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That Julianus Soter founded Synenose Accord, a capsuleer corporation dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of w-space and the Sleeper AI?

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Author Topic: I understand the need for moderation but how would you put it ?  (Read 5350 times)

Silver Night

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People are generally welcome to repost within the rules if they want to put back up a re-edited version.

Norrin Ellis

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People are generally welcome to repost within the rules if they want to put back up a re-edited version.

We can always read the Catacombs for the non-watered-down posts.  I'll give a hat tip to the overlords here for not nuking shit altogether; those of us who like people being themselves can still follow colorful people in all their glory in the Catacombs.

Silver Night

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Until they get banned.

Lyn Farel

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The best way for Synthia to word it would have been to not post at all. This should have been self-evident. This long-running feud between her and Saede has resulted in moderation in the past as well as warnings being handed out. Everyone involved there should know better. End of fucking story. In addition, anyone who seriously thinks we were going to let one of them start that shit up again and not do anything needs to get their heads examined and re-read the rules.

Lyn, that the only person you seem to do these threads for is me makes your motives suspect at best to a number of people - not just the moderation staff - and you should know that already. I don't have any obligation to justify or explain myself to you or anyone else except Silver, and frankly I am only posting here because I'm getting tired of this shit. The only people here who should not have been able to see the flamebait of the moderated post are people who can't read English at all or who genuinely have no idea that there was a long-running spat between those two. You don't fall into either of those categories - as I recall, you reported several posts the last time this shit flared up.

Regarding your posed question: your suggested version of the post was better, but we still probably would have moderated it because it still would have been flamebait - it begs the response of "oh, do tell" from people to spill details about shit that should be kept off of these forums. If not from Saede, from someone else who would've been more than happy to oblige and fan the flames.

Katrina and Esna had a much better way of approaching it (and summed up my own personal feelings on Saede's question in the process), though I might call Katrina's post borderline, all things considered. They didn't involve anything personal. No vendettas. Just a response that doesn't attack anyone or try to provoke a reaction.

Well, since apparently my report was apparently not deemed relevant, I will stop abstaining to answer further.

I am not here to have arguments with you and fall for your ad hominem and veiled snipes. If you do not want to believe that I genuinely asked the path to follow in such a situation (for which, if I remember correctly, this precise forum section exists in the first place), and what is the correct answer (which you gave, just after putting words and malevolent intentions in my mouth, was it then really necessary ?), then please abstain from your usual flamebaits, it's tiresome.

I'm past my crusade against a few sides of the moderation, I thought it was over, but apparently not. If so, I kindly ask that you bring your drama elsewhere so that we can start again in the future if that is your wish. But I am certainly not going to suddenly stop asking for advice to the moderation team simply because you have a grudge with me.

I got the message though.


More to the point, thank you for the answer, if the answer is really "Just do not post in that case", since it's a little hard to discern the correct way to behave in all the white noise...
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