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Author Topic: GW2: What's Your Story?  (Read 953 times)

Rin Kaelestria

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GW2: What's Your Story?
« on: 15 Nov 2011, 16:25 »

Yup, I said it, Guild Wars 2. An MMO that's fantasy based rather then Sci Fi. Why I mentioned it is, after seeing Kat's reply about it in another thread, I'm rather curious as to how many people here are also looking forward to it's release as well as planning on playing it. Curiousity also leads me to wonder what race people will want to play as as well as what profession.  :P  I'll be an example and start off.

Race wise, I'd go with Charr. In the first Guild Wars, the Charr were the enemies of all, burning most of Ascalon down in the event called "The Searing" as well as partially responsible for the sinking of the city of Orr. 250 years that lead to the GW2 game, they're a playable race, and more of their history is flushed out. Having read about their history, it's more appealing to play as this race of previous enemies. Not to mention they're just monsterous feline people. ;)

Profession is subject to change, but right now, I'm leaning more towards trying out the Thief. It's sort of like the Assassin class from Guild Wars: Factions, but there are differences. From what I've seen of those differences, I like.

Use the link above if you're curious about the game at all. Most of the professions have been released, and all the playable races have been expanded on info wise.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: GW2: What's Your Story?
« Reply #1 on: 15 Nov 2011, 17:05 »

I'll assume you're talking about me, when you say "Kat". I'm fairly vocal about my love for the game.

I'll be returning with my male warrior, Tiberius. Six foot seven, over three hundred pounds of rock solid muscle. Gentle giant, war weary old man. I used to roleplay with him in GW1, and he ended up being a sort of Living Eternal of Balthazar. Meaning, he's immortal, paving the way for his return in GW2 some two hundred years later.

Should be interesting. I may just retire him though. Or I may make some new characters named after my other more recent MMO characters. Meryl and Katrina.

Ghost Hunter

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Re: GW2: What's Your Story?
« Reply #2 on: 16 Nov 2011, 00:33 »

I've been debating, if I pick it up, either roll my human Necromancer or something entirely new for GW2. The Charr is very yes to my interests, they were awesome in GW1.

I've been considering just rolling a new Charr character as I've not been following the GW storyline for my Necromancer. The timeline alone seems to mandate a new character anyway, though.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Rin Kaelestria

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Re: GW2: What's Your Story?
« Reply #3 on: 16 Nov 2011, 16:05 »

I'll assume you're talking about me, when you say "Kat". I'm fairly vocal about my love for the game.

Yup, was talking about you. :)  I liked my elementalist from GW1, but I don't know if I'll be making a human elementalist this time around. Maybe a sylvari one, for when I need something different from the Charr toon.

Little bit of background history with me and GW. It's the first MMO I got into, starting off with the Factions game, and then I got the other expansions. I played that MMO for two years straight, and enjoyed every moment of it till it got too repetative. Elementalist with a fire flavor was my toon of choice (I did learn to use the other elements, though), but my ranger and dervish were fun, too. Sadly, never got into much of the RP element in that game, though I tried briefly once I joined CV. <_<

So, yeah. All jazzed up about the next game. It's gonna be great, especially if I get to run with people I know, new and old to the GW series.  :cube:

I've been debating, if I pick it up, either roll my human Necromancer or something entirely new for GW2. The Charr is very yes to my interests, they were awesome in GW1.

I've been considering just rolling a new Charr character as I've not been following the GW storyline for my Necromancer. The timeline alone seems to mandate a new character anyway, though.

I considered a Necromancer, too, but for now I think I'll stick with Thief. But, yeah, the Charr are awesome. I recall how much of a pain in the rear they use to be, and it'll be a nice flip side to actually play one. Especially a female charr, as they weren't present in the first game.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: GW2: What's Your Story?
« Reply #4 on: 16 Nov 2011, 16:23 »

My current main character for guild wars is Tiberius Septim. I want to change away from the 'Septim' name, because I hated how ultrapopular Oblivion got. I wanted it to be an obscure reference to The Elder Scrolls, but oblivion brought the Septim name to the average console gamer.

"lol u like oblivon?" <--- raaaaage!

So I need to figure out a new last name for him before I port him to GW2.

Rin Kaelestria

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Re: GW2: What's Your Story?
« Reply #5 on: 17 Nov 2011, 13:26 » This link here I showed to another last night, and he thought it was pretty nifty despite the quality of the stream that made this. Basically it's a 15 minute long video that briefly touches on human character creation, but mostly it touches on charr character creation as well as the newbie experiences for charr players. There is explanitory dialogue from one of the developers through out this thing, as well.

Also going to throw out there that there's a TON of videos on YouTube involving GW2. Trailers, showing off the homeslands for the different races, a few racial introductory videos, and even some of the PvP experiences. Go take a look, you might be impressed.