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That ship crews only perform cleanup, maintenance, and lower-order operations on ships? (The Burning Life p 31)

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Author Topic: The Good RP Logs Thread!  (Read 99028 times)

Vlad Cetes

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #135 on: 16 Aug 2016, 21:25 »

I'd say Kim's reactions alone make it gold. :P


Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #136 on: 22 Dec 2016, 07:24 »

Making RP in Local GREAT AGAIN! -  In a system on the edge of the warzone...

 [ 2016.12.17 16:58:53 ] Aria Jenneth > ... Hi, Mr. Nauplius.
 [ 2016.12.17 16:59:27 ] Nauplius > You sure come to this station often.  I wish I knew why.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:00:05 ] Aria Jenneth > Um. Check he list of corporate offices?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:01:31 ] Nauplius > A SFRIM office doesn't really mean you have to be here all the time, no?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:05:59 ] Aria Jenneth > You'd rather we departed? ... We're here supporting the 24IC. PIE, in particular.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:07:12 ] Nauplius > I have mixed feelings.  On the one hand, it is nice to have some things to buy.  On the other hand, there's the feeling that I'm somehow supporting Molok worship with each 400mm Steel Plate purchased.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:09:59 ] Aria Jenneth > ... I ... still haven't been introduced to ... any such cult, though ...
 [ 2016.12.17 17:10:10 ] Nauplius > You will be.  You will be.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:11:59 ] Aria Jenneth > ... I've been the Praefecta's right hand for most of a year, now, though ...
 [ 2016.12.17 17:12:09 ] Aria Jenneth > It seems like I'd know something about it by now.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:12:53 ] Nauplius > The terrible possibility that I am reluctant to face is that you have already been initiated into the Molok worship and just don't want to admit it to me.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:13:24 ] Aria Jenneth > ... well ... he is known as "The Deceiver," right?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:13:30 ] Nauplius > Yes, he is.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:13:39 ] Aria Jenneth > ... I guess it would make sense for his followers to be liars.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:13:56 ] Aria Jenneth > ... unless they're the deceived, rather than deceivers, themselves?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:15:25 ] Nauplius > You cannot out-deceive Molok the Deceiver.  He is always one or more steps ahead of you.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:16:57 ] Aria Jenneth > ... I thought he was a mortal and kind of thoroughly dead?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:17:13 ] Nauplius > He is a demon and immortal.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:17:19 ] Aria Jenneth > ... I see ...
 [ 2016.12.17 17:17:50 ] Nauplius > That's why the Blood Raiders named their Titan after him, just like they name their other ships after demons.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:17:58 ] Nauplius > Some of them, at any rate.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:18:12 ] Aria Jenneth > ... well ... you do try to summon such things yourself, as well ...
 [ 2016.12.17 17:18:31 ] Nauplius > But not to worship.  To command.  To bind.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:19:53 ] Aria Jenneth > ... it would be a little hard for me to interpret the Societas chapel as a place for worshipping such things ...
 [ 2016.12.17 17:20:37 ] Nauplius > Have you made an in-depth, detailed study of all the symbolism in that chapel?  Do you know the hidden, esoteric meaning of said symbolism?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:21:55 ] Aria Jenneth > ... I'm not sure I have the context for doing such a thing, Mr. Nauplius. ... It seems like the sort of examination that would produce some false positives, though.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:22:57 ] Aria Jenneth > ... particularly since it would be in the interests of sneaky Molok worshippers to implicate innocents to create confusion and weaken the faith.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:23:09 ] Aria Jenneth > *deadpan*
 [ 2016.12.17 17:24:02 ] Nauplius > Is there a public description of the SFRIM chapel anywhere?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:25:33 ] Nauplius > I am about to send you an important email; a follow up to our conversation yesterday.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:25:46 ] Aria Jenneth > ... okay ...
 [ 2016.12.17 17:26:01 ] Jev North > I think I'm in the neighborhood. I could drop by and give you a blow-by-blow of what I'm seeing?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:26:44 ] Jev North > ..alright, hm, let's seee here, take a left, and..
 [ 2016.12.17 17:26:58 ] Nauplius > Jev North, I do not understand.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:27:16 ] Jev North > You wanted to know waht the SFRIM chapel looked like.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:27:29 ] Nauplius > Oh, yes.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:28:05 ] Nauplius > I'm sure it is filled with sigils of Molok the Deceiver and stuff, even if Aria cannot recognize them.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:28:07 ] Jev North > ..I think I'm getting closer, but th-.. ah, no, the lights just sprang on. Artificial, but with a warm tone.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:28:30 ] Aria Jenneth > *is all of a sudden looking faintly ill*
 [ 2016.12.17 17:29:00 ] Aria Jenneth > ... I've received your offer, Mr. Nauplius. I'll ... think it over. Thank you.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:29:17 ] Nauplius > You are welcome, madam.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:29:23 ] Jev North > The space isn't as large as I thought it would be, but.. pleasing enough. Taller than it is wide, for sure. There's a scent of jasmine and flowers in the air. The walls are tiled with ceramic tiles, black and white.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:29:25 ] Jev North > The floor is smooth.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:29:42 ] Nauplius > Please let me know if you want certain things clarified, Aria Jenneth.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:30:12 ] Nauplius > Smooth.  Hmm.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:30:14 ] Aria Jenneth > ... i will. *looking a little green*
 [ 2016.12.17 17:30:48 ] Jev North > There is some kind of altar in the center of the space - eh, a vaguely organic shape, hemispherical, upturned? It's golden, or gilded.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:30:52 ] Jev North > What should I do?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:31:12 ] Nauplius > Do you see any markings on the Altar?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:31:52 ] Nauplius > Touch the you feel anything...evil?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:32:13 ] Jev North > ..I checked it up close, and.. no. It is half-filled with water, though. Perhaps it's some kind of holy water font?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:32:39 ] Jev North > It's a little chilly to the touch.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:32:47 ] Aria Jenneth > . . . .
 [ 2016.12.17 17:33:06 ] Nauplius > Did this water cause you any pain?  Any wounds or bruises?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:33:23 ] Jev North > No.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:33:37 ] Nauplius > Hmm.  That is not expected.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:33:50 ] Jev North > ..I just noticed there is a button set in the wall nearby, though. Should I give it a press?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:33:55 ] Nauplius > Yes.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:34:04 ] Jev North > Okay.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:34:28 ] Jev North > *SOUND OF TOILET FLUSHING*
 [ 2016.12.17 17:34:36 ] Jev North > ..I, um.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:34:41 ] Nauplius > That is suspicious.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:34:43 ] Jev North > Think I took a wrong turn.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:35:00 ] Nauplius > There is a line from the Scriptures I want you to bellow out.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:35:14 ] Aria Jenneth > .  .  .  .
 [ 2016.12.17 17:35:15 ] Nauplius > " Molok the Deceiver was brought before him in chains and sacrificed on the altar of God"
 [ 2016.12.17 17:35:35 ] Nauplius > Shout that out, and listen for anything disturbing.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:35:42 ] Aria Jenneth > .   .   .   .
 [ 2016.12.17 17:35:48 ] Nauplius > Groans, light bulbs breaking, that sort of thing.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:35:58 ] Nauplius > Aria.  Please.  What is wrong?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:36:18 ] Aria Jenneth > ... nothing? Um. Feel free to ... continue?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:37:23 ] Jev North > "M-Molok.." pfffh. "The Deceiver, was brought before him in chains-" *strangled noise* "-and sacrificed on the Altar of God!"
 [ 2016.12.17 17:38:09 ] Nauplius > Yes!  The spirit of Molok is in that place!  Making it difficult for you to say the sacred words!
 [ 2016.12.17 17:38:11 ] Jev North > *great, heaving laughter echoing in confined space.*
 [ 2016.12.17 17:38:32 ] Aria Jenneth > /emote facepalms*
 [ 2016.12.17 17:39:01 ] Nauplius > And the SFRIM members in the chapel are laughing at you because you are actually reciting orthodox Scripture instead of Molok worship!
 [ 2016.12.17 17:39:07 ] Nauplius > Proof!
 [ 2016.12.17 17:39:38 ] Aria Jenneth > *still facepalmed* ... it's a toilet. Mr. Nauplius, she's describing a toilet.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:40:04 ] Mitara Newelle > ...
 [ 2016.12.17 17:40:42 ] Mitara Newelle > The things you hear when you first connect....
 [ 2016.12.17 17:40:53 ] Jev North > ..hee hee. I was convinced even he would catch it once I hit the flush-
 [ 2016.12.17 17:41:19 ] Nauplius > Aria Jenneth, stop interfering with this scientific investigation.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:41:40 ] Nauplius > Now, Jev North, look around and see if you can find a circle and triangle on the floor somewhere.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:42:14 ] Aria Jenneth > . . . . *looks up, disbelief etched on her face*
 [ 2016.12.17 17:42:59 ] Aria Jenneth > ... uh ... Ave, Lady Admiral. *apparently dealing with Mitara is easier than coping with whatever this is*
 [ 2016.12.17 17:43:25 ] Jev North > Nope. I can confirm the toilet of my captain's quarters is free of heretical symbolism.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:43:58 ] Nauplius > Fine.  Be that way.  Take the side of Molok.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:44:28 ] Mitara Newelle > Salve, Peregrinans Jenneth.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:45:15 ] Aria Jenneth > ... ... *headdesks again* Our chapel is elsewhere, Mr. Nauplius. We ... don't have any specific to the Societas here.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:45:43 ] Aria Jenneth > ... my apologies for ... the ... I'm not even sure what to apologize for, Lady Admiral, but I feel like I should apologize for it.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:46:35 ] Nauplius > I see, Ms. Jenneth.  If you ever want to pray in the small Temple to the Red God in the Bhaalgorn I have in this station, I will be happy to host you.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:46:54 ] Mitara Newelle > Hmpf. I doubt you have any responsibility for The Butcher's insanity, Peregrinans.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:47:32 ] Aria Jenneth > *head still down* I'll bear it in mind. Thank you. ... Yes, my lady.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:47:50 ] Jev North > I do feel somewhat sorry for feeding your paranoia there, but it was a move that dictated itself.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:48:26 ] Nauplius > Pilots, I must be off for a bit.  See you later.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:48:36 ] Jev North > In my defense, the privies in this station are quite fancy, worthy of the crusaders of the 24th.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:48:38 ] Aria Jenneth > ... goodbye.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:48:42 ] Mitara Newelle > Good riddance.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:49:03 ] Aria Jenneth > *lifts her head*
 [ 2016.12.17 17:50:16 ] Aria Jenneth > ... Um. That was actually kind of great, Jev. I'm not sure it helped, but ...
 [ 2016.12.17 17:51:15 ] Aria Jenneth > ... he ... kind of raises confirmation bias to an art form.
 [ 2016.12.17 17:52:42 ] Jev North > Quite. It's really impressive. I think I realizes on some level, he's been had, but - just denies it and moves right into a reality where he is correct in his suspicions, hm?
 [ 2016.12.17 17:56:24 ] Aria Jenneth > ... I think it's kind of the basis for his whole theology, so ...
 [ 2016.12.17 17:56:31 ] Aria Jenneth > ... yeah.
« Last Edit: 22 Dec 2016, 07:26 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #137 on: 28 Dec 2016, 17:48 »

holy shit

If we can hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #138 on: 09 May 2017, 12:59 »

[18:48:26] Synthetic Cultist > How are you Finding Space so far, Ioannis Sepphiros ?
[18:50:21] Ioannis Sepphiros > I enjoy every minute of it to be honest. What is your occupation Ms Synthia if I may ask?
[18:51:40] Synthetic Cultist > My Occupation ?
[18:54:46] Ioannis Sepphiros > Yeah, what is that you do, your profession if you like
[18:56:34] Synthetic Cultist > Imperial Queen of the Glorious progressive Theocratic City-state of Kaztropolis, Empress of the Wombat People Territories, Divine Empress of Greater Kaztropol Planet, Interpreter of Scripture, Diviner of Truth, Guardian of the Faithful,
[18:56:38] Synthetic Cultist > Observer of Unusual Facts, Inquisitor of Heretics, Missionary to the Heathens, Speaker of Profundities, Paragon of Virtue and Angel of Compassion.
[18:57:24] Mizhir > This is why you don't ask Synthia about her occupation

The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #139 on: 09 May 2017, 13:14 »

OMG! I made it to the Good RP Logs Thread

Ché Biko

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #140 on: 09 May 2017, 14:15 »

I know where you get your inspiration, Synthia.
Graelyn > My Standing is my NAME.
Synthetic Cultist > The Knife in the Back requires Trust
 Stitcher > your standing is Graelyn?
 Synthetic Cultist > Graelyn is not his Real Name.
Synthetic Cultist > I do not know Graelyn's Real Name.
Graelyn > I am Cardinal Graelyn of Hedion, a humble capsuleer servant of The Most Holy Empire among the famed loyalist fleet known as PIE.
Graelyn > My title was granted to me by the Defensores Fidei, the clerical arm of the Curatores Veritatis Alliance who persues the Reclaiming of the South, who named me the sole recipient of their highest designation, recognized by all peers.
Graelyn > I am among the First Generation of capsuleer pilots, one of the first to proclaim loyalty to the Empire, and one of the last to have survived this long. I have served alongside nearly every capsuleer corporation loyal to Amarr in some capacity.
Graelyn > While the Empire rarely sees fit to ask for the direct intervention of capsuleers in it's affairs, in nearly every case where it has, I have been intrinsically involved.
Graelyn > I was there with Golan Trevize when the Tribals failed to stop the Imperial Apocalypse; I stormed through Sarikusa's final defenses in the Bleak Lands alongside Admiral Sarum to end the Blood Wars
Graelyn > I hunted the Tetrimon Order when they crossed the border, defended them at the behest of the Theology Council, then oversaw thier deaths and the destruction of thier heretical texts within my own anchored structures.
Graelyn > Bricks of the Tal-Romon Cathedral sit safely in my vaults.I have worked with Heirs, Admirals, and Grandmasters, been witness to both glory and atrocity, and been the solemn keeper of many secrets.
Graelyn > That is my Fucking Name.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #141 on: 14 May 2017, 03:12 »

 [ 2017.05.11 05:24:56 ] Synthetic Cultist > Elsebeth Rhiannon.
 [ 2017.05.11 05:25:13 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Synthia?
 [ 2017.05.11 05:25:42 ] Synthetic Cultist > in YC 115 you Said: [ YC115.09.20 17:22:43 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Dear gods, remind me to not attempt a joke on the IGS.
 [ 2017.05.11 05:25:51 ] Synthetic Cultist > You are Reminded.
 [ 2017.05.11 05:25:57 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > /emote laughs
 [ 2017.05.11 05:25:59 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > Thank you.
 [ 2017.05.11 05:26:04 ] Coulter Phelps > Wow.
 [ 2017.05.11 05:26:34 ] Elsebeth Rhiannon > I actually needed that; I was just considering answering commander Drant's "blah blah blah is Treason" with "yeah! let's!"
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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #142 on: 01 Jun 2017, 15:29 »

Ooooh, I remember this game!

 [ 2016.08.15 23:21:16 ] Johlie > I want to kill you all so much. *chuckles*
 [ 2016.08.15 23:21:35 ] Vlad Cettes > Fuck: Diana Kim/Marry: Tarques Prime/Kill: Johlie
 [ 2016.08.15 23:21:36 ] Sakura Nihil > I hear it's just a means of communication, no?
 [ 2016.08.15 23:21:51 ] Jason Galente > Hahaha.
 [ 2016.08.15 23:21:55 ] Sakura Nihil > ...annnd that was not an expected outcome.  My...
 [ 2016.08.15 23:21:58 ] Jason Galente > Why would you kill Johlie?
 [ 2016.08.15 23:22:04 ] Ereka Nihil > /emote seems to look physically ill
 [ 2016.08.15 23:22:07 ] Diana Kim > HOW DARE YOU!!! I am Caldari Officer!!
 [ 2016.08.15 23:22:46 ] Vlad Cettes > /emote grins> Expected human outcomes confirmed
 [ 2016.08.15 23:22:46 ] Jason Galente > I love how Diana pretends to hate all of this.. yet she's listening intently.
 [ 2016.08.15 23:23:10 ] Sakura Nihil > /emote smirks - I think Vlad just played us like an instrument.
 [ 2016.08.15 23:23:17 ] Jason Galente > Yeah, he's a troll.
 [ 2016.08.15 23:23:23 ] Jason Galente > This is a known fact.
 [ 2016.08.15 23:23:26 ] Jason Galente > It's also great.
 [ 2016.08.15 23:23:29 ] Sakura Nihil > A successful one, that said.
 [ 2016.08.15 23:24:03 ] Jason Galente > Alright: mentioned parties, drink!
 [ 2016.08.15 23:24:11 ] Jason Galente > Diana, you can drink milk from a sippie cup.

I used to be so much more savage. What happened to me? :L


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #143 on: 10 Jun 2017, 12:27 »

[18:15:27] Mizhara Del'thul > Could always just call us Mizhara and Mizhir?
[18:15:34] Francophobia > Oh thats cool. Yeah i would still be into it if i had a team to root for.
[18:15:52] Jason Galente > I just realized something.
[18:16:01] Jason Galente > This Miz Miz thing gets even worse when you consider 'Miss'.
[18:16:03] MantelGlobalIndustries > Hmm, I see that Templis won. Jolly good.
[18:16:07] Jason Galente > How the hell are you two still sane?
[18:16:17] Mizhara Del'thul > Otherwise I'll have to insist on Miz of the Shifting Snows, the Wise and Terrible, the carrier of the Divine Arse, Esquire.
[18:16:28] Trii Seo > /emote reappears > Raaaaaah!
[18:16:31] Jason Galente > "Excuse me, Miss?"  "Yes?"  "No, not you."
[18:16:40] Mizhara Del'thul > Well Jason, Miztakes are occasionally made.
[18:16:50] Jason Galente > I despise you.
[18:16:51] Mizhara Del'thul > People tend to Mizbehave.
[18:16:56] MantelGlobalIndustries > Would they be classed as a crime or a mere Mizdemeanour?
[18:17:17] Mizhir > You brought this upon yourself Mizter Galente
[18:17:21] Jason Galente > /emote mutes his feed, covering his face with a couch pillow
[18:17:26] Mizhara Del'thul > People Mizappropriating our names is a burden our kind must bear.
[18:17:31] Mizhara Del'thul > /emote looks appropriately sad.
[18:18:12] MantelGlobalIndustries > One could easily be Mizled whether some chap refers to Mizhir as 'Miz', with Mizhara present.
[18:18:24] Trii Seo > 'sup.
[18:18:33] MantelGlobalIndustries > Oh, greetings Trii.
[18:18:35] Francophobia > Hi
[18:18:48] Mizhir > Greetings mizz Seo
[18:19:11] Mizhara Del'thul > I think we broke Jason.
[18:19:14] Jason Galente > /emote fumbles with his neocom controls for about a minute, struggling to turn off his feed from behind the pillow, before eventually succeeding
[18:19:38] Mizhara Del'thul > Honestly, with the fish fucking thing, I am surprised it didn't happen sooner.
[18:19:55] Lunarisse Aspenstar > /emote flickers in.
[18:20:08] Veikitamo Gesakaarin > Hmm. I guess Jason is... biting the pillow.

Never not Miz pun.

Sakura Nihil

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #144 on: 10 Jun 2017, 13:56 »

So let me get this straight... if I took a shot at the two standing together in a room and missed, you might say that I Missed Miss Miz and Miss Miz Milling about?


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #145 on: 10 Jun 2017, 17:47 »

I am actively sad that I wasn't there for this :(

Ché Biko

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #146 on: 11 Jun 2017, 06:39 »

I am actively sad that I wasn't there for mizzed this :(
Fixed. Hope you feel less mizerable now.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #147 on: 29 Mar 2018, 19:14 »

 [ 2018.03.30 00:52:15 ] Rafal Vausienne > It really is a good show. Goofy at times, but in that self-aware sort of way that works.
 [ 2018.03.30 00:52:17 ] Kalaratiri > /emote winks > Tell your friends
 [ 2018.03.30 00:54:29 ] Rafal Vausienne > Um, I'm Rafal Vausienne and Republic Fleet Firetails is my favourite holo while docked at this citadel?
 [ 2018.03.30 00:58:08 ] Rafal Vausienne > That was terrible of me, I'm so sorry.
 [ 2018.03.30 00:59:05 ] Kalaratiri > /emote laughs > I wouldn't worry. The show has been running for a good few years now, I imagine it will survive your assistance
 [ 2018.03.30 01:04:08 ] Rafal Vausienne > Well, I hope it does! Where else can I see a fictional version of you during the Firetail best grill bbq competition say, "Now gaze upon my woks, and this pear."?
 [ 2018.03.30 01:04:40 ] Kalaratiri > /emote visibly wilts > Tell me you made that up
 [ 2018.03.30 01:05:11 ] Kalaratiri > I haven't watched every episode. Please tell me that isn't a real line.
 [ 2018.03.30 01:07:55 ] Rafal Vausienne > Well, I guess if you don't watch the holiday special during season 5 you can pretend like it never happened?
 [ 2018.03.30 01:10:04 ] Kalaratiri > /emote growls > I'm going to make somebody eat that script
 [ 2018.03.30 01:11:28 ] Kalaratiri > /emote disconnects

Thanks to Rafal for this, I got a good laugh out of it  :lol:

"Eve roleplayers scare me." - The Mittani

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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #148 on: 23 Apr 2018, 12:47 »

I don't expect to return to these forums after a hiatus to see what I saw. Jason, you're not funny, those logs were awful, grow up.

Carry on folks.


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Re: The Good RP Logs Thread!
« Reply #149 on: 22 May 2018, 14:43 »

[20:30:50] Catherine Gillot > /emote leaves her tea behind > Let's go... you should... um... practice on not looking so lesbian... now that you have a boyfriend...
[20:32:08] Mizhir > /emote looks shocked "Do I look like a lesbian?"
[20:32:50] Catherine Gillot > /emote returns the lesbian-in-sign-language look > Not at all... not at all...
[20:33:15] Mizhir > /emote laughs "what?"
[20:33:30] Catherine Gillot > Nothing... nothing...
[20:34:15] Mizhir > Like do I look lesbian? Is that why it seems so easy for me to find women to sleep with?
[20:34:35] Catherine Gillot > Yes, and your body language literally screams "LESBIAN".
[20:35:03] Mizhir > Ohh

Apparantly Miz got lez vibes.
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