kind of thing ?). Or that maybe, as some have said, I was willfully ignorant and stupid. Talk about good atmosphere... I got that scud out of nowhere.

Secondly, I suppose that was not the best term to use ? I mean, what is it, speaking with devs on a social network, if not buddying them ? I mean, some people count devs as friends, especially since some of them were players before... And, also... Well, put yourself in our shoes. You suddenly discover that people are able to reach CCP. Well, that got me very interested actually since they basically closed the door when they split OOC/Summit, and left dev actors in the closet. So, it was rather exciting as an opportunity because something that people have been complaining about in the last years (meaning, the doors closed and the absence of lore news), was maybe to an end, or at least could be bypassed. That is why I asked how they did it. I thought naively at first that people would be glad to share it, but I actually had to press it until I got something else than evasive answers... I really thought you were all trying to hide it or something at some point. And I really did not know how to ask it again, because when it's like the 4-5th post you write to get answers instead of vague allusions... Well, it was very touchy indeed, and I started to feel that something was not right.... And well, apparently, people were expecting accusations of favoritism or whatever else, which now I can see might explain why all the elusiveness...? honestly, re-read what I posted everytime, trying to find the right words and trying everytime to actually explain what I meant, because every time it was taken in the worst way possible... So maybe I'm a retard again, maybe i'm stupid because I do not know slack or whatever... Then so be it. I just think the people that answered me probably performed as poorly as I did then. But seriously, read all the answers, and tell me how many of the 10-15 of them actually answer to the question ? It was just a question to know how to reach out to CCP !

Thirdly, I am rather unsure where I said that I didn't have time for slack and NEEDED another answer... ? Edit : I think I said that I don't want to go to twitter. Well, that's my choice, and will probably not use slack as well since it requires tweeter, right ? Too bad for me, but at least I got my answer and now know a bit more about how to reach devs!

If you don't want an echo chamber (which you seem to be implying.) Don't scold people like petulant children with lines like this when you don't get the answer you were expecting.

And then don't backpedal behind a boilerplate "No Offence" and not expect people to still be offended.

Seriously guys, this stuff has to stop somewhere.

Again, what... ? It is starting to get on the verge of vitriolic and aggressive tone... seriously. That's precisely what I wanted to avoid with that thread.

Well, if you are offended by what I said here, then I am sorry, although, I don't really understand...

You are just being rude for the sake of it. I don't want to go further that road. I'm done with it.

« Last Edit: 02 May 2015, 14:01 by Lyn Farel »


  • Egger
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Re: Backstage atmosphere.
« Reply #16 on: 02 May 2015, 15:10 »

-----Excerpt from the Thread in Question since I can't quote it directly----

Lyn Farel: Ah ok. So we have to buddy them through social networks.  8)

Anslo's Reply: No. Anyone in this thing can enter and talk to CCP and give feedback. It's a community thing. Let's not spin it like only a select few get access and that CCP is biased. Get on slack, submit an idea. If it's solid, then yay.

Lyn's Reply: No, what I mean, is how do I submit the idea without having to buddying them on social networks, or just go through social networks ? Just out of curiosity, not that I have anything to submit right now...


Exactly how is that suppose to be taken Lyn? Anslo replied with the exact answer to your question and you continued to pester him. Moreover he even asked you not to so heavily imply spin with the wordage you chose, and you IMMEDIATELY used it again.

You are just being rude for the sake of it.

I'm being rude? Seriously..? Lyn if you can't take criticism for you poor choice of words, then perhaps you should start examining the content of what you write more carefully. Telling all of us you're "Dissapointed" in our response has a deeply patronizing ring to it, its offensive, and if you really didn't want an echo chamber, dissent would be welcomed not dissapointing.

Quite honestly I'm getting exhausted by your constant backpedaling. Feigning either ignorance or accident when people question things you've said, but so quickly you dedicate entire threads to things other people have said. This whole apologizing after-the-fact thing you do needs to stop. Think more carefully about your choice of words before posting something, instead of begging forgiveness after it turns into an issue.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Backstage atmosphere.
« Reply #17 on: 02 May 2015, 15:59 »

Well yes, I wanted to know how can I do without slack ? I don't understand how is that an issue ? I mean, ok, apparently there is no other way that I know of... Thus the question ? To the wrong person probably ? He probably doesn't know either ? How could I know back then ? I just discovered about slack ! Gwen explained perfectly, better than I, what the issue could be, in the same thread. Was that offensive or accusing of favoritism too ?

I was glad he answered eventually. But he took it completely wrong. I understood why and rephrased. So, yes, how exactly is that supposed to be taken Viz ? 

I feel we may not be speaking the same language here...

As for rude... Well let's see. The way you talk back at me is rude. The things you assume or ascribe to me, are rude. The way I was answered was rude. There, you have it. There is no sour grapes, no jealousy or envy, no snipe, no ill feelings, no backpedaling, no accusation of anything on the four people that created that awesome piece of content. But just a real will to see what is possible to do with CCP/player interaction again and the same willingness to have RP content.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Backstage atmosphere.
« Reply #18 on: 02 May 2015, 16:12 »

That's fucked up and completely silly.

It is going nowhere anyway. If I can admit my wrongs, why nobody else can, and work upon that to better things up ? Because right now, I haven't seen ANYONE admitting any wrong at all. And without it, issues will not go forward, that's for sure.

I can either throw tantrums at people and being yelled back at, or apologize like I did and try to speak in the nicest, most understanding way possible and being called backpedaler and hiding behind excuses. Either way, I think I see now that it was doomed to fail from the beginning, because people don't want actually to see it resolved.

I'm not even taking sides in that mess. Next time I will just shut up and stop posting altogether, eat crows, take hits, and say nothing.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Backstage atmosphere.
« Reply #19 on: 02 May 2015, 16:48 »

« Last Edit: 02 May 2015, 16:54 by Katrina Oniseki »


  • Egger
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Re: Backstage atmosphere.
« Reply #20 on: 02 May 2015, 16:50 »

Oh stop playing the Martyr Lyn, you didn't rephrase anything. In fact, as I pointed out, you used THE EXACT SAME WORD that started the issue a second time. There's nothing wrong with apologizing when you are in the wrong for things. But doing it habitually, so much so, that it becomes questionable if you just don't use the apologies to shield yourself post-criticism.

If you think me pointing out what I think the issue people have with your comments is, is rude, but claiming to be "Disappointing" in us all when we point them out isn't then quite frankly you need to carefully examine your definition of rude, because you clearly aren't working with the same operative term as the rest of us.

Don't for a second act like the victim here, like I'm lambasting you after you've admitted your wrongs. All you've done is carefully evade addressing the critical issue of your wordage, and completely ignored the patronizing comments you chose the level against us in this very thread.

None of it is acceptable and I won't for a second treat like you a victim after behaving in such a way.

Arkon Sarain

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Re: Backstage atmosphere.
« Reply #21 on: 02 May 2015, 20:37 »

I am going to regret weighing in on this (again) but I am stupid like this so here goes.

Could it be that part of what caused the thread to spiral out of control into something less than savoury was Lyn's choice of the word "buddy?" I am sure that they meant it purely in the innocuous sense of 'friending someone on Facebook' or 'following someone on Twitter,' and unfortunately people read into that word to mean something else?

I don't know just my two cents, as it seems looking over the thread and here, that things spiraled after that. And rather than believe that everyone was out to rain on each other's parades, I think it is more credible that the English language's rather over abundance of definitions and uses for words has resulted in this unfortunate circumstance.

Again as I have said previously, nothing I say is intended to diminish or invalidate the feelings of someone else, and should they do so or should they in other way cause offence please do let me know; so that I can offer my most sincere apologies, and remove the offending parts.


Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: Backstage atmosphere.
« Reply #22 on: 02 May 2015, 23:04 »

Any time that CCP get players involved in the lore there are accusations of shenanigans. I can't believe that it was an accidental misunderstanding this time.

Silver Night

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Re: Backstage atmosphere.
« Reply #23 on: 02 May 2015, 23:39 »

[admin]I'm locking this for the moment, while some discussion between mods is had. Your patience is appreciated, it may or may not be unlocked later.[/admin]
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